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Sunday, 2 November 2008

8th AMAF Plus Three

24 October 2008, Hanoi


1. The ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministers of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea held their Eight Meeting in Hanoi on 24 October 2008, under the chairmanship of H.E. Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam.

2. The Ministers from the Plus Three Countries (People’s Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea) expressed their firm support in further strengthening cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry towards the realisation of the ASEAN Community. The Ministers also agreed to address the need for technical assistance in narrowing development gaps in particular to accelerating integration of agriculture. The Ministers also encouraged continued cooperation in alleviating poverty and promoting human development activities and in implementing AMAF Plus Three activities.

3. In light of recent volatility in food and energy prices, the Ministers expressed their support to further strengthen food security under the ASEAN Plus Three cooperation. The Ministers recognised that food security as a key factor for sustained economic and social development in the region while each country needs to maximize the use of its own potential resources and achieve greater agricultural production.

4. The Ministers reaffirmed the need for conserving the natural environment and preserving the social and cultural tradition of rural communities while promoting a sustainable development in agriculture, forestry sectors and fishery sectors and the stability of food supply.

5. The ministry agree to strengthen and accelerate the implementation of the East Asia Emergency Rice Reserve (EAERR) Pilot Project activities, which is designed to respond to the humanitarian needs for such emergencies due to disasters. The Ministers agreed to extend the EAERR Pilot Project for one more year until February 2010.

6. The Ministers welcomed the steady progress of new activities in the second-phase of ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS) Project.

7. The Ministers endorsed new project proposals from the Plus Three Countries, which aim to build capacity in various aspects such as food security, agricultural statistical analysis, food safety and standards, post-harvest management, plant quarantine and agricultural extension, as well as to promote sustainable biomass utilization.

8. The Ministers agreed to have their Ninth Meeting in Brunei Darussalam in 2009. The Ministers expressed their sincere appreciation to the Government and People of Viet Nam for the warm hospitality and excellent arrangements made for the Meeting.

The Meeting was attended by:


H.E. Pehin Dato Yahya, Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam

H.E. Mr. Chan Tong Yves, Secretary of State of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia

H.E. Dr. Anton Apriyantono, Minister of Agriculture, Indonesia

H.E. Mr. Sitaheng Rasphone, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

H.E. Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Malaysia

H.E. Mayor General Htay Oo, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar

H.E. Segfredo R. Serrano, Undersecretary, Department of Agriculture, Philippines

H.E. Dr. Mohamad Maliki bin Osman, Parliamentary Secretary for National Development, Singapore

H.E. Mr. Somphat Kaewpijit, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

H.E. Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam

H.E. Mr. Niu Dun, Vice Minister of Agriculture, People’s Republic of China

H.E. Mr. Testuro Nomura, Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan.

H.E. Mr. Park Deok Bae, Vice Minister of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea.

Mr. S. Pushpanathan, Principal Director, Bureau for Economic Integration and Finance, ASEAN Secretariat, representing H.E. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN.

Source: ASEAN Secretariat

The 30th Meeting of AMAF

23 October 2008, Hanoi


1. The 30th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam on 23 October 2008 under the Chairmanship of H.E. Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam.

Addressing the issue of Food Security

2. With the recent developments of soaring food prices, global financial crisis and an increasing concern on food security in the ASEAN region, the Ministers discussed the socio-economic impacts on food, agriculture and forestry sectors in ASEAN. The Ministers agreed that ASEAN needs to take a strategic and comprehensive approach and apply concrete policy measures in promoting and maintaining regional food security catering to the long-term need and potential emergency situation through increased food production and innovation, while ensuring market efficiency and regional integration process and trading mechanism.

3. The ministers stressed the need to strike the balance between ensuring long-term food security and improving livelihoods of farmers in the region. Due consideration should also be given in addressing the increased prices of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, chemical, etc. Towards this end, the Ministers adopted a comprehensive ASEAN integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and its medium-term Strategic Plan of Action on ASEAN Food Security (SPA-FS). The Ministers agreed to submit the AIFS and SPA-FA for adoption at the 14th ASEAN Summit in December 2008.

4. With the view to ensure effective implementation of the AIFS Framework and the SPA-FS, the Ministers welcomed the collaboration of regional Dialogue Partners and International Organizations in this cooperative effort. The Ministers also supported the IRRI’s Rice Action Plan and urged close cooperation and partnership among regional and international organizations in addressing food security in the region.

Towards ASEAN Community and Regional Integration

5. The Ministers reaffirmed the pivotal role of food, agriculture, and forestry sectors in ensuring food security and safety as well as in expediting the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) with market competitiveness of the products. Towards the realization of ASEAN Community, the Ministers agreed to further strengthen capacity building, use modern technology, and adopt international standards and practices.

6. The Ministers expressed satisfaction on the progress made in food, agriculture and forestry sectors. The Ministers further endorsed the following ASEAN standards and plan:

a) ASEAN Phytosanitary (PS) Guidelines for the Importation of Rice-Milled;
b) ASEAN harmonised Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for 9 pesticides;
c) ASEAN Harmonised Standards for Guava, Lansium, Mandarin, Mangosteen and Watermelon;
d) ASEAN Standard Requirements for Inactivated E. coli Vaccine for Poultry, Live Swollen Head Syndrome vaccine, Inactivated Porcine parvovirus vaccine, Inactivated Porcine Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccine, and Porcine Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae bacterin;
e) ASEAN Criteria for Accreditation of Meat Processing Establishment; and
f) Work Plan for Strengthening Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) in ASEAN (2008-2015).

Responding to the Impact of Climate Change

7. In view of the concern on the impact of global warming on the environment and human life, the ministers welcomed the new initiative on “ASEAN strategy in Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry”. The ministers reiterated the commitments to pursue regional approach and strategic plan of action to identify measures dealing with mitigation and adaptation to climate change on agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

Towards Sustainable Forest Management

8. The Ministers commended the expeditious effort towards the attainment of sustainable forest management and significant progress made, in particular, in the development of Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting for ASEAN Criteria and Indicators for sustainable management of tropical forests, the completion of Work Plan for strengthening FLEG in ASEAN, and implementation of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) activities in the region.

Stronger Partnership with Dialogue Partners and International Organizations

9. The Ministers noted the progress made in regional cooperative activities over the past years and expressed appreciation for the assistance and support, rendered by various dialogue partners and international organizations, among others: Australia, China, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), World Animal Health Organization (OIE), and the Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC).

31st AMAF Meeting

10. The ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry will meet in Brunei Darussalam in 2009.

11. The Ministers from other ASEAN Member Countries expressed their sincere appreciation to the Government and People of Viet Nam for hosting the 30th AMAF Meeting and for their warm hospitality.


H.E. Pehin Dato Yahya, Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam

H.E. Mr. Chan Tong Yves, Secretary of State of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia

H.E. Dr. Anton Apriyantono, Minister of Agriculture, Indonesia

H.E. Mr. Sitaheng Rasphone, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR

H.E. Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Malaysia

H.E. Mayor General Htay Oo, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar

H.E. Segfredo R. Serrano, Undersecretary, Department of Agriculture, Philippines

H.E. Dr. Mohamad Maliki bin Osman, Parliamentary Secretary for National Development, Singapore

H.E. Mr. Somphat Kaewpijit, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

H.E. Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam

Mr. S. Pushpanathan, Principal Director, Bureau for Economic Integration and Finance, ASEAN Secretariat, representing H.E. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN.

Resource: ASEAN Secretariat

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Pertemuan AMAF ke 30 dan AMAF+3 ke 8 di Hanoi

Serangkaian pertemuan tingkat Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN (AMAF) ke XXX dan pertemuan tingkat Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN Plus Three (AMAF+3) ke VIII telah diselenggarakan 20 - 25 Oktober 2008. Pertemuan dibuka oleh Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Menteri Pertanian dan Pembangunan Pedesaan Vietnam. Pertemuan AMAF dihadiri oleh para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan serta delegasi dari seluruh negara ASEAN. Pada Pertemuan AMAF+3 selain dihadiri oleh para menteri pertanian dan kehutanan dari negara ASEAN juga hadir para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan dari China, Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Delegasi Indonesia dipimpin oleh Dr. Anton Apriyantono, Menteri Pertanian RI dengan anggota berasal dari Departemen Pertanian, Departemen Luar Negeri, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, serta Departemen Kehutanan.

Pada Pertemuan AMAF telah disepakati beberapa hal sebagai berikut:

1. Menanggapi perkembangan krisis dunia yang berdampak pada sektor pangan, ASEAN sesuai dengan usulan Presiden RI, telah menyusun sebuah skema strategis dan komprehensif untuk memperkuat ketahanan pangan regional yang disebut ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework beserta rencana kerja jangka menengah yang disebut Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security in the ASEAN Region (SPA-FS). Para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN menyepakati untuk merekomendasikan dokumen tersebut ke ASEAN Summit di Thailand, bulan November 2008. Selanjutnya, kedua rumusan tersebut rencananya akan dicanangkan bersama oleh para Pemimpin ASEAN dalam Bangkok Statement on Food Security in the ASEAN Region.

2. Para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN dapat menerima usulan Indonesia mengenai ASEAN Strategy in Addessing the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, serta dibentuknya suatu forum yang mewadahi kerja sama ini. ASEAN berkomitmen untuk segera melakukan pendekatan regional dan menyusun rencana kerja strategis dalam mengidentifikasi kegiatan mitigasi dan adaptasi menghadapai dampak perubahan iklim di sektor pertanian, perikanan dan kehutanan. Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi focal point implementasi kesepakatan ini.

3. Terkait isu kehutanan, para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN menegaskan pentingnya kerja sama dalam manajemen hutan yang berkelanjutan, terutama melalui pengembangan Monitoring, Assessment, and Reporting (MAR) for ASEAN Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests, serta implementasi Work Plan for Strengthening FLEG in ASEAN dan ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN).

4. Dalam sektor perikanan dan kelautan, Indonesia tidak dapat menyepakati ASEAN Regional Fisheries Management Mechanism (ARFMM), yang merupakan rumusan mengenai rencana pembentukan mekanisme regional yang mengatur perikanan baik di perairan laut maupun di darat. Alasan Indonesia adalah bahwa manajemen perikanan tingkat regional harus tetap mengacu pada United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982 dan kesepakatan diantara negara anggota RFMOs, seperti IOTC, CCSBT dan WCPFC. Selain itu, pengelolaan perikanan regional harus mengacu pada Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) on Promoting Responsible Fishing Practices yang telah disepakati pada pertemuan Bali, 4 Mei 2007 yang didukung oleh para Menteri ASEAN dan negara-negara lain seperti Australia, Timor Leste dan Papua Nugini. Namun, setelah melalui pembahasan dalam Tim Kerja, disetujui bentuk kerja sama tersebut berupa forum konsultasi “ASEAN Regional Fisheries Consultative Forum” yang merupakan bagian dari Working Group on Fisheries. Meskipun cukup alot, Indonesia telah berhasil memperjuangkan perubahan ARFMM menjadi ASEAN Regional Fisheries Cosultative Forum.

5. Para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN berhasil mensahkan beberapa standar dan rencana kerja yang mencakup:

a. ASEAN Phytosanitary (PS) Guidelines for the Importation of Rice-Milled
b. ASEAN Harmonized Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for 9 pesticides
c. ASEAN Harmonized Standards for Guava, Lansium, Mandarin, Mangosteen and Watermelon
d. ASEAN Standard Requirements for Inactivated E. coli Vaccine for Poultry, Live Swollen Head Syndrome vaccine, Inactivated Porcine parvovirus vaccine, Inactivated Porcine Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccine, Porcine Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae bacterin
e. ASEAN Criteria for Accreditation of Meat Processing Establishment
f. Workplan for Strengthening Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) in ASEAN (2008-2015

Pada Pertemuan AMAF+3 telah disepakati beberapa hal sebagai berikut:

1. Memperhatikan capaian dari implementasi pilot project EAERR (East Asia Emergency Rice Reserve) dalam merespon situasi darurat di negara-negara ASEAN, para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN+3 sepakat untuk memperpanjang pilot project tersebut untuk satu tahun mendatang hingga tahun 2010. Dalam masa perpanjangan tersebut, EAERR juga akan mempersiapkan aspek institusional, finansial dan hukum terhadap rencana perubahan EAERR menjadi permanent scheme.

2. Para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN+3 menyepakati beberapa proposal kerja sama ASEAN. Usulan proyek Indonesia “Farmers Exchange Program” salah satu yang disepakati. Pihak plus three akan mengkoordinasikan proposal-proposal ASEAN tersebut dengan sektor teknis dan pendanaan di masing-masing negara.

3. Para Menteri Pertanian dan Kehutanan ASEAN mencatat perkembangan kerja sama ASEAN+3 di sektor pengembangan sumber daya manusia, pertukaran informasi, pengentasan kemiskinan dan penguatan ketahanan pangan.

Diantara waktu luang pertemuan AMAF telah dilakukan beberapa pertemuan bilateral yang hasilnya sebagai berikut:

1. Disela-sela Pertemuan AMAF dan AMAF+3, juga dilakukan pertemuan bilateral tingkat Menteri dengan Laos dan Vietnam, serta bilateral tingkat SOM-Leader dengan Kamboja dan Myanmar. Dalam pertemuan bilateral tingkat Menteri telah disepakati beberapa bidang kerjasama yang dituangkan dalam Minutes of Meeting. Secara keseluruhan, kesepakatan yang berhasil dicapai mencakup kerja sama sektor research and development, capacity building, exchange of expertise dan technology transfer, serta upaya Indonesia membantu pengembangan sektor pertanian untuk negara-negara CLMV.

2. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kerjasama dengan Vietnam khususnya di bidang penelitian padi, Menteri Pertanian mengunjungi lembaga penelitian: Food Crops Research Institute, Duo Trong Province, di Hanoi, dan Hybrid Paddy Plant and Processing, Mekong River Research Institute serta An Giang Research Center di Ho Chi Minh.

3. Menteri Pertanian Dr. Anton Apriyantono mengunjungi Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI) di Vietnam, Kamis (23/10). Menteri menawarkan kerjasama pengembangan padi Hybrida dengan FCRI setalah mengetahui Vietnam telah melakukan pengembangan padi Hybrida sejak tahun 1992, atau sepuluh tahun lebih awal dari Indonesia. Tampak dalam gambar 2 Mentan sedang berdiskusi dengan Dr. Dr. Nguyen Tri Hoan Direktur Jenderal FCRI di tengah bentangan Sawah Percobaan Padi milik FCRI.

4. Menteri Pertanian Dr. Anton Apriyantono disela-sela acara pertemuan Menteri Pertanian ASEAN (AMAF) ke 30 di Hanoi Vietnam telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan. Salah satunya pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2008 Menteri Pertanian RI melakukan pembicaraan bilateral dengan Menteri Pertanian Republik Demokratik Rakyat Laos (Lao PDR), Mr. Sitaheng Rasphone (Gambar 3). Pemerintah Lao PDR mengharapkan bantuan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam program pengembangan dan pelatihan SDM pertanian di Laos. Mentan RI telah menyambut ajakan Mentan Laos ini dengan baik.

Friday, 31 October 2008

Anggrek Indonesia Tampil pada IFEX Japan

Indonesia telah mengikuti pameran bunga 5th International Flower Expo Tokyo (IFEX) 30 Oktober - 1 November 2008 di Makuhari Messe, Jepang. Pameran bunga ini diselenggarakan oleh Japan Floral Marketing Association (JFMA) / Reed Exhibition Japan Ltd. Pameran ditebagi menjadi 8 Zone, yaitu:
1. Flowers, Plants and Seeds Zone
2. Preserved Flower Colection Zone
3. Artificial / Processed Flower Zone
4. Bridal Flower Zone
5. Funeral Flower Zone
6. IFEX Flower Living
7. Packing and Accesories Zone
8. Retail Support Zone

Tahun ini Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam Flowers, Plants and Seeds Zone. Departemen Pertanian bekerjasama dengan KBRI Tokyo telah mendatangkan tiga pengusaha Indonesia untuk memamerkan bunga dan tanaman hias yang dikembangkan di Indonesia.

Indonesia menempati anjungan nomor 19-15 diantara 248 anjungan internasional dan 295 anjungan asal Jepang yang terdapat dalam pameran IFEX besar ini.

Bunga dan tanaman hias Indonesiaku cantik mempesona di arena taman internasional
Anjungan Indonesia diisi oleh 3 pengusaha Bunga dan Tanaman Hias :
1. Ekakarya
2. Gani Flora
3. WIJAYA the art of the Gardent

Bunga Indonesia yang sering diperhatikan orang dan diminati pengunjung adalah Phalaenopsis, putih lidah kuning (gambar di bawah). Bunga ini telah masuk Jepang di harganya 15 ribu yen di toko bunga daerah Chiba tidak jauh dari tempat pameran IFEX.

Kami bertekad mensukseskan pameran ini bekerjasama menyambut pengungunjung dengan tebaran senyuman ala Indonesia dan hormat bungkukan ala Jepang. Arigatau gozaimasu Okamoto San dan keluarga yang telah mensukseskan pameran ini.
Kami melakukan pertemuan dengan Mr. Masakatsu Nozawa Presiden Sagami Jitsugyoco., Ltd. dan Tadashi Matsumoto Presiden The Agri Matsumoto Co. Ltd. untuk mengembangkan bunga Sandersonia di Indonesia. Sementara ini bunga Sandersonia yang telah masuk ke Jepang berasal dari CV. Arajuna Flora, Batu Malang, yang ikut dipamerkan pada anjungan 13-11. Tampak bunga tersebut dipajang pada dinding latar belakang gambar di samping.