JICA’s Grant Aid (10 projects)
• The Project for Water Supply in Gunungkidul Regency of Yogyakarta Special Territory (6.35)
• The Project for Expansion of Radio Broadcasting Coverage in the Remote Areas (3.57)
• The Project for Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Fisheries (10.70)
• The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (0.86)
• The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (1.25)
• The Project for Construction of Bridges in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (3.86)
• The Project for Improvement of Animal Health Laboratories for Diagnosis of Avian Influenza and Other Major Diseases of Animals (17.81)
• The Project for Bridge Construction in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (3.21)
• The Project for Rural Water Supply in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat and Nusa Tenggara Timur (2.45)
• The Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (4.20)
(Total of JICA’s Projects: 218 projects)
1. This list shows Grant Aid projects expedited by JICA
2. Figures in parentheses are the grant in fiscal 2007 (unit: 100millions of yen).
Development Studies (10 projects)
• The Study on the Improvement of Farmers' Income: Processing and Rural Micro Finance
• Study on Arterial Road Network Development Plan for Sulawesi Island
• The Study for Development of Greater Surabaya Metropolitan Ports in the Republic of Indonesia
• The Feasibility Study for the Strategic Implementation of CNS/ATM (Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management) Systems in the Republic of Indonesia
• Study on the Improvement of Employment Services in the Republic of Indonesia
• The Study on Capacity Development for Jeneberang River Basin Management
• The Study on Natural Disaster Management Plan
• Study on Regional Water Supply Development Plan for Greater Yogyakarta
• The Study on Countermeasures for Sedimentation in Wonogiri
• Study on Development of Regional Railway System in Central Java Region
(Total of JICA’s Projects: 117 projects)
This list represents Development Studies that were reported by the Japanese government to the recipient countries and whose main studies were implemented.
Technical Cooperation Projects (Formerly Project-type Technical Cooperation) (67 projects)
• Industrial Property Rights Administration (extension)
• Project on Capacity Building for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Operation
• Strengthening Spatial Utilization Monitoring System
• The Project to Deliver Safe Drugs to People in Indonesia
• Sulawesi Capacity Development Project
• Micro Finance for African Region: Establishing Micro Finance Institution (MFI)
• Capacity Building for Poverty Reduction
• The Project on Building Administration and Enforcement Capacity Development for Seismic Resilience
• Project for Improvement on the Vaccination Program for Avian Influenza Control in Indonesia
• The Integrated Program for Junior Secondary Education Improvement
• Project for Tourism Product Development
• Aircraft Accident Investigation Project
• ICT Capability Strengthening for e-Local Government
• Project on "Building a Society with a Sense of Safety in Bali"
• Project on Enhancement of Civilian Police Activities (Phase 2)
• The Project on the Capacity Development of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology concerning Digital Broadcasting Implementation Planning
• Project on Capacity Development for National Center of Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System
• Tourism Marketing Planning
• The Forest Tree Improvement Project in the Republic Indonesia 2
• Improvement of Customs Administration Project
• Project for Dissemination of Appropriate Dairy Technology Utilizing Local Resources
• Competition Policy
• Local Educational Administration Improvement Program
• Reshaping Telecommunication Policy and Regulation In Comprehensive Market in Indonesia
• Industrial Property Rights Administration
• Project on Dissemination of Sustainable Marine culture Technology
• Improve drug supply management system and promote rational use of drugs
• Project on Human Resource Development for SMEs
• Project for Administration Improvement of Trade Related Regulations, Systems and Procedures
• Project for Shipping and Sea Transportation Improvement
• The Project for Research and Education Development on Information and Communication Technology in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
• The Project for Improving Higher Education Institutions through University-Industry-Community Links (Hi-Link) in Gadjah Mada University
• Strengthening in service teacher training of mathematics and science education at junior secondary level
• Central Jawa and DIY Earthquake Reconstruction Program Advisory Team
• Development Country Training Course of Artificial Insemination on Dairy Cattle
• Coal Mining Technology Enhancement Project (Flow Up)
• Project on Ensuring Maternal and Child Health Service with MCH Handbook Phase II
• Port Security Management Project
• International Training on Strengthening District Health Planning in the era of decentralization for improvement of the health status of children and mothers
• Enhancement of Marine and Fisheries Administration Under the Decentralization
• Capital Market Development Project
• International Training Course on Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities
• Improvement of Railway Safety Management - Phase 2
• Contingency Exercise on Airport Security
• Forest Fire Prevention Project by Initiative of people in Buffer Zone
• Development of Indonesian Ecolabel Program, Policy and Supporting tools
• Technical Cooperation Project for Modernization of Tax Administration
• Sub Sectoral Program on Mangrove
• Improvement of District Health Management Capacity in South Sulawesi Province Project
• The Project on Self-Sustainable Community Empowerment Network Formulation in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province
• Seminar on Decentralization and Role and Function of Parliament and its Secretariat in Japan
• Project on Improvement of Collection Management and Biodiversity Research Capacity of the Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences in Indonesia
• Support Program for Reform of Indonesian National Police
• Enhancement of Civilian Police Activities for Bali Regional Project
• The project on Improvement of Mediation System
• Capacity building for balance of payments and international economic management
• Monetary Policy Improvement Project
• The Development of Appropriate Technology for Multi-Story Residential Building and Its Environmental Infrastructure for Low Income People in Indonesia
• The Project of Research Cooperation on the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Indonesia, Phase III
• Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park Management
• The Institutional Revitalization Project for Flood Management in Jabodetabek
• Freshwater Aquaculture Development Project in Indonesia
• Project for Empowerment of Water Users Association
• Institutional Support for Food Security
• Project for the promotion of the sustainable coastal fisheries
• Beef Cattle Development Project Utilizing Local Resources in the Eastern Part of Indonesia
• Project for developing the information systems of small area statistics
(Total of JICA’s Projects: 748 projects)
This list represents Technical Cooperation projects that were reported by the Japanese government to
the recipient countries and which were implemented.
JICA Partnership Program (9 projects)
• Development of a Model System for Participatory Community Waste Water Treatment in Densely Populated Area of Yogyakarta Special Province
• Empowerment of coastal Fishing Community in South Sulawesi, through Technology Transfer of community-based Set-net for Sustainable Fisheries
• A Training Program for Environmental Education Leader in Semarang City
• The Project for Enhancing the Capacity of Dairy Farming Center in Enrekang District
• Bali Mynah Conservation Project
• International Cooperation Project for the restoration of the earthquake-hit area of Java Island
• Training of Community Health Nurses Coordinator in Indonesia
• Capacity Development for water quality management
• Capacity Development for Public Health Improvement in Papua province
• NGO Training for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia (Malaysia, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines)
(Total of JICA’s Projects: 165 projects)
Note: -
Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Annual Report 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
JICA’s Projects Implemented in Indonesia in FY 2007
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Labels: Bantuan Teknis
Wortel Mini Disukai Anak Sekolah
Di sebuah super market di Tokyo Metropolitan telah dipasarkan Wortel Mini atau baby carrot asal Amerika. Satu pak baby carrot seberat 220 gram ini dibandrol harga 119 yen. Sedangkan wortel biasa yang seberat 1000 gram dihargai 399 yen. Sehingga harga per kg baby carrot lebih mahal sekitar 35,58% dari pada harga wortel biasa.
Baby carrot berukuran mini sebesar kelingking dengan garis tengah rata-rata 1,8 cm dan beratnya rata-rata 7 gram per buah.
Sedangkan wortel biasa (sebelah kiri) yang dijual di supermarket tersebut beratnya rata-rata 205 gram. Babby carrot (sebelah kanan) berukuran sepertigapuluh dari pada wortel biasa.
Tekstur baby carrot lebih empuk dari pada wortel biasa. Bila diiris melintang setebal 1 mm kemudian diteropong dibawah sinar lampu terlihat baby carrot (sebelah kiri) kurang transparan dibanding wortel biasa. Baby carrot berwarna lebih merah dibanding wortel biasa.
Apabila baby carrot dimakan mentah rasanya manis seperti rasa ubi jalar mentah atau lebih manis dari pada rasa wortel biasa. Dengan rasanya manis-enak ini membuat baby carrot disukai oleh anak-anak baik dimakan mentah maupun dimasak.
Hal ini mengingatkan kita kepada semangat petani inovatif asal Fukushima yang selalu bercita-cita dapat memproduksi sayur-sayuran selain bermutu baik juga rasanya enak sehingga disukai oleh anak-anak (http://atanitokyo.blogspot.com/2008/12/mr-saito-yasuyuki-sang-petani-inovatif.html). Anak-anak suka makanan bergizi akan menjadi sehat, dikemudian hari ketika besar dapat meneruskan pembangunan pertanian di masa mendatang.
Dengan inspirasi dari petani inovatif ini, dimohon para pembaca ikhlas mau menyampaikan kepada penentu kebijakan Republik Indonesia tercinta bahwa anak-anak bangsa ini perlu diberikan makanan bergizi yang terbaik demi kesehatan mereka melalui program Pemerintah "Makan siang bersama bagi anak-anak Sekolah Dasar" yang masih dalam masa pertumbuhan. Berikan mereka makan siang empat sehat lima sempurna. Tanpa pandang bulu mereka semua memperoleh makanan yang bergizi dari kota sampai ke pelosok pedalaman. Tentu dengan suatu program yang dibudjetkan oleh pemerintah. Program ditangani lintas departemen, yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan, kesehatan, sosial, agama, pertanian dan perikanan.
Insya Allah anak-anak yang memperoleh makanan bergizi ini akan tumbuh menjadi anak bangsa yang sehat dan cerdas yang akan menggantikan generasi tua sekarang ini, menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin yang pintar-pintar, mampu meningkatkan kesejateraan rakyat.
Tentu banyak rintangan dan hambatan dalam memproduksi hasil pertanian yang disukai anak-anak, mari singsingkan lengan baju pompakan semangat petani melalui berpikir positif begitu mulianya apabila dapat menyumbangkan peran dalam menyehatkan generasi anak bangsa.
Hal ini mengingatkan kita kepada semangat petani inovatif asal Fukushima yang selalu bercita-cita dapat memproduksi sayur-sayuran selain bermutu baik juga rasanya enak sehingga disukai oleh anak-anak (http://atanitokyo.blogspot.com/2008/12/mr-saito-yasuyuki-sang-petani-inovatif.html). Anak-anak suka makanan bergizi akan menjadi sehat, dikemudian hari ketika besar dapat meneruskan pembangunan pertanian di masa mendatang.
Insya Allah anak-anak yang memperoleh makanan bergizi ini akan tumbuh menjadi anak bangsa yang sehat dan cerdas yang akan menggantikan generasi tua sekarang ini, menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin yang pintar-pintar, mampu meningkatkan kesejateraan rakyat.
Tentu banyak rintangan dan hambatan dalam memproduksi hasil pertanian yang disukai anak-anak, mari singsingkan lengan baju pompakan semangat petani melalui berpikir positif begitu mulianya apabila dapat menyumbangkan peran dalam menyehatkan generasi anak bangsa.
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Labels: Pasar Produk Pertanian
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (2)
Import Duties
All investment projects of PMA as well as PMDN projects which are approved by the investment coordinating Board or by the Office of Investment in the respective districts, including existing PMA and PMDN companies expanding their projects to produce similar product(s) in excess of 30% of installed capacities or diversifying their products, will be granted the following facilities:
1. Relief from import duty so that the final tariffs become 5%. In the case of tariffs of import duty which are mentioned in the Indonesian Customs Tariff Book (BTBMI) being 5% or lower, the effective tariffs shall be those in BTBMI:
a. On the importation of capital goods namely machinery, equipments, spare parts and auxiliary equipments for and import period of 2 (two) years, started from the date of stipulation of the decisions on import duty relief.
b. On the importation of goods and materials or raw materials regardless of their types and composition, which are used as materials or components to produce finished goods for the purpose of 2 (two) years full production (accumulated production time).
2. Exemption from the transfer of ownership fee for ship registration deed / certificate made for the first time in Indonesia.
Tax Facilities
1. The government has introduced a tax bill No’s 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of 2000 and applied since January 2001. Based on this tax law, the domestic and foreign investors will be granted tax allowances in certain sector and / or area as follows:
Tax Facilities
1. The government has introduced a tax bill No’s 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of 2000 and applied since January 2001. Based on this tax law, the domestic and foreign investors will be granted tax allowances in certain sector and / or area as follows:
a. An investment tax allowance in the form of taxable income reduction as much as 30% of the realized investment spread in 6 (six) years.
b. Accelerated depreciation and amortization.
c. A loss carried forward facility for period of no more than 10(ten) years.
d. A 10% income tax on dividends, and possibly being lower if stipulated in the provisions of an existing particular tax treaty.
2. The government has also introduced provisions No’s 146 of 2000 and 12 of 2000 of 2001 on the importation and or delivery of selected taxable goods, and or the provision of selected taxable services as well as the importation and or delivery of selected strategic goods which are exempted from for certain industries or sectors and or location of projects which are considered a national priority in terms of exports and the development of remote areas, the government will provide tax incentives.
There are many incentives provided for exporting manufacture products. Some of these incentives are as follows:
1. Restitution (drawback) of import on the importation of goods and materials needed to manufacture the exported finishes products.
2. Exemption from value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods and materials purchased domestically, to be used in the manufacturing of the exported products.
3. The company can import raw materials required regardless of the availability of comparable domestic products.
Bonded Zones
The industries companies which are located in the bonded areas are provided with many intensives as follows:
1. Exemption from import duty, excise, income tax of Article 22, value added tax on luxury goods on the importation of capital goods and equipment including raw materials for the production process.
2. Allow to divert their products amounted to 50% of their export (in term of value) for the final products, and 100% of their exports (in term of value) for other than final products to the Indonesian customs area, through normal import procedure including payment of customs duties.
3. Allowed to sell scrap or waste to Indonesian custom area as long as it contains at the highest tolerance of 5% of the amount of the material used in the production process.
Allowed to lend their own machineries and equipments to their subcontractors located outside bonded zones for no longer than 2 (two) years in order to further process their own products.
Exemption of value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods on the delivery of products for further processing from bonded zones to their subcontractors outside the bonded zones or the other way around as well as among companies in these areas.
To be continued.
Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia,Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia
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Labels: Investasi
Friday, 26 December 2008
Fakta dan data Trainee di Jepang
Interaksi selama trainee melakukan pelatihan di Jepang kadangkala menimbulkan problematika yang memerlukan penyelesaian oleh berbagai kalangan. Dalam rangka menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada, Bank Indonesia Kantor Perwakilan Tokyo telah bekerjasama dengan Working Group for Technology Transfer (WGTT), melakukan serangkaian kegiatan untuk mengumpulkan fakta dan data di beberapa tempat di Jepang.
Pada gambar sebelah Bapak Dubes Dr. H. Jusuf Anwar, SH. MA. dan Ibu beserta 3 anggota Darmawanita KBRI Tokyo sedang bersilaturahim dengan Trainee bidang pengolahan ikan di Kesenuma, Prefektur Miyagi.
Dibawah ini disajikan fakta dan data yang berhasil dikumpulkan oleh WGTT yang didukung oleh BI Perwakilan Tokyo dalam bentuk ringkas dan padat:
1. Di Jepang terdapat dua skema pelatihan bagi tenaga kerja asing yakni Industrial Training Program (ITP) dan Technical Internship Program (TIP).
2. Gabungan skema ITP (maksimum 1 tahun) dan skema TIP (dua tahun), mereka bisa melakukan program pelatihan selama 3 tahun di Jepang.
3. Tahun pertama sebagai kenshusei dengan uang saku sekitar 80.000 yen per bulan. Dua tahun kemudian sebagai Jishusei dengan gaji sekitar 90.000 - 100.000 yen per bulan.
4. Terdapat 14 negara yang mengirimkan tenaga kerjanya ke Jepang, dan China menduduki urutan pertama dalam jumlah trainee yang dikirim ke Jepang.
5. Keuntung program pelatihan di Jepang ini adalah: (i) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan teknik tenaga kerja Indonesia; (ii) memperbaiki etos kerja tenaga kerja Indonesia sehingga lebih produktif.
6. Terdapat 3 organisasi penyalur Trainee di Jepang yaitu (1) Association for International Manpower Development of Medium and Small Enterprises (IMM Japan); (2) Japan Indonesian Association for Economy Cooperation (JIAEC); dan (3) Japan Vocational Ability Development Association (JAVADA).
7. Program pengiriman Trainee Indonesia yang pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 1992.
Sampai dengan tahun 2006 Indonesia sudah mengirimkan sekitar 75.000 orang trainee ke Jepang, lima tahun terakhir sekitar 5.200 orang per tahun.
8. Terdapat 7 bidang pekerjaan yakni (1) Pertanian, (2) Perikanan, (3) Konstruksi, (4) Industri pengolahan makanan, (5) Industri Tekstil, (6) Industri Mesin dan Barang Logam, (7) Industri lainnya seperti furniture, percetakan, pengecatan dan pengemasan. Secara keseluruhan, jenis pekerjaan yang tersedia untuk para trainee mencakup 62 jenis pekerjaan dengan 114 sub tahapan pekerjaan tertentu (selective work).
9. Seleksi di Indonesia terdapat dua tahapan:
Tahap pertama:
Seleksi di daerah yang dipusatkan di tingkat propinsi bekerjasama dengan pihak Kantor Wilayah Depnaker. Persyaratannya: (i) Usia antara 18 - 40 tahun, (ii) Pendidikan SLTA dengan telah mengikuti pembekalan minimal 480 jam di BLK, (iii) Berkelakuan baik, sehat jasmani dan rohani, (iv) Lulus seleksi wawancara dan uji kesehatan.
Tahap ke dua:
Mengikuti pelatihan sebelum berangkat ke Jepang. Prosesnya sebagai berikut: (i) Pelatihan diberikan kepada calon peserta trainee yang telah lulus seleksi dan diterima oleh perusahaan penyalur trainee yang terdapat di Indonesia, (ii) In housing training selama kurang lebih 4 bulan yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan penyalur trainee. Lokasinya diantaranya di Bekasi, Lembang, Bali.
10. Selama proses pelatihan di Indonesia para calon peserta trainee memperoleh fasilitas akomodasi dan makan yang biayanya telah diperhitungkan dengan penghasilan mereka selama 3 tahun kedepan sebagai trainee di Jepang.
11. Proses off the job training di Jepang sekitar 1 bulan sebelum ditempatkan di perusahaan-perusahaan (Saitama dan Chiba). Para calon trainee diberikan pelajaran lanjutan bahasa Jepang dan pengenalan kebudayaan dan adat-istiadat masyarakat Jepang. Pada saat ini belum menerima uang saku, hanya diberikan akomodasi.
12. Tahun pertama sebagai trainee (kenshusei), selama 11 bulan efektif pihak perusahaan memberikan kesempatan kepada para trainee untuk memperoleh informsi tambahan terkait dengan pekerjaan misalnya tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (3 K).
13. Penyuluhan mengenai keselamatan dan kesehat kerja pada minggu pertama bulan Juli mengingat motto 3 K " Lalai satu detik akan mengakibatkan cacat seumur hidup ".
14. Selama tahun pertama ini para trainee menerima uang saku (allowance) diterima bersih, sektor pertanian sekitar 60.000 yen, dan sektor industri rata-rata berkisar 80.000 yen perbulan.
15. Pihak perusahaan berkewajiban menyediakan akomodasi bagi para trainee dan pembayaran allowance umumnya sekitar tanggal 25 setiap bulannya.
16. Jam kerja satu hari adalah 8 jam (40 jam per minggu) umumnya dimulai dari pukul 08.00 pagi sampai dengan pukul 17.00 sore.
17. Pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan berbeda dengan keinginan mereka sewaktu mengisi formulir jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan pada saat in housing training di Indonesia.
18. Program pelatihan yang diselenggarakan perusahaan penyalur hanya terbatas pada kursus bahasa Jepang.
19. Ketidakpastian masa depan setelah kembali ke Indonesia, tenaga kerja yang dapat ditampung di perusahaan Jepang di Indonesia jumlahnya masih sangat terbatas. Selain itu, gaji yang ditawarkan perusahaan Jepang yang ada di Indonesia relatif rendah (walaupun sudah sesuai dengan standar gaji Indonesia) sehingga kurang menarik.
20. Banyak diantara para trainee yang berkeinginan berwiraswasta setelah kembali ke Indonesia, tetapi sebagian besar dari mereka menyatakan kurang memperoleh informasi tentang bagaimana dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk memulai usaha mereka dan tidak memiliki pengetahuan untuk merencanakan keuangan mereka.
21. Sampai saat ini belum tampak lembaga keuangan yang menunjang keinginan mereka untuk berwiraswasta tersebut.
Sumber: Merajut Masa Depan dari Negeri Sakura, WGTT.
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