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Showing posts with label Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia. Show all posts

Monday, 11 October 2010

Reformasi Birokrasi

Prioritas pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia 2010 – 2014 perlu didukung oleh pembangunan, infrastruktur, pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi, pembangunan sumber daya manusia, reformasi birokrasi, reformasi hukum, pembangunan SDA dan LH.

Bidang prioritas yang perlu difokuskan adalah 1) Peningkatan ekspor, 2) Peningkatan investasi, 3) Optimalisasi pengeluaran pemerintah, 4) Peningkatan industri, 5) Peningkatan pertanian, 6) Pengembangan sektor tersier, 7) Stabilitas moneter, 8) APBN yang berkelanjutan, 9) Stabilitas sektor keuangan, 10) Peningkatan kesempatan kerja, 11) Pengurangan kemiskinan, 12) Pengembangan UKM.

Terdapat 15 faktor penghambat bisnis di Indonesia. Faktor yang paling menghambat bisnis di Indonesia adalah Birokrasi Pemerintah yang tidak efisien. Salah satu usaha kita untuk memperbaiki faktor penghambat dimaksud (Birokrasi pemerintah yang tidak efisien), Kementerian Pertanian Pemerintah Indonesia telah mencanangkan Reformasi Birokrasi.

Titik berat Reformasi Birokrasi adalah perbaikan manajemen dan peningkatan Pelayanan Publik yang dilakukan secara simultan. Langkah ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi pegawai dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah.

Latar belakang Kementerian Pertanian Segera Melakukan Reformasi Birokrasi adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Kementerian Pertanian bersifat holding type organization dengan permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, sehingga memerlukan harmonisasi untuk mencapai sinergi dalam mewujudkan visi dan misinya.
  1. Kementerian Pertanian memiliki kantor vertikal dan tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan langsung kepada masyarakat.
  1. Jumlah pegawai Kementerian Pertanian yang cukup besar sekitar 25.000 orang.
  1. Tuntutan publik yang semakin tinggi akan profesionalisme birokrasi.
  1. Otoritas pelayanan publik di dunia Internasional pada umumnya telah memberikan pelayanan kepada publik secara efektif dan efisien.

Pengertian Reformasi Birokrasi:

Pembaharuan dan perubahan mendasar terhadap sistem penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, terutama menyangkut aspek-aspek : kelembagaan (organisasi), ketatalaksanaan (business process), dan sumber daya manusia aparatur.

Kriteria instansi pemerintah yang memiliki kinerja tinggi :

Memiliki visi dan misi organisasi yang jelas.

Memiliki perencanaan secara sistematis dan aspiratif serta berdasarkan kinerja.

Memiliki manajemen dan prosedur kerja yang jelas.

Adanya konsistensi antara perencanaan dengan pelaksanaan.

Berorientasi pada hasil kegiatan dan manfaat kegiatan.

Menjalankan Tupoksi secara konsisten.

Memiliki disiplin, loyalitas dan etos kerja yang tinggi.

Memiliki kinerja pelayanan publik yang optimal.

Peraturan perundangan yang menguatkan akan keharusan Lembaga Kementerian memberikan pelayanan publik yang optimal dalam komtek reformasi pelayanan publik yang pembverian amanat lembaga kementerian, memberikan pelayanan.

Undang-undang RI No. 14 Tahun 2008 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi publik.

  1. Undang-undang RI N0. 25 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pelayanan Publik.
  2. Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 53 Tahun 2010 Tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
  3. Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 61 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pelaksanaan UU No. 14/2008 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik.
  4. Peraturan Menteri Negera Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & Reformasi Birokrasi No. 7 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Unit Pelayanan Publik.
  5. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No. 22/Kementan/OT.140/5/2009 Tentan Pedoman Penilaian & Pemberian Penghargaan Abdi Bakti Tani bagi Unit Kerja Pelayanan Publik berprestasi di Bidang Pertanian.

Arah kibijakan reformasi birokrasi

Visi :

Terciptanya tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik tahun 2025

Misi :

(1) Membentuk dan atau menyempurnakan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai landasan hukum tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik;

(2) Memodernisasi birokrasi pemerintahan dengan optimalisasi pemakaian teknologi informasi dan komunikasi;

(3) Mengembangkan budaya, nilai-nilai kerja dan perilaku yang positif;

(4) Mengadakan restrukturisasi organisasi (kelembagaan) pemerintahan; (5) Mengadakan relokasi & meningkatkan kualitas SDM termasuk perbaikan sistem remunerasi;

(6) Menyederhanakan sistem kerja, prosedur & mekanisme kerja;

(7) Mengembangkan mekanisme kontrol yang efektif

Tujuan Umum

Membangun profil dan perilaku aparatur negara yang berintegritas tinggi, produktif, dan mampu memberikan pelayanan yang prima kepada publik/masyarakat

Tujuan Khusus

Membangun birokrasi yang bersih, efektif, efisien, transparan dan akuntabel dalam melayani dan memberdayakan masyarakat


• Mengubah pola pikir (mind set)

• Mengubah budaya kerja (culture set)

• Mengubah manajemen pemerintahan

Titik berat Reformasi Birokrasi yaitu perbaikan manajemen dan peningkatan Pelayanan Publik yang dilakukan secara simultan.

Langkah tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi pegawai dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The targets of agricultural development

After the 1998-1999 economic crises, the agriculture sector is now in a phase of accelerated growth. The agriculture sector has proven to be more resistance to external shock than other sectors. The agriculture sector has been playing a role as a buffer of the national economy, particularly in supplying food; export earning, job opportunity and poverty alleviation. To maintain program sustainability and to keep growth momentum as well as utilize development result, agricultural development program and activities plan is formulated by Ministry of Agriculture.

There are three main targets of agricultural development which must be reached in the next five years namely:
1. The improvement of national food security covering improvement of production capacity of agricultural commodities and decreasing the dependency to food import around 5-10 percent of domestic demand.
2. The improvement of value added and competitiveness advantage of agricultural commodities covering the improvement of the qualities of agricultural products, the improvement agricultural product processing diversification and the increase export and export surplus of agricultural product
3. The improvement of farmer welfares covering the increased on labor productivity in agricultural sector and lower poverty incidences.

In the period of 2005-2009, agricultural sector needs investment of RP 77.07 trillion or RP 14.40 trillion per year. Job opportunities created by agricultural sector in 2009 will be 97.47 percent of job opportunities in agricultural sector. In value added and competitiveness, it will increase the production efficiency reflected by decreasing the growth of production cost per unit by 5 percent per year.

The growth of food crops production is projected to increase around 0.35 - 6.50 percent per year. Production of paddy will increase from 55.03 million tons in 2005 to 57.71 million tons in 2009. Corn production will increase from 11.82 million tons in 2005 to 13.97 million tons in 2009. The percentage of poor people in rural areas will decrease from 18.90 percent in 2005 to 15.02 percent in 2009.

Under the Japan Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement, Indonesia will be able to export its farm products to Japan as the latter will cut import tariffs on the products or scrap them within 15 years. In exchange, Indonesia will also cut or scrap import tariffs on Japanese products in stages within the next 15 years. Indonesia and Japan as the two countries sign an economic partnership agreement (EPA) which went into effect on July 1, 2008.

In cooperation of agriculture and fisheries will be stressed in 4 projects: Improvement of post-harvest handling and marketing facilities; Standardization and quality control for horticulture products of Indonesia; Project for sustainable Indonesian fisheries product competitiveness; Technical assistance to small and medium enterprises in Indonesian fish and shrimp industry.

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Registration of pesticides

Based on: Chapter V of Minister of Agriculture decree N0. 434.1/Kpts/TP.270/7/2991 concerning Procedure of registration, there are 3 stages of procedure of registration, as follows:
1) Technical Data Submission
a. Written registration applications with sufficient stamped submitted officially to Director General of Agriculture Facility by the use of application forms (See: Registration Data). The application must complete all requirements according to regulation of pesticides registration requirements (See: Registration Requirements).
b. The registration application can be accepted if the applications meet all registration requirements as described in the forms of registration.
c. After receiving complete documents Director General of Agriculture Facility by advice and recommendation of Pesticides Committee have to complete examination and evaluation within 30 working days.
d. Based on advice and recommendation of Pesticides Committee, within 14 working days. Director General of Agriculture Facility granted Trial Clearance, Postpone Letter, or Refusal Letter to registration holder.
e. In case of suspension or detention of application Director General shall inform the applicant with sufficient reasons on written notice.
f. Th e Applicant will be granted prolonged opportunity to complete or renewal all

2) related document once Director General issuing the notice.

Pesticide Quality Test
a. Pesticides quality test are submitted by accredited research institutes or laboratory By National Accreditation Committee, The Agency for National Standardization (See: Laboratory of Quality Test) to Director General of Agriculture Facility and then Director General within 7 working days should carry out evaluation by using standard method which is regulated by Director General of Agriculture Facility based on advice and recommendation of Pesticides Committee. If the pesticides quality test met all requirements, then the pesticides quality test will be sealed and submitted to the registration holder.
b. After receiving the sealed pesticides quality test, the registration holder should immediately submit the samples to the accredited research institutes or research institutes appointed by Director General of Agriculture Facility to carry out Efficacy and Toxicity Test. In carrying out the tests, the research institutes must follow the standard methods which are regulated by Director General of Agriculture Facility.

3) Technical Data Evaluation
a. The reports of Efficacy and Toxicity Test should be submitted by the registration holder to Director General of Agriculture Facility for conducting further evaluation assisted by Pesticides Committee in-Criteria line with technical data evaluation procedures (See: Technical Criteria for Pesticides Registration).
b. Based on recommendation of Pesticides Committee, Director General of Agriculture Facility should propose the concept of Minister of Agriculture Decree within 90 working days.
c. The Minister of Agriculture Decree with regards to the number of registration and Provisional clearance is set up when:
a) Further tests on its safety to the environment and human health are needed;
b) The present of efficacy data was done by other institution.
d. The pesticides registration method above mentioned mutates mutandis are also valid to pesticides technical substances and pesticides for export unless for efficacy test, environment toxicology, resistance, resurgence and residue content then the above pesticides registration method are not required. The application form for registration, see Registration Data.
Maximum Pesticides Residue Limit (MRLs) is the maximum concentration of residue to be legally permitted or acceptable concentration in or on agricultural commodity, food or animal feed. The MRL’s expressed in mill grams of the residue per kilogram of agriculture product.

Objectives of Pesticides Supervision
Objectives of Pesticides Supervision, as follows :
1) To protect the human safety,
2) To protect natural sustainability and environment,
3) To secure the pesticides quality and effectiveness, and
4) To protect the pesticides formulation holder, retailer and the user.

Object of Pesticides Supervision

Object of Pesticides Supervision, as follows:
1) Quality and quantity of pesticides products, conducted by inspection quality and quantity of technical ingredient, formulation, package, wrap and label either domestic product or import.
2) Pesticides Residue, conducted through inspection of residue contain on agriculture products.
3) Environment, conducted by validity examination on environment effect during registration period as well as pollution impact caused by the use of pesticides.
4) Accident and working healthy, conducted by inspection of working accident during production process, distribution, storage, transportation as will as the use and dispose of pesticides.
5) Efficacy and resistances, conducted by inspection of efficacy and resistance level caused by pesticides uses.
6) Negative effect on human health, condition of plants, animal and wild animal, monitored by inspection of victims.
7) Permission and other documents, conducted by inspection of all permissions and other documents.
8) Publication on printing and or electronic media, conducted by inspection of advertisement, label, and brochures.
9) Facilities and equipments, conducted by inspection of building, storage, disposal treatment, machineries, equipments for production, storage, transportation and the use of pesticides.

Monday, 2 July 2007

Agricultural and Fisheries Trade Policies

1. Introduction

Indonesia has taken significant steps to liberalize its trade, investment, and regulatory regimes in several key sectors during the period under review, although the scope of the liberalization has affected some sectors more than others.

Agriculture supports the largest segment of the Indonesian population and the poor, and has a primary role in achieving the objective of poverty alleviation. The two thirds of farming households in Indonesia who are net consumers of rice were adversely affected when the Government announced a seasonal import restriction on rice from January 2004, which has been extended repeatedly and effectively become permanent. Indonesia has removed a number of licensing restrictions affecting agriculture. Sanitary and phytosanitary and food quality regulations have led to import restrictions, particularly on animals and animal products and other food items requiring a halal certificate. In the forestry sector, the ban on log exports was reinstated in a bid to stem losses from the smuggling of illegally felled logs, which is thought to account for more than half of output from the sector. However, this may not adequately address environmental damage caused by illegal logging and may instead depress prices, thereby encouraging domestic processing of wood-based products.

The 2001 liberalization of the oil and gas sector has allowed foreign firms to enter the oil market, particularly in exploration and production; private companies are now allowed to open retail outlets for fuel. Pertamina's monopoly on importing and distributing fuel has been lifted, and refining, storage, and transport have been liberalized; Pertamina was scheduled to be privatized in 2006. An electricity law passed in September 2002 envisaged an end to the state electric company's monopoly on electricity distribution and the possibility for private companies, both local and foreign, to sell power directly to consumers within five years. In January 2005, however, the Constitutional Court announced that the law was unconstitutional and it was annulled.

Indonesia's average applied MFN tariffs for the manufacturing sector have been reduced, but certain industries (e.g. chemicals, fabricated metal products, motor vehicles, motor cycles, bicycles) continue to be subject to high rates. In the textiles and clothing sub sector, average MFN tariff protection has dropped to 10.3%. However, since 2002, under a decree concerning textile import arrangements, only companies that have production facilities using imported fabrics as inputs for finished products may obtain import licences. There are no limits on foreign ownership in the automotive sector and no local-content requirements or incentives. Tariff barriers have also been lowered, although they remain high by international standards.

The financial sector has undergone major restructuring and reform since the financial crisis in 1997-98. The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) oversaw substantial consolidation during its six years of operation, but a large portion of the banking system remains in government control. During the period under review, Indonesia has continued to make progress towards establishing a strong and competitive private banking sector although the two biggest state banks still have weak governance and large non-performing loans (NPLs). According to Bank Indonesia, total banking sector NPLs as a percentage of total loans rose to 9.3% in 2006 compared to 8.2% in 2003. Banks still dominate the financial system, accounting for 80% of financial assets but the strengthening of non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) - such as insurance companies, finance companies and pension funds, while small for a country of Indonesia's size - has become a key policy imperative, as articulated in the 2006 financial sector policy reform package. The development of NBFIs promises to increase access to low-cost financial services and mobilize domestic savings and channel them into profitable investments.

Indonesia has been undertaking significant policy reform in the telecommunications sector. This has brought about increased private sector and foreign participation. The two main carriers, PT Telkom and PT Indosat, which are 65% and 16% state-owned, respectively, have been partially sold to private investors. Competitive licences have been awarded for the provision of GSM mobile services, Internet services, and other value-added services.

Given its size and island structure, Indonesia faces considerable challenges in establishing the extensive transport infrastructure essential for its economic and social development. Road development policy is focused on increasing road capacity and quality by strengthening main national road corridors and providing better access to less developed and remote areas. Ports are generally inefficient, imposing additional time and costs on domestic cargoes and exports. While the main airports function well, increased transport demand due to deregulation and the proliferation of low-cost airlines is putting pressure on capacity at medium and small-sized airports.

Agriculture (including animal husbandry, fishing, and forestry) accounted for almost 13% of GDP in 2006; it remains the most important sector in terms of employment, providing livelihoods for over 44% of the workforce, which indicates that labour productivity in agriculture is only one fifth of the level in the rest of the economy. The country has a vast range of mineral resources, which have been exploited intensively, enabling the mining sector to make an important contribution to exports. The manufacturing sector began to expand rapidly in the mid 1980s and by 2006 accounted for 28% of GDP. More recently, the services sector has grown, boosted by the travel and tourism industry; in 2006 it accounted for over 40% of GDP and employed nearly 38% of the working population.

2. Agriculture and Forestry

(i) Features

Agriculture represented 12.9% of Indonesia's GDP and 44.5% of the labour force in 2006, is home to the largest segment of the Indonesian population and the poor, and has a primary role in achieving the objective of poverty alleviation, rural development and employment creation. Agricultural trade accounts for 16.7% of exports and 11.5% of imports. Indonesia is the world's largest producer of coconuts, second largest producer of copra, palm kernels, palm oil, and natural rubber, and the third largest producer of rice. Production is concentrated in the islands of Java, Sumatera, and Sulawesi. Smallholder farms (with an average size of one hectare) occupy the largest share of cultivated land (87%) and grow mostly food crops, accounting for 90% of total rice and maize output. Large-scale farms, state- or privately owned, account for a small share of agricultural output, but the larger share of agricultural exports, such as rubber, palm oil, coffee, and cocoa. Agricultural GDP is dominated by food crops (52%); rice production dominates these crops with over 54 million tonnes in 2006.

Indonesia is a net exporter of agricultural products, with palm oil and rubber accounting for the majority of exports in volume terms. Indonesia is the world's second largest producer of crude palm oil; with exports worth around US$4.5 billion it has become Indonesia's most important cash crop. Indonesia is the world's second largest producer of rubber, exporting approximately 90% of its production with total rubber exports exceeding US$3 billion in 2005. It is also the world's third largest producer of cocoa with an estimated 13% share of the world market; both foreign and domestic investors are currently active in cocoa production. Imports are more diversified with high volumes of soybean and sugar; also, a high proportion of imports is in animal feed (oilseed cake) and raw material for exports (cotton). In 2003, Indonesia was the world's biggest importer of rice, importing 13.5% of world trade; it was the third biggest producer, after China and India, with 8% of world production. Due to the current rice import ban, apart from the quantities imported by BULOG to replenish Government stockpiles, only limited registered quantities of rice were imported during 2006.

(ii) Main developments

The Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) 2004-09 identifies the main constraints to growth in the agriculture sector as including: relatively high poverty and low welfare of farmers; inadequate incentives to invest in production increases; low level of technology transfer for the processing of products, resulting in low productivity; high dependence on rice consumption as the major food crop; and lack of basic infrastructure and poor access to markets and services. As part of the MTDP, the Government has initiated a plan for revitalization of the agriculture sector with the objective of achieving annual average growth of about 3.5% during 2004-09 and increased incomes and well-being of farmers. The plan calls for increasing investment in key infrastructure, in particular farm-to-market roads and irrigation; encouraging diversification into higher-value-added crops; improving agricultural research; and better ensuring that exports meet world standards.

With almost two thirds of poor household heads working in agriculture, increasing agricultural productivity is essential for broad-based poverty reduction. Historically, agriculture has performed well and contributed significantly to Indonesia's growth, bringing with it increases in employment and a reduction in poverty. It achieved this by focusing on the staple food crops rice, corn, sugar, and soybeans. However, with productivity gains of most food crops slowing down significantly, and with the majority of farmers operating less than half a hectare, these crops provide less potential for generating additional employment and income growth. According to the World Bank, total factor productivity growth in agriculture has been negative since the early 1990s, from annual gains of 2.5% in 1968-92 to annual contractions of 0.1% from 1993 to 2000.

(a) Border measures

Tariff protection and binding commitments

In the Uruguay Round, Indonesia bound 100% of all agricultural lines; the number of bound tariff lines increased to 1,500 compared with only 65 before the round. In general Indonesia's tariffs are applied at levels well below bound rates. The average bound tariff is 47% and the average applied tariff is 8.7%. The difference between bound and applied tariffs varies among sectors. There is little difference between bound and applied tariffs for beverages and spirits but in other sectors the applied tariff is about one tenth the bound rate.

Initially set at zero (under Indonesia's IMF commitment on food items), the tariffs on rice and sugar were raised when BULOG's monopoly over imports was eliminated. Tariffs on the various types of sugar have been reduced in conjunction with a plan to restructure the sugar processing industry, including the closure of inefficient state-owned sugar mills; in 2003 the Government switched from an ad valorem to a specific tariff in order to deal with under-invoicing practices in particular. In the case of rice, the tariff was set at a specific rate of Rp 430/kg in 2000 (with an ad valorem equivalent at around 30%). Although meant to be temporary, the tariffs on sugar and rice are still in effect.

Non-tariff border protection

During the period under review, Indonesia had removed a number of licensing restrictions affecting agriculture. Those remaining include alcoholic beverages ; these may eventually have to be eliminated unless Indonesia is granted special exemptions. Indonesia had granted sole import rights for rice, soybeans, sugar, wheat flour, and garlic to BULOG, the national food logistics agency, and sole import rights for cloves were granted to the BPPC, a cloves marketing agency. Indonesia notified the WTO that BULOG operates as a state-trading enterprise within the meaning of Article XVII of GATT. The purpose of establishing Perum Bulog as a state trading enterprise (STE), is to support domestic rice producers, to stabilize the price of rice at consumer and producer levels in implementing its statutory functions, the agency engages in domestic procurement, sales/distribution, import/export, and management of rice reserve stock holding.

Sanitary, phytosanitary, and food quality regulations have led to import restrictions, particularly on animals and animal products and other food items requiring a halal certificate.

(b) Domestic support measures

Indonesia maintains a number of domestic programmes that are classified as domestic supports under the Agreement on Agriculture. These include general services, programmes to promote agricultural development, stock holding and administered price systems for some commodities, and domestic food aid. Most of these programmes appear to fall under the Green Box, as notified to the WTO.

(iii) Selected items

The agriculture sector can be divided into five broad sub-sectors: food crops, cash crops, animal husbandry, fishing, and forestry. The predominant food crops are rice and other food staples such as maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, and soybeans, and have traditionally been cultivated on relatively small landholdings. Indonesia is also an important producer of a wide range of cash crops, including rubber, palm oil, copra, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, and tobacco. Most of these commodities are grown on commercial plantations and are destined primarily for export.


Rice is the most important food crop and the preferred staple of the great majority of Indonesians. It has always been the main focus of Indonesia's policy on agriculture and food security; at the heart of the policy has been the Government's endeavour to stabilize the price of rice by intervening in the market to defend a ceiling price for consumers and a floor price for producers, and by controlling trade (Box IV.1). Self-sufficiency was attained briefly in 1985 and again since 2004, but in the intervening years Indonesia became one of the world's largest rice importers. During the period under review, the Government has come under increasing pressure to deal with rice farmers' complaints of low prices, particularly during harvests, which they have tended to blame on the abundance of cheaper rice imports. In January 2004, the Government announce that rice imports would be banned for six months to protect farmers during the main harvest. The ban was subsequently extended and remains in place as strong harvests from 2004 to 2006 have reduced the need for imports. In 2005, Indonesia produced 54 million tonnes of un-husked rice, equivalent to 32.4 million tonnes husked. Domestic requirements are estimated to be approximately 32 million tonnes.

Maintaining stable rice prices is critically important for the poor, as rice constitutes 24% of their consumption. Two thirds of farming households in Indonesia are net consumers of rice, that is, they consume more rice than they produce. High rice prices were detrimental to the poor during the crisis in 1997/8 when the collapse of the rupiah led to a surge in the domestic price of trade able goods consumed by the poor, most importantly the price of rice. The Government restored relative macroeconomic stability in 2001, strengthening the rupiah and bringing down the price of rice as a result. During the period under review, mostly due to shortages as a result of the ban on rice imports, the price of rice surged about 30% above international prices, rising 55% between February 2005 and March 2006, far ahead of other domestic food prices and was considered to be the main factor in the increase in the poverty headcount in 2006 . In 2006, local rice cost over 40% more than rice imported from Viet Nam (Table IV.5).

had an explicit mandate to ensure price stability and was given monopoly import rights to enable it to achieve this. Growing inefficiency at Before the economic crisis, Indonesia had a good record for stabilizing rice prices: the real price of rice had been kept roughly at or near the world price for 20 years. During this period BULOGBULOG , together with the economic crisis led to the collapse of the rice stabilization scheme. At the end of the 1990s, BULOG lost its monopoly; import licences were granted to general importers with no quantity limits, and the private sector was responsible for over half of Indonesia's total rice imports.

The fertilizer subsidy comes indirectly in the form of a gas subsidy to the nitrogen/urea factories and in 2006 amounted to Rp 3,006 billion. The gas subsidy reduces factory prices enabling smallholder farmers (mostly food crop farmers) to obtain affordable fertilizer prices. The amount of gas subsidies is limited to the production needed by smallholder farmers. The Government determines the ceiling prices for the outlets where farmers obtain the fertilizer.

The Government also subsidizes some food crop seeds for rice, maize, and soybean. Two state-owned companies PT Sang Hyang Seri and PT Pertani were assigned as suppliers of subsidized seed for the period 1986-06 (regulated in the Minister of Finance Decree No. 100/PMK/2005). In 2006, the amount of the subsidy was Rp 165 billion, enabling farmers to pay lower prices. In 2007, the MOA plans to provide subsidized seeds directly to farmer, with a total subsidy value of roughly Rp 1.7 trillion.

To facilitate access to financial services, the Government provides subsidized credit to smallholder farmers. Farmers pay interest at 9% per annum, and the Government pays the difference between the commercial and the subsidized rates. With this scheme, smallholder farmer are expected to have more access to commercial bank financing as credit risks are shared among the Government, commercial banks and farmers.

To provide an incentive to rice farmers, the Government determines the rice procurement price (HPP), usually before the beginning of planting season (around October). In 2006, the procurement price was Rp 3,350 per kg or around US$365 per tonne.
The Government is facing difficulties in imposing high import tariffs on rice to protect its domestic farmers and rice industries. The specific import duty of Rp 430 per kg has been bound since 2000. However, illegal imports and the black market are two major challenges, due to the low price of rice outside the borders, rendering tariff protection and restrictive import policies less effective.

There was a brief period of free trade in rice between January 1999 and December 2003, initially with no tariff and then with a specific tariff of Rp 430/kg. From January 2004, the Government announced a seasonal import ban, which has been extended repeatedly so that is has effectively taken on the character of a permanent ban. BULOG became a state-owned enterprise and, while it claims to no longer have a mandate to stabilize prices, has responsibility for purchases and sales from BULOG stocks. The authorities indicate that BULOG has the capacity to absorb around 5% of total domestic rice production.


In 1982, international recognition of the concept of the archipelago State permitted Indonesia to declare the waters separating the many islands to be an exclusive economic zone, thereby giving the country undisputed control over the vast marine fisheries resources of this area. These resources began to be developed in 1987, both through licences issued to foreign fishing fleets and the encouragement of private investment in the fishing industry. Particular emphasis was given to shrimp and tuna fisheries. Nevertheless, productivity in the sea-fishing industry has remained low while over-fishing in some areas has threatened to deplete fish stocks. Illegal fishing, by foreign and domestic operators, has also been a serious problem, causing both environmental damage and revenue losses estimated at about US$2 billion per year.

Fishing is also of great importance in the subsistence economy and fish provide an estimated two thirds of the animal protein in the Indonesian diet. However, there is a widening gap between supply and demand for fish. Many marine fisheries are in decline with the productivity of coastal reef fisheries threatened by the use of destructive fishing techniques and poaching. The fisheries in western Indonesia are operating at or above the maximum sustainable yields, leaving little room for further expansion in commercial fisheries.

Commercial effort is focused on high-value species such as prawns and tuna. Fishing in Indonesia accounted for 2.4% of constant-price GDP in 2004. The value of shrimp exports alone stood at US$824 million in 2004, with the total value of fish exports at around US$2 billion. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and 81,000 km of coastline, which provide an excellent resource for brackish-water shrimp farming to support the growth of shrimp exports. Japan is the largest export market for Indonesian shrimp, followed by the EC and the United States. One of the most critical challenges faced by the industry relates to quality standards imposed by developed country importers, including freedom from antibiotic contamination; Indonesian shrimp growers lack the capacity to comply. Other problems are the low productivity and high cost of production of domestic shrimps, which have caused difficulties in managing cheap shrimp imports from the likes of China, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Agricultural Development Plan


 Agricultural Development Plan of Republic of Indonesia 2005-2009


After the 1998-1999 economic crisis, the agriculture sector is now in a phase of accelerated growth.

Agricultural sector is a prime mover of national and most of regional economic development through its role in GDP’s growth and export earning, providing food and raw material for industry, creating job opportunity and increasing income for the people.

The agriculture sector has proven to be more resistance to external shock than other sectors.

The agriculture sector has been playing a role as a buffer of the national economy, particularly in supplying food, export earning, job opportunity and poverty alleviation.

To maintain program sustainability and to keep growth momentum as well as utilize development result, agricultural development program and activities plan is formulated.


1.1. Performance 2000-2004

Agricultural Sector Performances

a. GDP Growth :
1983-1997 (before crisis) : 1.57 % per annum
1998-1999 (during crisis) : 0.88 % per annum
2000-2003 : 1.83 % per annum
2003-2004 : 3.23 percent

b. Agricultural Production

Productions of paddy, corn, groundnut, cassava and sweet potato have increased by 0.53, 3.38, 3.22, 2.81 and 2.35 % per annum.

Production of Soybean has decreased by 18.48 percent per annum.
Paddy production:54.06 million tons (increase by 3.69 %) Corn: 11.16 million tons (2.54 %); Soybean : 721 thousand tons (7,40 %); Cassava : 19,263 million tons (3.99 %); Sweet potato has decreased by 5.13 %

During the same period
2000-2003 : growth rate of broiler and layer were 23.4 and 10.27 % per annum, respectively

During crisis those commodities had experienced contraction of 28.23 % and 8.92 % per annum respectively.

C. Export and Import

The average export value was US $ 5.1 billion
Average import value was US $ 4.6 billion
Average balance of payment surplus of US $ 0.5 billion
Import had been drastically declined, in such the average balance of payment surplus of US $ 1.4 billion

Export has been increasing so that balance of payment surplus has reached US $ 2.2 billion

June 2004
Import value of paddy had been decreasing from 1.4 million tons ( US $ 291 million) to only 0.17 million tons (US $ 0.4 million).
Import value of corn had been decreasing from US $ 160 million to only US $ 80 million.
Import value of soybean has been increasing from US $ 370 million in 2003 to be US $ 383 million in 2004.

d. Farmers Welfare
In 1998, multi dimensional crisis caused the increased of number of poverty to 26 % (32 million persons) of rural population and 22 % (18 million persons) of urban population.
In 2004, number of poverty has drastically decreased to 19.5 % (25 million persons) of rural population and 12.6 % (13 million persons) of urban population.
Absolute number of poor farm household had been decreasing from 26 million persons in 1999 to 20.6 million persons in 2002.

e. Food Security
In 2003, food import dependency (calorie) was in the range of 0 percent for poultry meat, eggs, sweet potato and cassava to 2.2 percent for rice.

The higher import dependency was for sugar 1.69 percent, soybean 1.51 percent and corn 1.25 percent.

The higher import dependency was for sugar 1.69 percent, soybean 1.51 percent and corn 1.25 percent.

Thus, in general national food security is strengthened.
Food security at household level

Energy supply, having significantly declined from 2002 cal/capita/day in 1996 to 1852 cal/capita/day.
In 2002, energy supply has significantly increased to 1986 cal/capita/day.

Protein supply, having declined from 54.41 gram/capita/day in 1996 to 48.67 gram/capita/day in 1999, protein supply was then increased to 54.42 gram/capita/day in 2002.

The above performance is among other due to contribution of various policies, programs and activities implemented by all institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture, supported by various related institutions and stakeholders in general.

2.2. Implementation of Agricultural Development Management
Development reformation which demands good governance, requires agricultural management adjustments.

The adjustment of development planning mechanism is shifted from top-down planning to be based on top-down policy and bottom-up planning integration.

Before decentralization era, agricultural development planning process was carried out by central, was mechanistic and less participative

Agricultural development program and budgeting break down is formulated in line with government by providing more opportunity for the community to participate

Monitoring and evaluation system (MES)

MES is established as an instrument of program implementation control.

MES does not evaluate physical and financial substances aspects only, but it also covers performance in line with evaluation standard using logical framework performance (input, output, outcome, benefit and impact).

EMS is designed to be compatible to formulate government institution performance report (LAKIP).


3.1. Changes on Strategic Environment

a. International Changes on Strategic Environment
(1) Liberalization and Unfair International Trade
Awareness of international trade role for the benefit of community welfare has stimulated various neighboring countries establish regional economic cooperation body which has an interest to build common strong economic.

Through economic integration, it is hoped that trade barriers either in the form of tariff or non-tariff barriers among the members can be reduced or eliminated, so that trade mobility of goods and services as well as investment among countries within the area become borderless.

After ratifying General Agreement on Tariff and Trade and World Trade Organization
Indonesia has to follow the rule that has been ratified.

Indonesia has reduced all of agriculture commodities import tariff.

Commitment to abolish economic and trade policies which distorted market, in fact were not followed by all countries.

Indonesian farmers faced unfair competition with other countries’ farmers who were protected through tariff and non-tariff as well as indirect and direct subsidy.

Government has to apply protection subsidy while at the same time promote strategic agricultural products such as rice, sugar, corn and soybean.

Protection policy that could be implemented, among others: application of import tariff and import management, production input subsidy, output price regulation and interest subsidy for farming credit scheme.

For promotion policy
Government facilitates efforts to improve productivity, business efficiency and quality; as well as agricultural product standardization and increasing market access through promotion activities both in domestic and abroad.

(2) Production system and management change
A radical change in market structure and job opportunity which have an implication on the new market formation :
Basic human need will be fulfilled and people preferences have shifted to secondary and tertiary needs, so that the future tendency is that services market will grow faster than goods market;

People income will be higher, which in turn they will prioritize their satisfactory needs, so that market segmentation will move toward smaller individual groups
Shifting in demand among individual in the same goods and services market.

Strong competition to obtain market share
Businessmen will develop Supply Chain Management (SCM), which integrate all business actors from all segments of supply chain vertically into joint business (cooperation) based on agreement and standardization of specific process and product for every supply chain.

Key of product competitiveness among supply chain is efficiency on every supply chain segment and functional relation among segments in maintaining consistency of every actor in filling agreement and standard use.
Vertical integration among supply chain segments and horizontal integration among actors within one segment, for instance integration among producers, integration among distributors, and integration among collectors within one same supply chain, are needed.

International agreement on protection to intellectual property right (IPR)

Domestic enterprises which use foreign IPR and trade mark have to pay for royalty based on mutual agreement.

Multi-national enterprises will expand to domestic market, either through direct investment or franchising

Franchising and trade mark leasing in the field of domestic consumption product, such as fried chicken and hamburger will increase consumption pattern change and create tight competition with national original products.

Franchising and trade mark leasing could benefit in increasing agricultural product market share and competitiveness
It has also positive impact for the development of domestic agribusiness.

(3) Strengthening Food Security and Poverty Alleviation
One important commitment of Rome Declaration in 2002 is emphasized on the importance of agriculture and rural development in eliminating poverty and hunger.
Agricultural and rural development plays a key role in strengthening food security, because 70 percent of the poor in the world are living in the rural and engage in agriculture sector.

Poverty alleviation and hunger elimination can only be done through rural and agriculture development sustainability which could increase agriculture productivity, food production and people purchasing power.

(4) Progress in Technology Invention and Application
The fast progress is occurred in the field of crops and animal biotechnology which is supported by progress of biology molecular science.

Success of transformation and organism regeneration of genetically modified organism (GMO) have opened opportunity for the germ source based industrial development.

The utilization of GMO in relation to food security and food safety is still controversial.

The absent of strong and convincing conceptual and empirical knowledge has resulted in hesitation of decision maker to apply GMO.

Most countries apply permissive policy or precautionary policy to the use of GMO.
This controversy has caused difficulties for developing countries, in facing the pressure from donor countries, organization and multinational cooperation related to the use of GMO.

In the field of agriculture equipment and machinery, to face competition, robotic farming machinery has been developed.

In the field of post harvest, advanced technology such as product quality sensing without damaging product by using image analyzer for high commercial value agricultural product has also been developed.

Fast expansion of using satellite in the data collection, including Geographical Information
System (GIS), could be used in land use planning research related to agricultural commodities distribution and production, natural resource management as well as poverty alleviation.

b. National Changes on Strategic Environment

(1) Demand for Food and Industry Raw Material
Increasing demand for agricultural products, in term of quantity, quality and diversity
Increasing labor force
Increasing demand for land for non-agriculture use (residential, industrial, economic infrastructure)

Land fragmentation and declining acreage landholding per household which in turn will increase poverty in agricultural sector in the future.
The economic gap between rural-urban is remaining high

Number of poor people in the rural remains higher than urban people
This condition provides our understanding that poverty and vulnerable problems handling in the next 5 years remain to be the main priority.

(2) Natural Resources Scarcity and Quality Degradation

Main problems faced in the agricultural development are:
Land conversion
Land rent gap among regions (Java vs. outside Java; urban vs. rural, paddy land vs. dry land)
High rate of urbanization growth

Due to decreasing paddy field in down stream area, while the number of farmers increasing, has stimulated increasing farming intensity in up-stream area, and has caused river basin quality degradation.

Declining irrigation canal efficiency has caused food productivity leveling off in paddy field.
Combined impact of decreasing arable land and irrigation canal efficiency has caused declining national food production capacity.

(3) Development Management: Regional Autonomy & People Participation
The dominant government role in the past has shifted to only become facilitator, stimulator and promoter of agricultural development.

Agricultural development during the regional autonomy era will depend on the people creativity in each region.

Policy formulation process will also change from top down and centralistic toward bottom-up and decentralized approach.

Total reformation demands governmental institution reconstruction based on good governance principles with three main characteristics, i.e., credibility, accountability, and transparency.

Development policy democratization and KKN prevention through good governance will reduce high economic cost and market distortion (monopoly) due to policy blunder.
Economy will be more efficient while business growth will be based on real competitiveness rather than due to government protection and support.

3.2. The Problems
Scarcity and Declining Natural Resources Capacity

Weak and Inappropriate Target of Technology Transfer System
Inadequate Access to Business Services, Particularly Capital

Long Marketing Chain and Unfair Marketing System
Low Quality, Mentality and Skill of Farmers
Weak Farmers Institution and Bargaining Position
Macro Economic Policy, Which is not yet Supporting Agriculture

3.3. The Challenges
Optimization of Agricultural Resources Uses
Food Security Improvement and Provision Industrial Raw Materials

Reducing Unemployment and Alleviating Poverty
Implementation of Sustainable Development

Trade Globalization and Investment
Agro-industry Development up to the Village Level

Central and Regional Program Synchronizations Inline with Regional Autonomy
Good Governance

3.4. The Targets

There are three main targets of agricultural development which must be reached in the next five years namely:

the improvement of national food security covering improvement of production capacity of agricultural commodities and decreasing the dependency to food import around 5-10 percent of domestic demand

the improvement of value added and competitiveness advantage of agricultural commodities covering the improvement of the qualities of agricultural products, the improvement agricultural product processing diversification and the increase export and export surplus of agricultural product

the improvement of farmer welfares covering the increased on labor productivity in agricultural sector and lower poverty incidences.

a. Specific target GDP according to sub sector is as follows
Food crops sub sector GDP will increase from RP 77.0 trillion in 2005 to RP 79.0 trillion in 2009.
Horticulture sub sector GDP will increase from RP 46.0 trillion in 2005 to RP 53.0 trillion in 2009.

Estate crops sub sector GDP will increase from RP 48.0 trillion in 2005 to RP 61.0 trillion in 2009.

sub sector GDP will increase from RP 28.0 trillion in 2005 to RP 33.0 trillion in 2009.

b. Investment
In the period of 2005-2009, with GDP target as mentioned previously, agricultural sector needs investment of RP 77.07 trillion or RP 14.40 trillion per year.

Food crops sub-sector needs investment of RP 30.05 trillion or RP 5.08 trillion per year on the average.

Horticulture of RP 9.92 trillion or RP 1.98 trillion per year on the average
Estate crops of RP 20.52 trillion or RP 4.10 trillion per year on the average and livestock of RP 16.12 trillion or RP 3.22 trillion per year on the average.

c. Employment Creation
In the period of 2005-2009, labor absorption on agricultural sector is projected to increase from 41.3 million peoples in 2005 to 44.5 million in 2009.

Labor absorption in agricultural sector in 2005 is greater than that of 2004 which reached 39 million peoples.

Job opportunities created by agricultural sector in 2009 will be 97.47 percent of job opportunities in agricultural sector

d. Food Securities
In the period of 2005-2009, the growth of food crops production is projected to increase around 0.35 - 6.50 percent per year.

Production of paddy will increase from 55.03 million tons in 2005 to 57.71 million tons in 2009.
Corn production will increase from 11.82 million tons in 2005 to 13.97 million tons in 2009.
Soybean will increase from 777 thousand tons in 2005 to 1.0 million tons in 2009.

Groundnut production will increase from 832 thousand tons in 2005 to 850 thousand tons in 2009.
Cassava will increase from 19.57 million tons in 2005 to 19.90 million tons in 2009.
Sweet potato production will increase from 1.88 million tons in 2005 to 1.91 million tons in 2009.

In the 2005-2009 period, horticulture production is projected to increase around 2.74 - 8.96 percent
Potato will increase from 1.05 million tons in 2005 to 1.21 million tons in 2009.

Chili production will increase from 1.1 million tons in 2005 to 1.24 million tons in 2009.
Shallot production will increase from 819 thousand tons in 2005 to 1.1 million tons in 2009.

Cabbage production will increase from 1.4 million tons in 2005 to 1.61 million tons in 2009.
Tomato production will increase from 730 thousand tons in 2005 to 873 thousand tons in 2009.
Carrot production will increase from 373 thousand tons in 2005 to 438 thousand tons in 2009.

Production of fruits
Banana will increase from 4.53 million tons in 2005 to 6.07 million tons in 2009.

Mango production will increase from 1.68 million tons in 2005 to 2.23 million tons in 2009.
Orange production will increase from 1.62 million tons in 2005 to 1.84 million tons in 2009.

Durian production will increase from 824 thousand tons in 2005 to 1.15 million tons in 2009.

Papaya production will increase from 665 thousand tons in 2005 to 848 thousand tons in 2009.

Pineapple production will increase from 739 thousand tons in 2005 to 932 thousand tons in 2009.

Avocado production will increase from 298 thousand tons in 2005 to 390 thousand tons in 2009

Estate crops production is projected to increase around 0.79 - 7.09 percent per year

Palm oil will increase from 13.15 million tons in 2005 to 16.74 million tons in 2009.
Natural rubber production will increase from 1.95 million tons in 2005 to 2.34 million tons in 2009.

cocoa production will increase from 637 thousand tons in 2005 to 778 thousand tons in 2009.
Coffee production will increase from 753 thousand tons in 2005 to 892 thousand tons in 2009.

Coconut production will increase from 3.29 million tons in 2005 to 3.39 million tons in 2009.
Pepper production will increase from 101 thousand tons in 2005 to 130 thousand tons in 2009.

Production of seasonal crops
Tobacco will increase from 234 thousand tons in 2005 to 307 thousand tons in 2009.

Sugarcane production will increase from 2.16 million tons in 2005 to 2.85 million tons in 2009.
Livestock production is projected to increase around 0.08-10.25 percent per year

Beef meat will increase from 392 thousand tons in 2005 to 441 thousand tons in 2009.
Buffalo meat production will increase from 46 thousand tons in 2005 to 47 thousand tons in 2009.

Horse meat production will increase from 1,598 tons in 2005 to 1.604 tons in 2009.
Goat meat will increase from 71 thousand tons in 2005 to 77 thousand tons in 2009.

Lamb meat production will increase from 87 thousand tons in 2005 to 98 thousand tons in 2009.

Pork meat production will increase from 191 thousand tons in 2005 to 209 thousand tons in 2009.

Poultry meat will increase from 1.52 million tons in 2005 to 2.01 million tons in 2009.
Egg production will increase from 1.14 million tons in 2005 to 1.60 million tons in 2009.
Milk production will increase from 657 thousand tons in 2005 to 971 thousand tons in 2009.

The agricultural development target for 2005-2009
Food consumption diversification shall consider Balanced Dietary Pattern (BDT):
Increasing food consumption diversification.

Decreasing dependency at one specific staple food. (BDT) target in 2009 is 96.6 percent.
BDT: grain 52.6 %, oil and fat 10 %, tuber 5.7 %, animal source food 11.2 %, oily seed 3 %, pulses 4.8 %, sugar 5 %, vegetable and fruit 5.7 %, and other food sources 3 %.

e. Value Added and Competitiveness
Agricultural trade balance is projected to increase from US $ 3.9 billion in 2005 to US $ 7.7 billion in 2009 or increase by 17.11 percent per year.

The total foreign currency obtained from agriculture sector is projected to increase from US $ 7.8 billion in 2005 to US $ 12.3 billion in 2009.
On the period of 2005-2009, it will increase the production efficiency reflected by decreasing the growth of production cost per unit by 5 percent per year.

f. Farmers Welfare
In the period of 2005-2009, labor productivity on agricultural sector is projected to increase from RP 4.80 million in 2005 to RP 5.08 million per capita per year or increase by 1.4 percent per year on the average.
The percentage of poor people in rural areas will decrease from 18.90 percent in 2005 to 15.02 percent in 2009


4.1. National Medium-term Development Plan:
(1) Agricultural revitalization
(2) The improvement of investment and non-oil export
(3) Macro economic stabilization
(4) Poverty alleviation
(5) Rural development
(6) Improvement of natural resources and environment management

Agricultural revitalization is directed to increase:
The ability to produce rice domestically around 90-95 percent of total demand
Food production and consumption diversification
Food availability from animal sources
Value added and agricultural production competitiveness
Production and export of agricultural commodities

4.2. General Strategies
To Bring About Clean Development Management, Transparent and Free From KKN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism)
To Improve Coordination in Preparing Policies and Agricultural Development Management
To Expand and Utilize Production Bases Sustainable
To Improve Institutional Capacities and Empower Agricultural Human Resources
To Improve the Availability of Agricultural Infrastructure
To Improve Innovation and Dissemination of Appropriate Technology
To Promote and Protect Agricultural Commodities

4.3. The Policies Directions
There are strategic policies which need to be stressed and need immediate action are:
Conducive macroeconomic policies, i.e. low level of inflation, stable exchange rates, and positive real interest rates.
Agricultural infrastructure development covering development and rehabilitation of irrigation systems, agricultural land expansion, especially in out of Java, prevention of land conversion especially in Java, development of farm roads, and other infrastructures.
Financing policies to develop financial institution primarily serving agricultural sector, micro financial institution, syariah financial scheme, and others.

Trade policies which promote market activities both for domestic and export. In addition to protect agricultural sector from world market competitions, we need: (a) to promote the concept of strategic products (SP) in WTO forum; (b) Tariff application and non tariff barrier for rice, soybean, corn, sugar, some horticultural products and livestock
Industrial development policies which is stressed to increase value added and farmer’s income.
Conducive investment policy to stimulate more investment in agricultural sector.

Development budget prioritized for agricultural sector and its supporting sectors.
Regional government attention to agricultural development which covering: agricultural infrastructures, empowering agricultural extension, institutional development on agriculture, eliminating various impediments (tax, fees) which can reduce the agricultural sector competitiveness, and providing sufficient regional budget allocation.

Monday, 9 April 2007

Situasi Industri Biji-bijian Berminyak Jepang


Jepang memproduksi makanan berbahan kedelai seperti tahu, kecap asin, miso, susu kedelai dan sebagainya dari sekitar 1 juta ton kedelai pertahunnya. Produksi kedelai untuk proses makanan berbahan kedelai pada tahun 2001 adalah 271.000 ton. 80.000 ton kedelai produksi dalam negeri lainnya digunakan langsung sebagai makanan. Lebih dari 700.000 ton kedelai diimpor untuk membuat makanan berbahan kedelai. Areal tanah yang digunakan untuk menanam kedelai bagi bahan makanan meningkat dari 61.000 ha di tahun 1994 menjadi 144.000 di tahun 2001


Selain kedelai Jepang juga memproduksi 23.000 ton kacang dan 700 ton biji lobak pada tahun 2001 (Sumber: Statistik Jepang)


Produksi kedelai tahun 2001 menunjukkan kenaikan sebesar 14,7% dibandingkan tahun 1995, sedangkan untuk kacang dan biji lobak terjadi penurunan masing-masing sebesar 2,0% dan 8,6% pada periode yang sama

Konsumsi kacang adalah 160.000 ton yang 25.000 sampai 30.000 tonnya diproduksi di dalam negeri. Impor kacang mentah adalah sekitar 50.000-60.000 ton, dan impor kacang yang sudah diproses adalah sebesar 75.000 ton pada tahun 2001. Seluruh kacang digunakan untuk makanan terutama makanan ringan


Secara umum produksi biji-bijian berminyak dalam negeri Jepang tidak berhubungan dengan industri minyak nabati. Kedelai dan kacang produksi dalam negeri dijual untuk makanan dan tidak diproses untuk pembuatan minyak nabati


Kebijakan pemerintah untuk biji-bijian berminyak di sektor makanan dan pembuatan minyak sangat berbeda. Industri minyak nabati menerima proteksi terhadap produk luar tetapi tidak mendapatkan insentif di dalam negeri. Sedangkan industri biji-bijian berminyak untuk makanan menerima insentif pemerintah tetapi tidak menerima proteksi kecuali untuk kacang. Subsidi pemerintah untuk biji-bijian berminyak bagi keperluan produksi makanan diperkirakan sebesar 24 milyar Yen (222 juta dolar Amerika) pada tahun 2000 dan telah meningkat pada beberapa tahun terakhir.