Report of Indonesia in 17th Meeting of the OIE Sub-Commissi on for
Foot and Mouth Disease Control in South East Asia and China (SEACFMD)
Indonesia, 7-11 March 2011
declared its freedom from FMD in 1986 and it was recognised by OIE in 1990. In
order to maintain the free status of FMD, control programme implemented is
mainly focused on surveillance, emergency preparedness (simulation exercise)
and public awareness.
FMD status
freedom from FMD was recognised by OIE in 1990. The program to maintain the
free status of FMD is
mainly focused on surveillance, emergency preparedness (simulation exercise)
and public awareness.
Report on achievement of objectives of the SEAFMD Campaign
Eight components of SEACFMD strategic plan implemented by Indonesia are summarized as follows :
Report on achievement of objectives of the SEAFMD Campaign
Eight components of SEACFMD strategic plan implemented by Indonesia are summarized as follows :
Component 1:
International co-ordination and support
has been participating in a number of meetings of FMD as well as other
Transboundary Animal Diseases in South-East Asia
Component 2:
Programme Management, Resources and Funding
has agreed to contribute a total amount of US$ 300,000.00 to be paid for 6
years at US$ 50,000.00 starting from 2006.
Component 3:
Public Awareness and Communications
Indonesia has prepared a Guideline of FMD, namely IndoVetPlan on FMD and has
been distributed to the
target persons/institutions. The implementation of the IndoVetPlan is through
the simulation exercise on FMD outbreak, which has been started in 2010.
However, since there is a limited budget to cover the whole participants from
all over Indonesia, the simulation exercise is conducted separately every year
for participants from each big island in Indonesia. The roadmap of the simulation
exercise is as follows:
a. 2010:
Java Island (3-5 August 2010)
b. 2011:
Sumatera Island
c. 2012:
Kalimantan Island
d. 2013:
Sulawesi Island
e. 2014:
Bali, NTB, NTT, Maluku and Papua
conducting a simulation exercise, brochures, stickers and leaflet are also produced
to increase the public awareness and communication. Externally, Indonesia has attended Communications
Workshop, and the communication person has been choosen.
Component 4:
Disease surveillance, diagnosis, reporting and control
Every year
the National Centre for Veterinary Biologics (Pusvetma) Surabaya is conducting
a routine surveilans for FMD, and
supported by 8 regional Disease Investigation Center (DIC).
Component 5:
Policy, legislation and standards to support disease control and zone
A new law
has been established, namely Law number 18 year 2009 on Animal Husbandry and
Animal Health. This law is replacing the Law number 6 year 1967.
Component 6:
Regional research and technology transfer
research was initiated by The Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Science
research activity is conducted as part of degree studies in collaboration with
Component 7:
Livestock sector development including private sector integration
involvement of private sectors sectors for disease control is obvious. A number
of private companies have been
participating on HPAI controls. It shoud also be working for FMD.
Component 8:
Monitoring and evaluation
monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) of over all animal health program are mainly
conducted by routine MONEV activities by Directorate General of Livestock and
Animal Health Services (DGLAHS) and Provincial District Livestock Services. Externally,
assessment of veterinary services in Indonesia has been conducted by OIE on the
PVS programme.
Author and
Director of
Animal Health, Directorate of Animal Health,
General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS),
Ministry of
Agriculture, Indonesia,
7 March 2011
Source :
SEACFMD 17th OIE Sub-Commission Meeting, Bali, Indonesia
SEACFMD 17th OIE Sub-Commission Meeting, Bali, Indonesia
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