OPRT will carry out testing and analysis of DNA of tunas landed in Japan as one of its projects for fiscal 2008. The project, entrusted by the Fisheries Agency, the Government of Japan, will be implemented jointly with the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries.
Until last year, OPRT has been conducting tuna DNA testing and analysis independently. The project was enlarged this year as a government-entrusted program, by increasing the number of cases of testing and analysis. Especially,testing of processed frozen tunas shipped by container vessels, which have been increasing in recent years, will be reinforced. The purpose of this project is to prevent imports into Japan of tunas cought in violation of resource management measures of regional fisheries management organizations, by analyzing tuna DNA and verifying tuna species and the areas of catch.
It is also aimed to enable Japan, as a responsible tuna fishing and consuming nation, to contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of resource management measures implemented by regional fisheries management organizations.
Previously, there was a case of exposure by DNA testing that bigeye tunas caught in the Atlantic were landed in Japan under false reporting as tunas from the Pacific. In this respect, therefore, DNA testing and analysis at the time of landing will have an important and effective role in preventing illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing activities.
Source: OPRT NewsLetter International August 2008, No. 20
Until last year, OPRT has been conducting tuna DNA testing and analysis independently. The project was enlarged this year as a government-entrusted program, by increasing the number of cases of testing and analysis. Especially,testing of processed frozen tunas shipped by container vessels, which have been increasing in recent years, will be reinforced. The purpose of this project is to prevent imports into Japan of tunas cought in violation of resource management measures of regional fisheries management organizations, by analyzing tuna DNA and verifying tuna species and the areas of catch.
It is also aimed to enable Japan, as a responsible tuna fishing and consuming nation, to contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of resource management measures implemented by regional fisheries management organizations.
Previously, there was a case of exposure by DNA testing that bigeye tunas caught in the Atlantic were landed in Japan under false reporting as tunas from the Pacific. In this respect, therefore, DNA testing and analysis at the time of landing will have an important and effective role in preventing illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing activities.
Source: OPRT NewsLetter International August 2008, No. 20