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Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Indonesia to Open 50,000 New Rubber Plantations


 Indonesia to Open 50,000 New Rubber Plantations Until 2010


Jakarta - Indonesia plans to rejuvenate 250,000 hectares of traditional rubber plantations and create 50,000 new plantations starting this year until 2010 in an effort to become the world''s largest natural rubber producer, an industry spokesman said.

Sudarto Mangunkusumo, executive director of the Association of Indonesia Rubber Companies (Gapkindo), said here on Monday the government would provide up to Rp2 trillion for the project.
He said Gapkindo had suggested that the government speed up the issuance of land certificates to the people so that they could have access to bank loans.

Indonesia should be fast in the effort so that it would not lose the momentum, he said, adding that China was already trying to invest in the development of three million hectares of rubber plantations in Indochina to meet its future needs.

"In 25 years, China will have three million hectares of rubber plantations in Indochina. If a hectare could produce a ton of rubber China''s need later will be met. So where will we sell ours," he said.
He said Gapkindo had also suggested that the government provide the seeds for the program.
If the program was successful the country''s natural rubber production would rise from 2.9 million tons in 2010 to 3.5 million tons in 2015.

Based upon data from the National Industry Roadmap 2010 and Vision 2030 of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2005 the country''s natural rubber production reached 2.27 million tons mostly coming from traditional plantations (1.8 million tons) while 210,000 tons from state-owned PT Perkebunan Nusantara plantations and 222,000 tons from private plantations. 


Guangxi Province Interested in Investing in Indonesia


 China’s Guangxi Province Interested in Investing in RI Sugar Industry


Jakarta - The Guangxi Province in China is exploring possibilities of investment in the sugar industry in Indonesia, Industry Minister Fahmi Idris said.

"They are interested in building a sugar mill and open sugarcane plantations in Indonesia," Fahmi told the press after a meeting with Liu Qibao, a Guangxi provincial administration official, here on Monday.

He said the government will soon issue a policy on investment in the sugar industry under which those wishing to set up sugar mills in the country are also required to build sugarcane plantations. Investors would be given three years to prepare their sugarcane plantations.
Fahmi said, in his meeting with Liu Qibao, he had suggested that the Chinese investor set up a sugar mill and open a sugarcane plantation in Merauke district, Papua.

Merauke was a good location for the Chinese investment as vast tracts of land suitable for sugarcane planting were available there, he said. (Source: Antara 15/05/07)

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Indonesia is a FMD Free Country Since 1990

Indonesian Policy on the Prevention of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)


The first outbreak of FMD in Indonesia occurred in East Java in 1887 which spread out to many parts of the country. The second outbreak in 1962 occurred in Bali and was reported sporadically up to 1966. Since then no cases was reported for at least 10 (ten) years. In 1973 there was an outbreak in Jembrana, Bali due to illegal movement of buffalo from Banyuwangi, East Java. The last out break occurred in Blora, Central Java in 1983 and within 2 (two) weeks the whole provinces in Java became infected.

In 1986 Indonesia was stated as FMD free country and officially recognized by Office International des Epizooties (OIE) in 1990.

At the end of February and March 2001 an outbreak of FMD was erupted in some European countries and South America preceded by FMD outbreak in the United Kingdom followed by outbreaks in France, the Netherlands and Republic of Ireland, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The outbreak of FMD in Europe and South America has caused an importation ban on some commodities by other countries.

Considering the FMD outbreak in 2001 which occurred in Europe and South America, in order to safeguard the free status of FMD, Indonesia has implemented some actions as follows :

1. Strict restriction on importation of animal, animal products and related products from FMD infected countries through a Circular Letter from the Minister of Agriculture No. TN 510/94/A/IV/2001 concerning Refusal and Preventive Actions on the Introduction of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) (attached) which regulates the following criteria:

• total ban for some commodities from countries where the outbreak still exist.
• temporary ban for certain commodities from certain countries where outbreaks are under controlled
• total ban lifting, where the country has been officially declared as free of FMD by Office International des Epizooties (OIE).
The implementation of importation ban will be evaluated bi-weekly which focused on the progress of disease situation and control conducted by infected countries.

2. Conducting serological surveillance every year by Center for Biologic Products and field monitoring conducted by 7 (seven) Disease Investigation Center (DIC). Field monitoring is also done by diagnostic laboratories in the provinces and districts level particularly in the border areas with infected countries such as Malaysia and the Philippines, whereby the results are always negative.

3. Strict control on visitor movement who come from FMD outbreak countries at international airports and seaports. Obligation for passengers to declare on carrying belongings of animal origin and disinfections of passenger’s footwear. Disposal of garbage of aircraft and ship in port area are also implemented properly.

4. Public Awareness Campaign are conducted through electronic mass media and newspapers and distribution of leaflets and brochures for passengers from abroad, posters at airports and sea ports, extension for farmers, stakeholders and consumers related to the hazard of FMD.

5. Develop "Emergency Center for FMD" which coordinates communication between institution concerned and private sectors/stakeholders either in Indonesia or with other countries.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Jepang Bebas Penyakit CSF per 1 April 2007


 Jepang Bebas Penyakit Classical Swine Fever 1 April 2007


Menurut berita mingguan dari Kementerian Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan Jepang no. 664 20 April 2007, Jepang telah menjadi negara bebas dari penyakit classical swine fever pada tanggal 1 April 2007 setelah memenuhi persyaratan dari OIE code.

Classical swine fever merupakan penyakit menular akut pada babi yang pernah menyebar diseluruh Jepang akan tetapi wabah penyakit ini telah menurun tajam setelah dilakukan pengendalian penyakit ini dan penggunakan vaksin hidup yang dimulai tahun 1969.

Sejak tahun 1992 sudah tidak terdapat wabah penyakit ini. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, program pemberantasan telah diperkenalkan secara bertahap sejak tahun 1996 untuk menetapkan tindakan pengendalian tanpa vaksinasi sehingga dilakukan pemberantasan penyakit ini secara penuh dengan cara bekerjasama dengan pemerintah propinsi dan kabupaten, produser dan semua organisasi terkait.

Sebagai salah satu rangkaian tindakan yang telah dilakukan yaitu pelarangan vaksinasi sejak 1 April 2006 dan diikuti pengamatan penyakit ini. Setahun kemudian dilaporkan hasil program pemberantasan penyakit tersebut kepada organisasi dunia Office International des Epizooties (OIE). Jepang telah menjadi negara bebas dari penyakit classical swine fever pada tanggal 1 April 2007 setelah memenuhi persyaratan dari OIE code.

Bagaimana kalau kita ikuti langkah Jepang ini. Atau kita hanya ingin bernostalgia saja bagaimana beratnya usaha kita membebaskan penyakit foot and mouth disease di Indonesia.

The history of classical swine fever in Japan including its countermeasures

1888 The disease whose main symptom was infectious pneumonia and enteritis broke out in Hokkaido.
In the following year it was confirmed as the first occurrence of classical swine fever in Japan. It had occurred almost every year since then.

1920 The inactivated vaccine with carbolic acid glycerin was implemented and improved step by step.

1932 The greatest number of animals was affected in Japan. (41,018 heads)

1966 The greatest number of animals was affected in Japan following World War II. (24,406 heads)

1969 National Institute of Animal Health had developed inactivated live vaccine and implemented. Through the organizational vaccination campaign, the outbreak was sharply decreased.

1992 The last outbreak of classical swine fever in Japan had observed in Kumamoto Prefecture

1996 Classical swine fever eradication program began. Watching the disease, through-going vaccination, confirmation of eradication after stopping vaccination, and the reinforcement of import quarantine were planned.

1999 Vaccination had stopped in 3 prefectures (Tottori, Okayama, and Kagawa).
32 prefectures had stopped vaccination until April 2000.

2000 Except with the approval of governor of prefectural government, all vaccines were stopped in principle on October 1st. The importation of pork etc. from countries and areas using vaccines was halted.

2006 The guidelines on control measures for specific domestic animals infectious disease with classical swine fever was established in late March. All vaccinations were completely banned from April.

2007 On April 1st, according to the OIE code, Japan became a classical swine fever free country.