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Thursday, 4 November 2010

Jarak Pagar Buat Ramah Lingkungan


Proyek Pengembangan Ramah Lingkungan dengan Aneka Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas) di Indonesia

Pada hari Senin, tanggal 18 Oktober, bertempat di Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia, telah diselenggarakan upacara penandatangan kontrak proyek bantuan hibah grassroots melalui LSM Jepang “Pengembangan Ramah Lingkungan dengan Aneka Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas) di Indonesia (Tahap III)” (jumlah bantuan maksimal USD432,783). Pada acara penandatanganan ini, hadir untuk menandatangi kontrak, Duta Besar Jepang untuk Republik Indonesia, Kojiro Shiojiri dan Direktur Perwakilan LSM APEX (Asian People’s Exchange), Bapak Nao Tanaka.

Kabupaten Sikka, provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang terletak di bagian timur Indonesia, merupakan wilayah yang sangat gersang, banyak lahan tidurnya, bahkan banyak penduduk kurang mampu yang tinggal disana. LSM Jepang APEX melaksanakan “Proyek Pengembangan Ramah Lingkungan dengan Aneka Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas) di Indonesia” di Sikka. Proyek yang berdurasi selama 3 tahun ini, selain mempromosikan penanaman jarak pagar dengan partisipasi masyarakat setempat dan menyelenggarakn penghijauan, juga bertujuan meningkatkan pendapatan penduduk lokal dengan menjual biji tanaman tersebut. Secara bersamaan isi proyek ini juga mencakup pemanfaatan energi yang didapat dari hasil proses pembuatan minyak dari biji jarak bagi peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat.

Kontrak yang ditandatangani kali ini merupakan proyek tahun ke-3. Selama 2 tahun terakhir, seluas 320 hektar tanah telah ditanami tanaman jarak pagar, bahkan hasilnya kelihatan yang mana Jatropha Center yang telah selesai dibangun sebagai fasilitas untuk membuat minyak dari biji jarak telah selesai. Proyek pada tahun ke-3 bertujuan untuk memulai kegiatan model pengembangan lokal secara menyeluruh berdasarkan hasil akumulasi yang didapat selama 2 tahun terakhir.

Melalui pelaksanaan proyek ini, selain penghijauan lahan tidur di kabupaten Sikka yang gersang dan banyak lahan tidur, serta merupakan tempat tinggal banyak penduduk kurang mampu, diharapkan dapat memajukan pengembangan lokal dengan partisipasi masyarakat.

Sumber: Press Release, Kedutaan Jepang di Jakarta tanggal 18 Oktober 2010

Monday, 18 October 2010

Alamat Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan

Alamat Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Indonesia


Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan dan Biomedis IPB University

JI. Agatis, Kampus IPB, Darmaga Bogor Telp: 0251 - 8629469, 8629470, 8629471, 8629474 Fax: 0251 - 8629459, 8629460 E-mail:


Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada

JI. Olahraga, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp : 0274 - 7480307; Fax: 0274 - 560861; E-mail:


Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga

Kampus C, Unair Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60155 Telp : 031 - 5993016, 031 5992785 Fax: 031 - 5993015


Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala

NAD - Banda Aceh 23111 Telp :0651-7552517,0651-7551536 Fax: 0651 - 54208


Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana

JI. Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Denpasar - Bali 80364 Telp : 0361 - 701808


Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya

JI. M.T Haryono no: 169, Malang. Jawa Timur 65145 Telp/fax: 0341 - 573642 E-mail:


Program Studi Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Padjajaran Jalan Ir. Soekarno KM. 21, Jatinangor – Sumedang 45363


Program Studi Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

JI. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54, Dukuh Kupang,Dukuh Pakis, SURABAYA 60225 Phone : 031 5689740,031 5615254, 031 5617306, 031 5619708, Fax: 031 5679791 Email :


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Determining Japanese Market Today for Coffee (2)


Determining Japanese Market Today for Indonesian Coffee (2)


2.1. Instant coffee

Japan's consumption of instant coffee is estimated at 39,620 mt in 2007, in which domestic production accounts for some 86% share of the total. Last year Japan imported 7,089 mt of instant coffee, holding a 18% share of total consumption. Approximately 84% of instant coffee is consumed for home use. The remaining shares are divided into industrial use and food service.

Table 7. Japan's instant coffee market (product basis)
Major exporting countries for Japan are shown in the following figure 6. Brazil is the largest exporter, accounting for 46% share of the total imports from 2003 to 2007, followed by Colombia (16%), Ecuador (11 %), Germany (9%), and Philippines (8%). These five countries supply some 90% of import quantity.

Figure 6. Japan's instant coffee import by country; 2003-2007

2.2. Coffee extracts and essence
Coffee extracts or essence is extracted and soluble solids from coffee beans. Those are used by food service or grocery manufacturers to produce coffee-based soft drinks, cakes and confectioneries. Coffee extracts and essence are split into two categories, either sugar-added or sugar-free, and by the category, product size varies significantly. Thus, we estimate the quantity by converting to green bean basis as per the following table.

Table 8. Japan's coffee extracts and essence import, export and consumption, excluding domestic production as part of regular coffee (green bean equivalent)

From the above, Japan's consumption of coffee extracts and essence is estimated at 10,331 mt as green bean equivalent in 2007, excluding domestic production. Supplying countries for Japan are fairly limited. Brazil occupied 95% share of sugar-added extracts and essence imports, and Japan's imports of sugar-free extracts and essence are dominated by Brazil, Malaysia, Columbia, Holland and Indonesia. Coffee extracts and essence are imported principally to fulfill shortage of domestic production.

Figure 7. Japan's coffee extracts and essence import by country; 2003-2007

Regarding sugar-added extracts and essence, there is not any import from Indonesia.

2.3. Chain of Distribution
Some 72% share of the imported green beans is distributed to roasters for production of regular coffee. Distribution of roasted regular coffee is split into three destinations: 1) food manufacturers for various applications, 2) food service sector, such as hotels, coffee shops and restaurants, and 3) retail trades for home use. A 26% share of coffee green beans is distributed to manufacturers for production of instant coffee. The remaining 2% share is a distribution as coffee extracts and essence to various food manufacturers. After manufacturers, various final products are distributed to consumers through retail stores or food service operators. The distribution system is complicated and is outlined in the following diagram.

Figure 8. Distribution channel of coffee (green bean basis)

In the regular coffee market, three major roasters supply more than half of demand for food service and home use. Those roasters own farms in major coffee producing countries and import coffee green beans directly form those owned farms. Smaller roasters purchase green beans from importers. Talking about instant coffee market, because instant coffee manufacturing needs large capital expenditure, manufacturers with full operation from processing green beans to the final products are limited to three manufactures, i.e. Nestle, AGF, Takasago Coffee. Other instant coffee manufacturers import instant coffee in bulk for repacking. Products are distributed to retail stores via distributors and wholesalers.

Either way, import share of processed coffee products is small though all green beans are imported. Japan is a country principally importing coffee green beans and producing various coffee products in Japan, and the market is fairly dominated by large roasters as well as instant coffee manufacturers.

2.4. Consumption
The Japanese coffee market has posted an increasing trend of consumption for past years. Such a growth is seen especially in regular coffee market. It is attributed to continuous development of new products as well as consumers' increasing preference for better tastes. In addition, one of the reasons behind steady growth is the changing coffee shop market. We are seeing that many coffee shop chain operators, such as Starbucks or Doutor, are expanding store network and offering gourmet coffee.

In terms of green been basis, Japan is now consuming coffee of some 440,000mt per year. Although it is matured, the market is sill growing with more potential room for future expansion. In fact, although Japan is the fourth largest importing country in quantity basis, Japan's per-capita consumption remains at a low level. According to International Coffee Organization, Japanese coffee consumption in 2006 was 3.4 kg per-capita, being roughly half of European countries. In this respect, there are potentially more rooms for expansion of coffee consumption in Japan.

Figure 9. Per-capita coffee consumption of major countries, 2006

As earlier described in the regular coffee section, a 41 % share of roasted regular coffee is distributed to food manufacturers, in which some 60% quantity is used for production of coffee drinks. Thus coffee drink consumption influences Japan's overall coffee market. In fact, coffee beverages occupy top position in Japan's soft drink market, accounting for 16% of the total production. In Japan, coffee is consumed as popular soft drink besides consumption at home, restaurants, coffee shops, etc.

Figure 10. Japan's soft drink production by product group; 2006
Despite sluggish sales of canned coffee, total coffee drink consumption has continued to increase for a long term. Also consumption of regular coffee and instant coffee has showed a continuous growth for the same period. Although Japanese market is maturing, coffee consumption is growing and is expected to grow further.

Figure 11. Japan's drink consumption index changes
Increasing coffee consumption is also indicated in Japan's household expenditure. The following graph shows that the Japanese coffee consumption per household has increased in the past years, while average purchasing price at retail trade decreased.

Figure 12. Household expenditure for coffee, 2000-2007
2.5. EPA tariff
Japan and Indonesia signed an Economic Pat1nershipAgreement (EPA) on 20th August 2007 that aims to eliminate tariffs on about 92% of the trade between the two countries, and Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement (JIEPA) went into effect on July 1, 2008.
As far as coffee imports go, the new tariffs of JIEPA took effect on July I, 2008 as per the following table.

Table 9. JIEPA tariff

Source: Japan Customs (Japan's Tariff Schedule as of April 1 2008).
Notes: GSP=General System of Tariff Preferences; JIEPA= Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement. Until the EPA is ratified by both countries, GSP tariff, otherwise WTO tariff, is applicable to Indonesia.
"R": be subject to negotiations provided for in the terms and conditions set out in the note indicated in the each Party's Schedule.
"X": to be excluded from any commitment of reduction or elimination of customs duties and commitment of negotiation.

2.6. Conclusion
• Japan imports coffee in various forms: green bean, regular coffee, instant coffee, and extracts and essence. Total import quantity is estimated at 425,778mt in green bean equivalent for 2007. Japan is the world's fourth largest coffee importer after USA, German and Italy. Coffee is widely consumed in Japan.
• Over 90% of coffee import is coffee green bean. Japan is a country principally importing green bean and producing various coffee products in Japan. Indonesia is the third largest supplier of coffee green bean for Japan.
• Imports of regular coffee and instant coffee are relatively smaller as the market is dominated by domestic roasters or instant coffee Table manufacturers~ Domestic production accounts for 98% of regular coffee consumption and 86% of instant coffee consumption.
• 41 % of roasted regular coffee is distributed to food manufacturers, in which 60% of the quantity is consumed for production of coffee-based drinks. Coffee drinks hold the largest share (16%) in Japan's soft drink market. In Japan, coffee is often consumed as soft drink besides consumption at home, restaurants, coffee shops.
• Although Japan is the world's fourth largest importer, per-capita consumption (3.4 kg) is small, being roughly half of European countries. There are potentially more rooms for expansion of consumption in Japan.
• Indonesia has well established its position in Japan's coffee market. It is the third largest coffee bean exporter for Japan, supplying Robusta mainly for industrial use such as canned coffee and instant coffee.

2.7. Recommendation
Japan's coffee market is more potential to grow because of its smaller per-capita consumption as well as the increasing coffee-based soft drinks. Considering that Indonesian coffee is imported mainly for industrial use in Japan, consistent quality and stable supply shall be essential for expansion. In this regard, Ministry of Agriculture should put more emphasis on quality assurance program, including agrochemical usage, as Japan's positive list system often rejects coffee green bean imports from South America.

Table 10. Japan's green coffee bean import

Source: Pudjiatmoko. 2009. Determining Japanese Market Today for Indonesian Selected Agricultural Products. pp. 15-24. Agricultural Attaché. Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia. Tokyo.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Reformasi Birokrasi

Prioritas pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia 2010 – 2014 perlu didukung oleh pembangunan, infrastruktur, pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi, pembangunan sumber daya manusia, reformasi birokrasi, reformasi hukum, pembangunan SDA dan LH.

Bidang prioritas yang perlu difokuskan adalah 1) Peningkatan ekspor, 2) Peningkatan investasi, 3) Optimalisasi pengeluaran pemerintah, 4) Peningkatan industri, 5) Peningkatan pertanian, 6) Pengembangan sektor tersier, 7) Stabilitas moneter, 8) APBN yang berkelanjutan, 9) Stabilitas sektor keuangan, 10) Peningkatan kesempatan kerja, 11) Pengurangan kemiskinan, 12) Pengembangan UKM.

Terdapat 15 faktor penghambat bisnis di Indonesia. Faktor yang paling menghambat bisnis di Indonesia adalah Birokrasi Pemerintah yang tidak efisien. Salah satu usaha kita untuk memperbaiki faktor penghambat dimaksud (Birokrasi pemerintah yang tidak efisien), Kementerian Pertanian Pemerintah Indonesia telah mencanangkan Reformasi Birokrasi.

Titik berat Reformasi Birokrasi adalah perbaikan manajemen dan peningkatan Pelayanan Publik yang dilakukan secara simultan. Langkah ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi pegawai dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah.

Latar belakang Kementerian Pertanian Segera Melakukan Reformasi Birokrasi adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Kementerian Pertanian bersifat holding type organization dengan permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, sehingga memerlukan harmonisasi untuk mencapai sinergi dalam mewujudkan visi dan misinya.
  1. Kementerian Pertanian memiliki kantor vertikal dan tersebar di seluruh Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan langsung kepada masyarakat.
  1. Jumlah pegawai Kementerian Pertanian yang cukup besar sekitar 25.000 orang.
  1. Tuntutan publik yang semakin tinggi akan profesionalisme birokrasi.
  1. Otoritas pelayanan publik di dunia Internasional pada umumnya telah memberikan pelayanan kepada publik secara efektif dan efisien.

Pengertian Reformasi Birokrasi:

Pembaharuan dan perubahan mendasar terhadap sistem penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, terutama menyangkut aspek-aspek : kelembagaan (organisasi), ketatalaksanaan (business process), dan sumber daya manusia aparatur.

Kriteria instansi pemerintah yang memiliki kinerja tinggi :

Memiliki visi dan misi organisasi yang jelas.

Memiliki perencanaan secara sistematis dan aspiratif serta berdasarkan kinerja.

Memiliki manajemen dan prosedur kerja yang jelas.

Adanya konsistensi antara perencanaan dengan pelaksanaan.

Berorientasi pada hasil kegiatan dan manfaat kegiatan.

Menjalankan Tupoksi secara konsisten.

Memiliki disiplin, loyalitas dan etos kerja yang tinggi.

Memiliki kinerja pelayanan publik yang optimal.

Peraturan perundangan yang menguatkan akan keharusan Lembaga Kementerian memberikan pelayanan publik yang optimal dalam komtek reformasi pelayanan publik yang pembverian amanat lembaga kementerian, memberikan pelayanan.

Undang-undang RI No. 14 Tahun 2008 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi publik.

  1. Undang-undang RI N0. 25 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pelayanan Publik.
  2. Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 53 Tahun 2010 Tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
  3. Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 61 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pelaksanaan UU No. 14/2008 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik.
  4. Peraturan Menteri Negera Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara & Reformasi Birokrasi No. 7 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Unit Pelayanan Publik.
  5. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian No. 22/Kementan/OT.140/5/2009 Tentan Pedoman Penilaian & Pemberian Penghargaan Abdi Bakti Tani bagi Unit Kerja Pelayanan Publik berprestasi di Bidang Pertanian.

Arah kibijakan reformasi birokrasi

Visi :

Terciptanya tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik tahun 2025

Misi :

(1) Membentuk dan atau menyempurnakan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai landasan hukum tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik;

(2) Memodernisasi birokrasi pemerintahan dengan optimalisasi pemakaian teknologi informasi dan komunikasi;

(3) Mengembangkan budaya, nilai-nilai kerja dan perilaku yang positif;

(4) Mengadakan restrukturisasi organisasi (kelembagaan) pemerintahan; (5) Mengadakan relokasi & meningkatkan kualitas SDM termasuk perbaikan sistem remunerasi;

(6) Menyederhanakan sistem kerja, prosedur & mekanisme kerja;

(7) Mengembangkan mekanisme kontrol yang efektif

Tujuan Umum

Membangun profil dan perilaku aparatur negara yang berintegritas tinggi, produktif, dan mampu memberikan pelayanan yang prima kepada publik/masyarakat

Tujuan Khusus

Membangun birokrasi yang bersih, efektif, efisien, transparan dan akuntabel dalam melayani dan memberdayakan masyarakat


• Mengubah pola pikir (mind set)

• Mengubah budaya kerja (culture set)

• Mengubah manajemen pemerintahan

Titik berat Reformasi Birokrasi yaitu perbaikan manajemen dan peningkatan Pelayanan Publik yang dilakukan secara simultan.

Langkah tersebut dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan motivasi pegawai dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah.