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Showing posts with label Investasi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investasi. Show all posts

Monday, 1 June 2009

Agricultural Potency of Purbalingga Regency

Purbalingga Regency is one of the 35 regencies in the Central Java Province. Located in its west side, geographical coordinates of Purbalingga are 7.10 o – 7.29 o S and 101.11 o – 109.35 o E. Purbalingga is about 77,764 hectare wide or 2.39 % from the total of the width of Central Java Province. Purbalingga is divided by 18 sub districts (third level autonomous region), 224 villages and 15 Kelurahan (fourth level autonomous region). Purbalingga is surrounded by Pemalang Regency in North, Banjarnegara Regency in the east and Banyumas Regency in the west and south.

In Purbalingga, the utmost use of land is in agricultural activities. It is about 43.273 hectare or 56.65% from the total width. The agriculture area is divided into several types of area: 18,311 hectare for the rice field, dry field for about 20,317 hectare, 4,532 hectare of mixed plantation, single plantation for about 16.4 hectare and 95.3 hectare of fishery.

Purbalingga area lay from the lowlands in the south with 42 meter height above sea level to highland in the north with 3.100 meter height. These unique differences cause wide climate variation and, as a result, promote diverse possibilities to develop various agriculture commodities.

Food crop commodities

Southern Purbalingga is lowlands and it is good to develop the food crop commodities such as grains and crops which are supported by its fertile soil; its nice climate and its sufficient water to irrigate the field. Food crops are mostly planted in sub districts of Bukateja, Kemangkon, Kalimanah, Padamara, and half of Kutasari and Bojongsari. Even in the higher area like sub district of Karanganyar, Kertanegara and Karangmoncol, the food crops could also grow well.


Rice is staple foods of almost all Indonesian people, including those living in Purbalingga. Paddy field has the widest land area for about 33,357 hectare. It produces in average 2.33 quintal per hectare and the total rice grains productions are 207,916 ton per year. Rice is also produced from different kind of irrigation technique, such as those produced from dry field. It is estimated that as many as 3,426 ton per year is acquired from 759 hectare. This rice grain production exceeds the need of house hold and industry which resulted in its success to produce surplus for about 30,000 ton per year.


The corn harvest area is about 9,841 hectare. The corn production in average is 31.81 quintal per hectare. The corn production in average is 31.81 quintal per hectare and the total corn production is about 31,302 ton per year. Ever since that corn is not a popular staple food in Purbalingga, people rarely consume it, rather, they use corn as cattle food. Given the fact, the chance to process corn into maize flour, popcorn and corn porridge is wide opened. Moreover, as corn’s production has not sufficiently met the needs of the consumption of household and industry, there might be wide possibilities to develop the capacity of its production in Purbalingga.


The biggest cassava area is in sub districts of Pengadegan, Kejobong and Rembang. The total area is about 9,098 hectare. It produces in average 278.87 quintal per hectare with the total cassava production is about 253,716 ton per year. Cassava is mostly processed into tapioca flour and nearly half of them are consumed as or turned into traditional food.


The total area is around 2,363 hectare. It produces in average 12.78 quintal per hectare, which is relatively smaller than other crops. It appears that because most of the farmers treat the peanut not as the primary crop, rather as an optional one. Peanut is the main goods of home industry, preferably snack and it’s by products can be utilized as cattle foods. The local peanut production has not met the market needs in Purabalingga.

Sweet Potato

The total area is 234 hectare. It produces in average 55.33 quintal per hectare. The total sweet potato production is 1,329 ton per year. Sweet potato is usually consumed as traditional food.

Soya bean

The total area is around 551 hectare. It produces in average 13.52 quintal per hectare and yielded 13.52 ton per year. Soya bean is processed into one of traditional foods with simple technology (tofu and tempe) and also the main goods of ketchup production. The soya bean production is still very low and the local production has not met the consumers need. Even worse, the production has not met the consumers need. Even worse, the production of tempe and tofu largely relies on imported white soya bean as its main goods. Given these circumstances, the possibilities to invest in soya bean plantation, either the white soya bean or the black one, is still wide open.


The horticulture crops are developed mostly in northern highland Purbalingga. The vegetables and fruits are planted in sub districts of Karangreja and half of that Mrebet.


The total area is 445 hectare. It produces in average 183.71 quintal per hectare with total potato production around 8,175 ton per year. Potato is the most wanted commodity due to its constant price and its higher margin. In addition to meet the need of local consumption, the potato is also traded in other regions, especially in big cities like Jakarta and Semarang.


The total area is 348 hectare. It produces in average 183.47 quintal per hectare with 6,524 ton total cabbage production per year. People use the cabbages as the main ingredient for vegetable soup. Cabbage produce experienced surplus and is traded to other regions.


The total area is 198 hectare. It produces in average 194.04 quintal per hectare with 3,842 ton total carrot production per year.


The total area is 496 hectare. It produces in average 36.59 quintal per hectare and its total beans production is 1,815 ton per year.


The total area is 170 hectare. It produces in average 60.35 quintal per hectare and its total chili production is 1,026 ton per year.


The total area is 176 hectare. It produces in average 47.73 quintal per hectare with 840 ton total leek production per year.


Half of Purbalingga area is really good to plant fruits. Several kinds of fruits are grown in Purbalingga, such as: orange, duku, durian, banana, and Salacca. The fruits are planted in the dry area surround sub districts of Kaligondang, Pengadegan, Kejobong and Bukateja.

Siem Orange

Siem orange is planted mostly in Bukateja. The siem orange total production is 127,203 quintal per year with 196,543 total productive crops.


Purbalingga has various types of banana. The banana total production is 89,884 quintal per year with 537,568 total productive crops.


The durian is grown in sub districts of Kemangkon, Kejobong and Pengadegan. With its specific taste, Purbalingga durian has its own merit if we compare with other regions’ durian. The durian total production is 52,226 quintal per year with 28,868 total productive crops.


With total production crops, Salacca total production is 45,609 quintal per year. Purbalingga Salacca has similar taste with other regions’ produce.


As one of the exotic fruits which grow in tropical zone, rambutan is also well grown in Purbalingga. With 80,630 ton total production crops, rambutan total produce is 41,005 quintal per year.


Duku is one of Purbalingga prime fruits. Duku grows in specific region and not every region has duku as their specific fruit. With its unique taste, duku has been sold to big cities in Indonesia. The duku total produce is 33,604 quintal per year with 49,793 total productive crops.
Also, Purbalingga has small amount of produce of sour soup, mangosteen, pineapple, tan, mango, avocado and guava.


Until recently, the plantation commodity in Purbalingga has not been well cultivated. The nature potency such as its fertile soil and its good climate has not been maximized. However, many peasants and the government have pioneered several kinds of plantation crops development, such as pepper, nilam, sugarcane, coconut, and Gambier jasmine.


Purbalingga is the biggest exporter of pepper in Central Java. A percentage of 46% of pepper in Central Java market is produced in Purbalingga. Pepper is mostly cultivated in Pengadegan and Kejobong with 212.40 hectare total area and 307 ton total dry seed produce per year. The pepper plantation’s development is still open either in the on farm stage by increasing population and rising productivity or by means of processed goods. The pepper market chance in Indonesia or abroad is still wide opened.


Nilam Commodity is needed by the market. Nilam is the main goods of perfume, soap and medicines. The total area is 607.10 hectare. The total production of dry nilam leaves are 5,039 ton per year. The export chance to international market is still open because the product is favoured mostly in Japan, India and Europe.

Dalam Coconut

Coconut tree is widely grown in almost every area of Purbalingga. People plant the coconut in every agricultural farm, plantation and village. Of 12,032 hectare of the total area, this sector can produce 12,366 ton copra per year. This coconut is the main goods of coconut oil production.

Deres Coconut

The half of the coconut produce in Pubalingga is aimed at producing the palm sugar. Of 5,168 hectare of the total area, Deres coconut produces 52,879 to of palm sugar per year. The development of deres coconut’s plantation is still open either in increasing the number of coconut trees or the implementation of modern technology in palm sugar processing in order to increase palm sugar productivity. Palm sugar industry also supports ketchup industry as the secondary industry of palm sugar commodity.


As the main goods of sugar, the number of sugarcane crop in Indonesia is very low. Purbalingga, the sugarcane area is just 56 hectare with 215 to total production per year. The opportunity to invest more in Purbalingga is still open mostly for the dry sugarcane plantation. The sugarcane areas include sub districts of Kaligondang, Kemangkon, Mrebet and half of Bojongsari.

Gambier Jasmine

Gambier jasmine is planted in Bukateja with total area around 425.23 hectare and produces as many as 3.269 ton wet flower each year. This commodity promotes high economic value commodity but it needs specific soil and climate. For that reason, the Gambier jasmine can not well developed in other areas.

Source: Vision of Purbalingga, Drs. Triyono Budi Sasongko, M.Si.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

The Soil of Bali Island and Potentials for Farming

Soil texture is relative comparison of three major particle groupings in a soil mass. Singular grains are called soil particle whereas combinations of particles are called soil fractions. Clay fractions are soil fractions with very fine particles measuring (less than) < 0.002 mm. Silt fractions have a diameter of 0.002 – 0.05 mm while the biggest from is sand fractions with particle diameter of 0.05 – 2.0 mm. Soil mass particles can be made up of all three of these types of particles. Soil is considered having a rough texture where the mixture of particles is mainly sand and the proportion of the other particle types is negligible and can be ignored. In soil with medium texture the soil is dominated by silt particles and soil with a dominance of clay particles is classified as fine soil. These are the three simple soil texture classifications and these textures rarely vary. Because these characteristics are permanent these textures have become the basis for soil classification.

The soil of Bali Island is dominated by soil of medium texture and that only minor areas have fine or rough texture. Soils with fine texture can be found at Nusa Dua while soil with rough texture can be found on the island of Nusa Penida which is still a part of Klungkung Regency.

The Latosol soil type covers 44.59% of the total area of Bali and is found in Denpasar City and the Regencies of Badung, Tabanan, Jembrana, part of Karangasem, Buleleng and Klungkung. Latosol soil is soil that has undergone intensive breakdown and development of advanced soil. Specifications: this soil is shades of red raging from red to a reddish yellow or to reddish brown with a pH of $.5 – 6.5, with a fine to medium texture and a structure which is crumbly to slightly sticky, with deep permeability and soil fertility which is low to medium.

Regosol soil which covers 39.92% of the area of Bali Island is divided into volcanic ash regosol (found around volcanoes), regosol sand hills (along the beaches) and regosol sedimentary rock (found around folded hill topography). Generally, regosol soil type is rich in phosphorous and kalium but poor in nitrogen. However the phosphor and kalium are in form which is not ready to be absorbed by plants because they have not yet broken down so that this soil needs organic fertilizer in the form of animal droppings or compost to speed up its breakdown. The acidic level or pH of regosol is around 6 – 7. As it ages the structure and consistency become increasingly solid and even sometimes forms a layer with a porosity and drainage capacity that is restricted or in other words, difficult for water to pass through. Generally this regosol soil type has not yet formed an aggregate so that it is sensitive to erosion. In Bali regosol can be found in the regencies of Gianyar, Bangli, most of Karangasem, part of Klungkung, Boleleng and Denpasar.

Mediterranean soil is classified as red soil type that has undergone soil formation for a long period. This soil has an alkaline character with a pH of 5.5 – 8.0. This soil type contains hardened calcium and iron, has deep permeability and sticky structure but in spite of this has medium to high fertility. This kind of soil can be found at Nusa Penida and Nusa Dua.

Aluvial soil is land which has often or recently undergone a food so that it can be considered young and has not yet undergone horizontal differentiation. Because it has been formed by flooding the characteristic of the soil is depend on the level, origins and material types carried by the flood so that its level of fertility really depend on the material’s origins. Soil of this type only covers 4.87% of the land area of Bali and is mostly found in the western coastal areas.

The Andosol soil found around Lakes Buyan, Tamblingan and Brittan is of a type of Black soil. The word ando comes from the Japanese language and means dark or black. Andosol contains of high level of organic material with high carbon and nitrogen levels but a low level of phosphorous. Andosol has a high water absorption capacity so that it is always saturated if covered by vegetation. This soil type breaks up very easily but has resilient structure so that it is easy to handle. The high permeability is caused by the fact that it contains abundant micropores.

The interaction of soil and agroclimate

When it comes to growing things soil can become the sole factor in determining the suitability of an area for certain commodities. The interaction of soil and agroclimate which include the factor of air, humidity, light intensity and rainfall in the area become interacting factors that influence plant metabolism in order to produce the organs of a plant such as leaves, flowers and fruit. It’s the result of this metabolism which makes the final effect on the quality of a commodity and the taste of its fruit or vegetable.

The soil factor can be modified with soil treatment, fertilizing, applying lime and irrigation but the factor of climate can only be modified by building glass and plastics houses or shade houses to create a micro-climate around the plants. For the small farmer with limited capital these houses are of course not economical. The following is an explanation of how the interaction of soil and agroclimate in the regencies that makes them suitable for the planting of specific commodities.

Farming potentials of the Balinese soil and problems

A. Buleleng Regency

Buleleng Regency’s soils are dominated by Latosol and Regosol, and the area has a rainfall of 2.431 mm / year with an average temperature of 27 C making it an area that is potential for farming. Around 1975 Buleleng was making great headway with keprok Tejakula oranges (Tejakula being the name of the district in which they were grown). This condition was spurred on by the attack of the CVPD virus which destroyed orange trees in Java so that the numbers of trees in Buleleng reached 6 million trees. But in 1983/1984 the CVPD virus also attacked trees in Bali wiping them out completely. From then on there has been the development of grapes has spread in Buleleng so that until now Buleleng has become the centre for grape production in Bali.

Grapevines are suitable and grow well in areas from a height of 0 – 300 m above sea level, with temperatures of 25 – 31 C; a humidity of 40 – 80 %; rainfall 800 mm / year and in a sandy soil with a pH 6.5 – 7.0. If we see from the specifications for growth Buleleng should be suitable for growing grapes and the districts of Grokgak, Seririt and Banjar have become centres for grape growing. The problem faced by growers is attacks funguses in the wet season which result in the fall of fruit quality so that they fail to be competitive with imported grapes in the market. Beside this there is a lack of technology for turning the fruit into grape juice, raisins and other products. Wineries are also limited in number and these are mostly owned by foreigners. Formerly Buleleng was known for its rice which had nice flavor and texture and the emergence of vineyards has lead to a drop in its production so that it is difficult to find Buleleng rice in the market.

The village of Pancasari in Sukasada District of Buleleng Regency is a highland area on the shores of Lake Buyan and is most widely known for its strawberry production but this area also produces high quality, highland vegetables such as cauliflowers, cabbages, carrots, potatoes, and others. Strawberries (Fragaia veesca L) attain optimal growth in areas at a height of 1000 – 1500 m above sea level (asl), with a noon temperature of 22 – 25 C and overnight temperature of 14 – 18 C and with a humidity of 85 – 95 %. These condition need to be supported by porous soil with a high organic content and a pH of 5.8 – 6.5.

The soil around Lake Buyan is black, porous Andosol soil with high organic content and in combination with the height of Pancasari at 1.100 asl, a noon temperature of 23 – 26 C and night time temperature of 18 C it is in fact ideal for growing strawberries and it is not surprising that the strawberries in the supermarkets of Denpasar generally come from here. As well as this Chrysanthemums and orchids are also grown here. The orchid Phaphiopedilum and Cymbidium which cannot be grown in the low lands is brought to flower here sent to markets all over Bali, especially to Denpasar.

Buleleng Regency is also known for its production of Mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) The interaction of soil and agro climate make Buleleng very suitable for their growth and when the harvest time comes from October to June with its peak from November to December the mangoes of Buleleng dominate the supermarkets and traditional markets of Denpasar. It’s a pity that the farmer’s knowledge about the techniques for growing of commodities is not good because if the government were to provide impetus for the mango agribusiness Buleleng could become a major world producer of mangoes with suitable qualities and quantities.

B. Tabanan Regency

Tabanan Regency has medium textured Latosol soil, a rainfall of 2,723.5 mm / year an average temperature of 27 C and is the rice production centre of Bali as it produces 90% of Bali’s rice. Even though the area of rice fields in Bali has been reduced in the last 5 years, this area with its organized subak is still very productive especially in the Guama Subak in Marga District and the ‘Rejasa’nya subak in Penebel District which are both lowland areas and very suitable for rice production.

Tabanan Regency also has a highland area in Baturiti District which borders on Pancasari village in Sukasada District at a height of 1,100 m asl. This area is a centre for the production of highland vegetables of the Brassicaceae varieties such cauliflower, sawi, broccoli, cabbages and others. These highland vegetables, whether grown in Pancasari or Baturiti are facing the same problem of a reduction in quality caused by plant diseases and there is also a problem with the supply of seedlings. Only carrot seedlings can be produced locally and other seedlings must be bought at high prices from other countries. The problem of seeding production, especially for Brassicaceae varieties is a general problem in Bali as it is only possible to produce them with quality in areas with a high temperature fluctuation between night and day temperatures.

With soil and agroclimate conditions of Tabanan Regency it is also possible to plant mangostein (Garcinia mangostana L.). This flavored fruit with its unique shape is very popular everywhere making it an excellent prospect for export as a Balinese tropical fresh fruit.

C. Jembrana Regency

Jembrana Regency is an area dominated by medium textured Lasotol soil with an average annual rainfall 2,585 mm, a mean temperature of 28.4 C but until now it has not become known for the production of any specific commodity. In spite of this if we see the soil conditions and agro climate of the area are suitable for mixed cropping of corn and beans.

D. Karangasem Regency

Karangasem Regency is renown throughout Indonesia and the world as the area for the production of Salak Bali. This dry area having a rainfall of only 197 mm / year and average daily temperature of 27 – 50 C, and predominantly medium textured regosol soil has an agroclimate that is in fact highly suitable for the production of salak, especially the Salacca edulis salak which falls into the category of Palmae plant type.

As with other Palmae species the salak does not require intensive fertilizing as the salak only requires small amounts of organic fertilizers such as animal droppings. With prices for chemical fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphate, and kalium being expensive this factor makes the salak really worthwhile for farmers. From the point of view of the environmentally friendly and prevents damage to the soil that would come from their use.

There are three salak producing areas in Karangasem including Duda, Manggis and Sibetan villages although Sibetan village is actually located in the District of Sidemen. It was from these villages that the Balinese salak first originated and which has now spread to other places in Bali. The interaction of agro climate and soil of an area are a specific factor in the production of commodity and it is for this reason that the Sibetan salak had a different flavor and was not as nice when it was tried in Pekutatan in Tabanan Regency.



The Soil of Bali Island and Potentials for Farming by Rindang Dwiyani in Indonesian Geographical Expedition 2007, National Coordinating Agency for Survey and Mapping.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (5)

Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia (5)




Visa and Immigration Requirements

Tourists and business visitors from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chili, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, The Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Hong Kong, / China, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirate, United Kingdom, United State of America, Venezuela and Yugoslavia do not require visa for a maximum stay of 2 (two) months. In addition, tourists and business visitors from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the Myanmar do not require visa for a maximum stay only of 2 (two) weeks. However, these visas are not extendable. The granting of free visa to business visitors is limited for the purpose of business investigations or discussions with their business relations. They are not permitted to conclude any business transaction, engage in local employment, and perform any professional or technical service. Visa is still required for visitors from countries which are not mentioned above.

Multiple-Journey Business Visas


Multiple-Journey Business Visa travel visa gives the bearer the right to make several entries to Indonesia within a period of 12 (twelve) months and each stay up 2 (two) months.

For business or tourist travelers of nationalities that have obtained the two months free visa on arrival, multiple-journey business visas are not necessary for stays within those two months.

Limited Stay Visas or Temporary Residents Visas


Limited stay visas are valid for three months to one year and are issued exclusively to experts for the national development and to expatriates who are involved in training or other educational or scientific programs in line with the prevailing government regulations. Direct dependents can also qualify for this type of visa.

Re-entry Permit

Non-citizens with residential status in Indonesia must have valid re-entry permits to re-enter Indonesia.

Environmental Protection


In 1990, the government established the environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) and then, since 2002 this Agency merges into the Ministry of Environment which is responsible for the development and implementation of national policies and programs for environmental management particularly as they relate to urban and industrial pollution and hazardous waste management.

The ministry of Environment oversees a decentralized enforcement system (conducting environmental assessment) through the Regional Environment Management Agency (BAPEDALDA) and regional laboratories to ensure efficient monitoring of the implementation of environmental policies.

Business Entrance


Indonesia has been stipulated the new law No.: 25/2007 concerning Investment (in Indonesia), to meet the above Investment law Indonesia Government is preparing the derivates regulations.

For the transition, few fields of business activities are regulated by President Decree No. 96 of 2000 as amended by No. 118 of 2000. There are 11 (eleven) business activities closed for any investment (domestic as well as foreign / PMA) such as cultivation and processing marijuana, collection / utilization of sponges, Industries of harmful chemicals and chemical weapon, which are listed in the attachment-I of the mentioned decrees. There are 8 (eight) business activities and closed for PMA companies such as germ plasma cultivation, concessions for natural forest, which are listed in the attachment-II. In addition, there are 9 (nine) business activities opened on the condition of joint venture between foreign and domestic capital, such as developing and operating of harbor, electricity production, transmission and distribution, as listed in the attachment-III. List of business activities which are opened for investment if fulfilled certain condition of fish in fresh water, industries of pulp made of wood and ethyl alcohol.

The Indonesian Regulatory Environment


The Indonesian Investment Process


The Capital Investment Board (BKPM) has the responsibility to administer and grant investment application. BKPM issues licenses for both domestic (PMDN) and foreign investment (PMA).

Service and / or licensing convenience may be given and renewed in advance simultaneously and may be further renewed upon request of the investors in form of:

a. Hak Guna Usaha (leasehold) may be given for 95 (ninety-five) years and simultaneously renewed in advance for 60 (sixty) years, and it may be further for 35 (thirty-five) years.

b. Hak Guna Bangunan (building rights) may be given for 80 (eighty) years, and simultaneously renewed in advance for 50 (fifty) years, and it may be further renewed for 30 (thirty) years and

c. Hak Pakai (right of use) may be given for 70 (seventy) years, and simultaneously renewed in advance for 45 (forty-five) years, and it may be further renewed for 25 (twenty-five) years.

The government shall provide the same treatment to any investors originating from any countries making investment in Indonesia pursuant to the rules of law. Treatment set forth shall not apply to investor of certain countries that have received privilege by virtue of an agreement with Indonesia.

On-stop integrated service is meant to assist investor in obtaining service convenience, fiscal facility, and information about investment. One-stop integrated service shall be provided by authorized institution or agency. In investment sector that have been delegated or assigned by institution or agency possess the authority to issue licensing or non-licensing in a province or regency/city. Provisions on the method and implementation of such one-stop integrated service set forth shall be governed with presidential regulation.

The approval process today for foreign investors is easier than before 1997.

The professional adviser is highly recommended for any new company wishing to establish.

There are regional BKPM offices, which are located in provinces, known as BKPM also have responsibility for issuing licenses and approvals.

The investment Law (now under processed) eliminates many impediments and red neck investment procedures.



Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, The Republic of Indonesia

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (4)

Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia (4)

Relevant International Agreement

Investment Guarantee and Protection Agreement

A number of governments provide investment guarantees to other nationals who make overseas investment in their countries. In most cases, these guarantees cover compensation in case of nationalization or expropriation, damages or losses caused by incidents of war, revolution or insurrection and payments for any approved remittance pursuant to the investment in case of non-convertibility of currency of the host country. To provide security for foreign investment, the Government of Indonesia concludes investment Guarantee Agreement (IGA) with ASEAN governments. Besides, Indonesia signed bilaterally the investment promotion and Protection Agreements with 55 countries, namely: Argentina, Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium/Luxemburg, Cambodia, Chile, People Republic of China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, People Democratic republic of Laos, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mongolia, Mozambique, The Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, The Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

To create a favorable international investment climate, Indonesia has also signed multilateral agreements, thereby promoting foreign direct investment in Indonesia. Indonesia is now a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which will protect investment against various political risks.

To deal with foreign investment disputes, Indonesia has become a signatory member of the investment Center on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Intellectual Property Right

Indonesia has made a great progress on intellectual property protection since 1986. Indonesia is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization and is party of certain sections of the Paris Convention for the protection of intellectual property. Pursuant to obligations under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Right (TRIPs), one of the Uruguay Round Agreements, Indonesia has amended Patent Law, Copyrights Law and Trademark Law in 1997.


Indonesia’s first patent law entered into effect on August 1, 2001 by Law No. 14 of 2001. The Law and its implementing regulations outline patent consultants, and patent announcements. Products and production processes are in principle patentable subject to certain requirements. The Law provides protection for a period of 20 years for Patent and 10 years for Simple Patent, both of them can not be extended.


The first Indonesia’s trademark act took effect on April 1, 1993 but then it was replaced by Law No. 15 of August 2001. The act is intended to provide greater protection for well-known foreign and Indonesian marks, and to prohibit the use of deceptively similar marks. The act states that trademark right are determined on a first file basis rather than on a first uses basis. The trademark is filed and it can be extended. After registration, the trademark must actually be used in commerce. The detection of registered trademark from the general list trademark can be undertaken either by the trademark holder initiative or the trademark office if trademark is not used with in 3 years.


In 1987 and 1997, the House of Representative – Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) passed two amendments to the 1982 Copyright Law. The amended law affords protection to people’s creations on science, art and literature, expands the scope of coverage and rises the terms of protection for most categories of works to international standards. The copyright is valid for:

1. As long as the author’s life until 50 years from the date of death of author; for book, flyer, paper / write. Seminar, lecture, speech, and the like, performance (music, Java traditional music / karawitan, drama, dance, people or puppet performance / pewayangan, pantomime, choreography, created song or music with or without lyric, arts (painting, statue), batiks arts, architecture, map, translation, interpret, and excerpt, writing and work of arts.

2. 50 years from the date of the copyright notification, for broadcasting creation used such as on TV, radio, video, and movie, created song or music with or without lyric, recorded voice or sound, arts (painting statue); cinematography, computer program.

3. 25 years from date of copyright notification; for photography, computer programs, and cover design.

To be continued.

Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia

Monday, 12 January 2009

Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (3)


Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia (3)


Indonesia's land legislations do not recognize the concept of freehold land rights. Instead the various right attached to the land are subdivided into separates titles.

The Basic Agrarian Law (Law no. 5 of 1960) recognizes type of rights on land of non-state-forest area, whereas state forest-area, the Law no 5 0f 1967 on forestry is applied. To foreign as well as domestic investor, the following three main rights are significant; the Land Cultivation Rights (Hak Guna Usaha, abbreviated as HSU), the Right of Building on Land (Hak Guna Bangunan, abbreviated as HGB) and the Right of Use on Land (Hak Pakai, abbreviated as HP). These rights authorize the use of land in some ways, and their differences are mainly on the duration of validity, the nature of utilization, the opportunity to mortgage (to use as asset or collateral) and proof of title:

1. The Land Cultivation Right (HGU) is the right to use a state Owned Land for the purposes of agriculture namely plantation, or cattle rising. By law the title is granted for maximum period of 35 years, but can be extended to 25 years is the land is properly used and managed. This title of right is given to Indonesian individual(s) or legal entities domiciled in Indonesia including PMA companies. It can be used as collateral or transferred to other party with the government approval.
2. The Right Building of the Land (HGU) is the right to construct and own building on a peace of land that one has purchased. The title is granted for a maximum period of 30 years and can be extended for maximum period for 20 years for Indonesian individual(s) and / or legal entities domiciled in Indonesia including PMA companies. It can be used as collateral or transferred to other party. This is also applicable and generally granted to tenants in Industrial estates.
3. Right of Use on Land (HGB) is the right to use land for a specific purpose and granted for a period of 25 years and can be extended for period of 20 years or as long as the land is used for certain (normal) utilization. Now, this right can also be used as a mortgage. In addition, it can also be transferred to other party through a government approval.

Dwelling House or a residence that can be owned by a foreign person shall be :
1. A separate house constructed on a piece of land with the right of utilization on state land or controlled on the basis of an agreement with a land holder: or,
2. An apartment constructed on a piece of land with the right of utilization on state land.

Foreign investors who obtained mining contract from the minister of Mines and Energy or the respective Governor / the District Head or forest exploitation rights and or plantation right from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Respective Governor / District Head could automatically use the land within their business license. In case investors want to use the land for different purposes, special applications should be submitted to the Ministry or the respective Governor / District Head concerned. These rights have no collateral value to the owner.

To be continued.

Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (2)

Government Incentives

Import Duties

All investment projects of PMA as well as PMDN projects which are approved by the investment coordinating Board or by the Office of Investment in the respective districts, including existing PMA and PMDN companies expanding their projects to produce similar product(s) in excess of 30% of installed capacities or diversifying their products, will be granted the following facilities:

1. Relief from import duty so that the final tariffs become 5%. In the case of tariffs of import duty which are mentioned in the Indonesian Customs Tariff Book (BTBMI) being 5% or lower, the effective tariffs shall be those in BTBMI:

a. On the importation of capital goods namely machinery, equipments, spare parts and auxiliary equipments for and import period of 2 (two) years, started from the date of stipulation of the decisions on import duty relief.

b. On the importation of goods and materials or raw materials regardless of their types and composition, which are used as materials or components to produce finished goods for the purpose of 2 (two) years full production (accumulated production time).

2. Exemption from the transfer of ownership fee for ship registration deed / certificate made for the first time in Indonesia.

Tax Facilities

1. The government has introduced a tax bill No’s 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of 2000 and applied since January 2001. Based on this tax law, the domestic and foreign investors will be granted tax allowances in certain sector and / or area as follows:

a. An investment tax allowance in the form of taxable income reduction as much as 30% of the realized investment spread in 6 (six) years.

b. Accelerated depreciation and amortization.

c. A loss carried forward facility for period of no more than 10(ten) years.

d. A 10% income tax on dividends, and possibly being lower if stipulated in the provisions of an existing particular tax treaty.

2. The government has also introduced provisions No’s 146 of 2000 and 12 of 2000 of 2001 on the importation and or delivery of selected taxable goods, and or the provision of selected taxable services as well as the importation and or delivery of selected strategic goods which are exempted from for certain industries or sectors and or location of projects which are considered a national priority in terms of exports and the development of remote areas, the government will provide tax incentives.

Export Manufacturing

There are many incentives provided for exporting manufacture products. Some of these incentives are as follows:

1. Restitution (drawback) of import on the importation of goods and materials needed to manufacture the exported finishes products.

2. Exemption from value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods and materials purchased domestically, to be used in the manufacturing of the exported products.

3. The company can import raw materials required regardless of the availability of comparable domestic products.

Bonded Zones

The industries companies which are located in the bonded areas are provided with many intensives as follows:

1. Exemption from import duty, excise, income tax of Article 22, value added tax on luxury goods on the importation of capital goods and equipment including raw materials for the production process.

2. Allow to divert their products amounted to 50% of their export (in term of value) for the final products, and 100% of their exports (in term of value) for other than final products to the Indonesian customs area, through normal import procedure including payment of customs duties.

3. Allowed to sell scrap or waste to Indonesian custom area as long as it contains at the highest tolerance of 5% of the amount of the material used in the production process.

Allowed to lend their own machineries and equipments to their subcontractors located outside bonded zones for no longer than 2 (two) years in order to further process their own products.

Exemption of value added tax and sales tax on luxury goods on the delivery of products for further processing from bonded zones to their subcontractors outside the bonded zones or the other way around as well as among companies in these areas.

To be continued.

Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia,Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia

Friday, 21 November 2008

Guide to Agricultural Investment in Indonesia (1)

Agribusiness Investment Reform

The investment enviroment provided by Indonesian government is primarily intended to create a more conducive environment for agribusiness development and an incentive for farmer and private enterprises to carry out agricultural activities. Hence, investment by both foreign and domestic investors is aimed at stimulating and encouraging investment in production activities with the direct involvement of farmers and other parties in private sectors.

The primary target of agribusiness investment is increasing production in food crops, horticulture, estate plantation and livestock the investment also plans to create production facilities for inputs like fertilizers and agricultural machinery. It is expected that these investments in processing, distribution and marketing activities, as well as the financial system will accelerate the development of agribusiness in rural area.

During the 2005-2006 periods, total domestic investment in agribusiness was Rp 40,713.1 billion. With largest contribution invested in food industry and estate crop. Due the economic crisis, this number declined to Rp 766 billion in 1998. The domestic agribusiness investment was about Rp 763.3 billion due to the more actable economic and political condition in Indonesia. And in 2006, the number domestic investment was Rp 28,301.7 billion.

Foreign investment trend were decrees, during period 2005-2006 total foreign investment in agribusiness was US$ 3,009.3 billion and average US$ 1,504.7 billion. In 2006, the number foreign investment was US$ 1,904.9 billion. However during 2006 the number of foreign investment was growing as well as the domestic investment.

Investment policies statement

Recognizing, that the importance of private sector investment to achieve sustainable economic growth, employment creation, development of strategic national resources, transfer and implementation of competitive technology and technical skills, export growth and improved balance of payments.

Appreciating, that an appropriate legal framework is prerequisite to promoting a stable, predictable and attractive business environment in order to encourage and support private economic activity Indonesian and foreign investors.

Acknowledging, that an appropriate legal framework for investment must provide certain key principles, among which are: equal treatment of investor in similar circumstances irrespective of nationality; protection against expropriation, confiscation or requisition of investments and unilateral alteration or termination of contracts, freedom to repatriate foreign investment capital and net proceeds there on; and access to impartial, quick and effective mechanisms for the resolution of commercial and other investment disputes.

Cognizant, that these principles have increasingly been adopted as standard international practice and have been incorporated into national legislation in many countries, both regionally and globally, and have been recognized in various international documents, including the GATT/WTO agreements, the APEC Non Binding Investment Principles, and numerous bilateral investment agreements.

Undertake and resolves to reform the investment policies, legislation and regulations of the Republic so as to create and enabling environment for private investment consistent with the above stated principles, to be characterized by active promotion and facilitation of investment, transparent criteria for the admission and establishment of investments, transparency of government procedures and administration, screening and licensing requirements based on a short “negative list” of restricted investment.

The government has therefore established an “Investment Policy Reform Initiative” having as its objective the encouragement and facilitation of private sector investment through reform and implementation of transparent, predictable, market oriented policies applied equally to both foreign and domestic investors. In this the government has recently adopted major policies changes, including liberalizing the rules for foreign investment.

The government is committed to the rapid elimination of the remaining restriction on foreign and local private investment. This statement sets forth newly adopted and current policies of the Government for promoting and facilitating private sector investment in Indonesia. The Government is fully committed to these policies and will take the necessary steps to ensure their effective implementation. This statement will be supplemented by detailed investment guidelines to be issued in the near future. To encourage and facilitate private investment, the government has adopted the following policies.

Freedom to Invest

Investors shall be permitted to invest in any sector of the economy except in small number of activities, which are listed on “negative list”. There shall be no restriction on the size of the investment, the source of funds or whether the product s is destined for export or for the domestic market. Exciting foreign investors may invest in activities other than those initially authorized, except for activities started on “negative list”.

Company Formation

Industrial licenses are still needed based on the principles of fairness, simple, quick and transparent mechanism and procedure. Procedures for company formation are to be administered so as to permit prompt establishment of business enterprises.

Taxes and Duties

The government is committed to enhance the country’s investment climate and international competitiveness by further reducing simplifying taxes and duties through ongoing tax and trade policy reform programs. The current Indonesia tax law provides tax incentive to investor who invests in certain sectors and or certain areas as follows:
-Investment allowances,
-Accelerated depreciation and amortization,
-Expanded loss compensation but not more than 10 years,
-10% tax rate for dividend paid to foreign tax payer, except to prevail tax convention maintaining lower tax rate.

Indonesia always tries to maintain equal treatment in tax law not only for tax cases that have similarities. By giving tax incentive to investors, Indonesia must assure that this incentive granted still reflect the principle of equal treatment and the application of that principle did not depart from the objective of tax incentive.

Availability of to Foreign Exchange

The government will continue to ensure, according to pre-set criteria and procedures that foreign exchange for import transactions and dividend payments is freely available and the Governments is committed to ensuring the ease of repatriation of capital and payments for business services.

Access to Local Funding

The government is considering introducing a simple system that will allow foreign investments access to local funding based on simple established criteria.

Labor Practice

Within the framework of the labor laws of Indonesia, the Government recognizes that enterprises may require foreign expertise. Accordingly, it will continue to make residence permits readily available according to prevailing regulation for key personnel required for employment in such enterprises.

General Infrastructure

The Government recognizes the importance of infrastructure to support investment and is committed to make available adequate infrastructure such as transport, electricity, water, and communications through partnership mechanisms that attract private capital. Adequate legal protection including guarantees for the integrity of contracts will be provided.

Availability of Land

The government is committed to ensure that land for industrial and commercial use is ready available to investors. The Government will receive and simplify all existing land licensing and environmental approval procedures to ensure transparency.
The Government is committed to develop new serviced industrial sites and has provided the necessary framework to enable private investors to develop industrial sites including through arrangements for subleasing to other investors.

Encouragement for small and medium Enterprises

The country’s small and medium scale enterprises hold great potential for rapid economic growth and employment creation. The Government is therefore dedicated to continuing with various programs assists these enterprises, including simplifying the regulatory and policy environment, removing obstacles to securing access to raw materials, removing tax related impediments and improving access to credit.

The Government will promote mutually advantageous, commercially beneficial subcontracting/partnership arrangements between large-scale foreign and local firms and small- and medium-scale business.

Investment Promotion

To further enhance the capacity of the BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board) and to create an integrated investment promotion regime, the Government is actively reviewing proposals for the formation of an independent, public private partnership to promote and facilitate all private investment in Indonesia.

Investment Services

The Government is committed that investment services for foreign and domestic investment in the era of the regional autonomy is more preferable that the current condition. Therefore, a “one stop service” system will be introduced to be implemented in the region.

Investment Protection

The government recognizes that security of assets of investor is of paramount importance. It therefore, assures investors that it will avoid using any measures that will adversely affect their property rights. In the case of foreign investors, the Government has negotiated and concluded several bilateral investment treaties, which provide direct protection to investors for the security of their assets as well as assurances for the repatriation of proceeds from their investments. The Government will actively work to pursue to conclude additional bilateral investment treaties with other countries. Indonesia has also joined the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

Double Taxation Relief

To improve economic and trade relationship with other countries, Indonesia would like to have certain law provisions that regulate the right of tax imposed law imposed from each country. The purposes of those provisions are achievement of rule of law, avoiding double taxation, and prevention of tax evasion. Government is entitled to make an agreement with other countries to avoid double taxation and to prevent tax evasion.

The frame work and the matter of this agreement are based on international convention and other rule of laws and also the tax regulation of each country.


The Government recognized that foreign investors must have an appropriate forum to resolve disputes that cannot be settled amicably. While such disputes would normally lie within the jurisdiction of a competent court, parties may agree in certain cases to pursue extra-judicial adjudication and to choose an appropriate forum, including international conciliation or arbitration. To that end, Indonesia has become a member of the International Center for settlement of investment Disputes (ICSID) at Washington DC.

To be continued.

Source: Guide to Agricultural Investment and Trade Opportunities in Indonesia,
Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Indonesia

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Economic Outlook and Improving Investment Climate

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia held group luncheon presentation at Imperial Hotel Tokyo on May 8, 2007. The opening remarks were presented by H.E. Dr. Jusuf Anwar, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia and Mr. Yuji Shirakawa, Chairman Nikko Citigroup Limited.

Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, Head of Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance presented “Economic outlook and improving Investment Climate”. He explained “Recently Approved Investment Law – Supportive Climate for Investment” to fifty Japanese Investors.

A. Equal legal status
1. Equal status and treatment to domestic and foreign investors

B. Investors’ protection
2. Protection against nationalization and any exploration, as must be based on law and compensated at market prices
3. Guaranteeing the right to repatriate earnings in foreign currency
4. Omission of the forced divestiture and limited duration of foreign investment under 1967 Foreign Investment Law

C. Dispute resolution
5. Binding international arbitration in the event of dispute between the government and foreign investors

D. Negative list
6. All business activities open to investment unless explicitly close/restricted
7. A transparent investment negative list based on standard industrial classifications to be issues as a single Presidential Regulation

E. Property rights
8. Stronger property rights (e.g. land use rights for investor of up to 95 years)

F. Immigration procedures
9. Allowing expatriate to be granted two years residence permits with multiple entry visas
10. The Residence permits to be turned into a permanent residence permit for living in Indonesia continuously for more than two years

G. Tax incentives
11. Special tax incentives for certain types of investment under certain conditions. For e.g. : tax holidays for pioneer industries, income tax reductions, exemption of import duty and VAT for capital goods and raw materials, accelerated depreciation and reduced property tax.