When World War II broke out in Europe and spread to the Pacific, the
Japanese occupied the Dutch East Indies as of March 1942, after the surrender
of the Dutch Colonial Army following the fall of Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore.
On 1 April 1945, American troops landed in Okinawa. Soon after, on August 6
and 9, the United States dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. A few days later, on August 14 1945, the Japanese surrendered to
the Allied Forces.
That occasion opened the opportunity for the Indonesian people to proclaim
their independence. Three days after the unconditional Japanese surrender, on
August 17, 1945, the Indonesian national leaders Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad
Hatta proclaimed Indonesia`s independence on behalf of the people.
The proclamation, which took place at 58, Jalan Pegangsaan Timur, Jakarta,
was heard by thousands of Indonesians throughout the country because the text
was secretly broadcasted by Indonesian radio personnel using the transmitters
of the Japanese-controlled radio station, Jakarta Hoso Kyoku. An English
translation of the proclamation was broadcasted overseas.
Indonesians accept Pancasila (pronounced Pancha-seela) as the National
Philosophy or Ideology regardless of their religious, ethnic, belief or
political backgrounds.
Pancasila is followed as the living guide to the people. Since the
Independence Day of August 17, 1945, the founding fathers, Soekarno and Hatta,
adopted this philosophy formally as the State's Philosophy.
Since then Pancasila has become the sole guidance of the people in
Indonesia that provides guidance for all in conducting their relationship with
God, fellow human beings, and governments. Pancasila consists of five
1. Belief in the one and only God.
2. Just and civilized humanity.
3. The unity of Indonesia.
4. Democracy led by wise guidance through
5. Social justice for all Indonesian
The following is a brief explanation of the five principles:
1. Belief in the one and only God.
The first principle reaffirms the belief of the people to the existence of God.
This principle allows the people to express their beliefs and religions in
worshiping the greatness of the Supreme God.
2. Just and civilized humanity.
The second principle shows the character of the people of Indonesia to respect
their fellow citizen. It suggests that human relations should be based on just
and civilized manners. The principle assures that the people of Indonesia
refuse any kind of oppression directed to humanity.
3. The unity of Indonesia.
The third principle
portrays the concept and feeling of nationalism. Each person in this country is
aware of various ethnicities, cultures, and beliefs that structure the country.
However, these varieties bind the nation tightly and strongly. This principle
reaffirms the acceptance of the concept unity in diversity.
4. Democracy led by wise guidance through
The fourth principle shows a decision making process of the nation that is
based on deliberation or musyawarah to reach consensus or mufakat. The decision
making process must always be exercised with a deep sense of responsibility
with respect for humanitarian values of dignity and integrity.
5. Social justice for all Indonesian
The fifth principle points out to social justice and equitable spread of
welfare to all people in Indonesia. The principle holds that the use of natural
resources and potentials should be for the benefit of the nation.
The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is referred to as the 1945
Constitution. The name was taken after the year in which it was drafted and
adopted. The name remains although the Constitution has been amended in
Initially, the Soeharto Government forbids any attempt to amend the 1945 Constitution.
However, with the fall of Soeharto and the New Order regime in 1998, the 1983
Decree and 1985 Law were rescinded and the way was clear to amend the
Constitution to make it more democratic. This was done in four stages at
sessions of the People's Consultative Assembly in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.
As a result, the original Constitution has grown from 37 articles to 73.
The amendment of the Constitution provides new approaches in establishing a
democratic government. The most important of the changes were:
- Limiting
Presidents to two terms of office.
- Establishing
a Regional Representatives Council (DPD), which, together with the House
of Peopleâ's Representatives (DPR) make up an entirely elected People's
Consultative Assembly.
- Stipulating
democratic, direct elections for the president, instead of the president
being elected by the People's Consultative Assembly.
- Abolishing
the Supreme Advisory Council.
- Mandating
direct, free and secret elections for the House of Representatives and
regional legislatures.
- Establishing
a Constitutional Court and a Judicial Commission.
- The
addition of ten entirely new articles concerning human rights.
The Flag, the Coat of
Arms, and the National Anthem
The Flag
The Indonesian national flag usually called Sang Merah Putih, is made up of
two colors, red and white. The flag has been flown since the Independence Day
of August 17, 1945, The Indonesian government still preserves the oldest
historical national flag known as bendera pusaka. Due to its physical
condition, this flag was last flown on August 17, 1968.
The Coat of Arms
A golden eagle or Garuda is the Indonesian Coat of Arms. The figure was
taken from the ancient epics as seen in many temples of the 6th century.
Garuda represents a symbol of strong and energetic nation. The color gold
suggests the greatness of the nation and the black is the nature. The Garuda is
portrayed with 17 feathers on each wing, 8 on the tail and 45 on the neck.
These feathers stand for the Indonesian Independence Day of August 17, 1945.
Garuda carried an ancient Javanese motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, meaning
Unity in Diversity, The motto was said to be created by Empu Tantular during
the Majapahit Kingdom in the 15th Century. While, five symbols of Pancasila was
set on Garuda's chest.
The National Anthem
The national anthem is Indonesia Raya or the Greatest Indonesia. Wage
Rudolf Supratman composed the song and introduced it to the public for the
first time during the Second Indonesia Youth Congress, October 28, 1928 in
Batavia (now Jakarta). Since then, the song became popular and stayed in the
heart of the nation. This is because the song inspired the people to build national
consciousness and to call for unity of the people. It is the aspiration of the
The Indonesian
Indonesia is led by a President who acts as the Head of the State and Chief
Executive. In exercising his/her duties, the President is assisted by a
The Indonesian President and Vice-President, in pair, are elected through
the Presidential Elections every five years. They govern for a five-year term
and can be re-elected for a second term. The term of the President and
Vice-President is limited to two terms only.
Since its independence on August 17, 1945, Indonesia has been led by six
presidents; Soekarno (1945-1968); Soeharto (1968-1997); B.J. Habibie
(1997-1999); Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001); Megawati Soekarnoputri (2001-2004);
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2014). The incumbent President is Ir. Joko
Widodo (2014- present) who was installed on 20 October 2014 together with his
Vice President, M.Jusuf Kalla.
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with a total number of
17,508 islands according to the Indonesian Naval Hydro-Oceanographic office.
The archipelago is on a crossroads between two oceans, the Pacific and the
Indian Ocean, and bridges two continents, Asia and Australia.
This strategic position has always influenced the cultural, social,
political and economic life of the country. The territory of the Republic of
Indonesia stretches from 6 08 North latitude to 11 15 South latitude and
from 94 45 to 141 05 East longitude.
The Indonesian Sea area is four times greater than its land area, which is
about 1.9 million sq. km. The sea area is about 7.9 million sq. km (including
an exclusive economic zone) and constitutes about 81% of the total area of the country.
The five main islands are: Sumatra, which is about 473,606 sq km in size,
the most fertile and densely populated islands; Java / Madura, 132.107 sq km;
Kalimantan, which comprises two-thirds of the island of Borneo and measures
539.460 sq km; Sulawesi, 189.216 sq km; and Papua, 421,981 sq
km which is part of the world's second largest island: New Guinea.
Indonesia's other islands are smaller in size.
The archipelago is divided into three groups. The islands of Java, Sumatra
and Kalimantan, and the small islands in-between, lie on the Sunda Shelf which
begins on the coasts of Malaysia and Indo China, where the sea depth does not
exceed 700 feet. Papua which is part of the island of New Guinea, and the Aru
Islands, lie on the Sahul Shelf, which stretches northwards from the Australian
Here the sea depth is similar to that of the Sunda Shelf. Located between
these two shelves is the island group of Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Sulawesi,
where the sea depth reaches 15,000 feet. Coastal plains have been developed
around the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Papua. The land area is
generally covered by thick tropical rain forests, where fertile soils are
continuously replenished by volcanic eruptions like those on the island of
Indonesia is a tropical country, and the climate is fairly even all year
round. The climate and weather of Indonesia is characterized by two tropical
seasons, which vary with the equatorial air circulation(the Walker circulation) and
the meridian air circulation (the Hardleycirculation).
The displacement of the latter follows the north-south movement of the sun
and its relative position from the earth, in particular from the continents of
Asia and Australia, at certain periods of the year. These factors contribute to
the displacement and intensity of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
which is an equatorial trough of low pressure that produces rain. Thus, the
west and east monsoons, or the rainy and dry seasons, are a prevalent feature
of the tropical climate.
The seasons in Indonesia are roughly divided into two distinct seasons, wet
and dry. The climate changes every six months. The dry season (June to
September) is influenced by the Australian continental air masses; while the
rainy season (December to March) is the result of the Asian and Pacific Ocean
air masses. The air contains vapor which precipitates and produces rain in the
Tropical areas have rains almost the whole year through. The heaviest
rainfalls are usually recorded in December and January. However, the climate of
Central Maluku is an exception. The rainy season is from June to September and
the dry season from December to March. The transitional periods between the two
seasons are April to May and October to November. The transitional period
between these two seasons alternates between gorgeous sun-filled days and
occasional thunderstorms.
Due to the large number of islands and mountains in the country, average
temperatures may be classified as follows:
coastal plains: 28°C, inland and mountain areas: 26°C
higher mountain areas: 23°C, varying with the altitude.
Being in a tropical zone, Indonesia has an average relative humidity
between 70% and 90%, with a minimum of 73% and a maximum of 87%.
Komodo dragon
Indonesia contains one of the world’s most remarkable geographical
boundaries in its distribution of animals. This dates back to the glacial
period when sea level fell all over the world. During this period the islands
of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Bali on the Sunda Shelf were joined together
with one another and with the Asian mainland, but Papua, Aru and the Australian
continent of the Sahul Shelf were separated.
This early geographical separation explains why the tropical animal species
of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan do not exist in Papua. For the same reason, the
kangaroo of Papua is missing in the other regions. Maluku, Sulawesi and the
Lesser Sunda Islands, which lie between the Sunda and Sahul shelves, have a
strikingly different fauna. Most of the eastern faunas do not exist in Sulawesi
even though this island is close to Kalimantan, being just across the Makassar
Strait. Similarly, the animal species of Papua are not found on Seram and
Halmahera, Papua’s closest neighbours. One possible reason for this is that
Kalimantan and Sulawesi might have been separated by a deep strait at one
point, while the great depth of the Banda Sea kept them apart during the
glacial period.
Some scientists have attributed the phenomenon to three faunal lines.
Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) wrote in his book, The Malay Archipelago, that Nusantara was separated into an Oriental ecological area (west side)
and an Australian ecological area (east side) by a Wallace Line that runs from
South to North, passing the Lombok and Makassar Straits and ending in the south
eastern part of the Philippines. The Weber line which passes the sea between
Maluku and Sulawesi, and the Lydekker line which starts at the edge of the
Sahul Shelf. Sulawesi Island is in a transition zone known as the Wallace Area.
The other two faunal lines are the Weber Line, which passes the sea between
Maluku and Sulawesi, and the Lydekker Line, which starts at the Sahul Shelf and
skirts the western border of Papua and the Australian continent.
Other scientists, however, prefer to call the area a subtraction transition
zone. The Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation
adopted a national strategy on natural conservation whereby the entire
ecosystem is conserved. This is necessary because it is often impossible to
preserve wildlife outside its natural habitat. For example, the orangutan, which
literally means œjungleman (Pongo pygmaeus) and
only lives in the jungles of Sumatra and Kalimantan, is very dependent on a
primary forest habitat. For this purpose, the Directorate General, in
cooperation with the World Wide Fund for Nature (W.W.F.), established “orangutan
rehabilitation centers to prepare
illegally-captured orangutans to return to life in the wilderness.
The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the world’s
largest lizard, can grow to 3 meters long. Its home is on the Komodo group of
reserves, which are composed of Komodo, Padar and Rinca islands, off the coast
of Flores in the eastern part of the country.
Papua and Maluku are rich in colorful birds, varying from the big and
unable-to-fly cassowaries(Casuarius) and the brilliantly-plumaged
birds of paradise that belong to the family of Paradiseidae and Ptilinorhynhidae and
number more than 40 species, to a large variety of birds from the parrot
family. Other members of Indonesia’s fauna include the hornbill bird, orrangkong/enggang
of the Bucerotidal family, which is noted for its enormous
horn-tipped beak.
The rich flora of Indonesia includes many unique varieties of tropical
plant life in various forms. Rafflesia
Arnoldi, which is found only in certain parts of Sumatra, is the largest
flower in the world.
This parasitic plant grows on certain lianas but does not produce leaves.
From the same area in Sumatra comes another giant, Amorphophallus tatinum, the
largest inflorescence of its kind. The insect trapping pitcher plant (Nepenthea spp) is
represented by different species in many areas of western Indonesia. The myriad
of orchids is rich in species, varying in size from the largest of all orchids,
the tiger orchid or Grammatophyllum Speciosum, to the tiny and leafless species
of Taeniophyllum which is edible and taken by the local people as a medicine
and is also used in handicrafts.
The forest soil is rich in humus which enables the luxuriant growth of a
multitude of fungi, including the horse hair blight, the luminescent species,
the sooty mold and the black mildew. Indonesia’s flora also abounds in timber
species. The dipterocarp family is renowned for its timber (meranti),resin,
vegetable oil and tengkawang or illipe nuts. Ramin, a
good-quality timber for furniture, is produced by the Gonystylus tree.
Sandalwood, ebony, ulin and Palembang timber are other valuable forest
products. Teakwood is a product of man-made forests in Java. Because the flora
is so rich many people in Indonesia have made a good living of this natural
resource. About 6,000 species of plants are known to be used directly or indirectly
by the people. A striking example in this modern time is the use of plants in
the production of traditional herbal medicine or Jamu. Flowers are indispensable in ceremonial, customary and traditional rites.
To care for animals and plants in the country, the fifth of November was
designated as the national Flora and Fauna Day. To foster the society’s love
for its fauna and flora, the Komodo reptile (Varanus komodoensis) has been
designated as Indonesia’s National Animal, the red freshwater Liluk/arwana
(Scleropage formosus) as the Fascinating Animal and the flying Elang Jawa
(Javan Hawk Eagle, Spizaetus barteisi) as the rare (endangered) species. These
decisions complement the previous designation of Indonesia’s national flowers.
The strategic position of Indonesia and its waterways between the Indian
and Pacific Oceans has led to a fascinating and complex cultural, religious,
political and economic history. Evidence of Indonesia’s earliest inhabitants
include fossils of Java Man (Pithecanthropus
Erectus), which date back some 500,000 years, discovered near the village
of Trinil in East Java by Dr. Eugene Dubois in 1809.
Major migration movements to the Indonesian archipelago began about 3000
years ago as the Dongson Culture of Vietnam and southern China spread south,
bringing with them new Stone, Bronze and Iron Age cultures as well as the
Austronesian language. Their techniques of irrigated rice cultivation are still
practiced throughout Indonesia today. Other remnants of this culture such as
ritual buffalo sacrifice, erection of stone megaliths and lkat weaving are
still visible in isolated areas across the archipelago.
Indonesia came under the influence of a mighty Indian civilization through
the gradual Influx of Indian traders in the first century AD, when great Hindu
and Buddhist empires were beginning to emerge. By the seventh century, the
powerful Buddhist Kingdom of Sriwijaya was on the rise, and it is thought that
during this period the spectacular Borobudur Buddhist temple was built in
Central Java. The thirteenth century saw the dominance of the fabulous
Majapahit Hindu Empire in East Java, which united the whole of modern-day
Indonesia and parts of the Malay peninsula, ruling for two centuries.
Monuments across Java such as the magnificent Prambanan temple complex near
Yogyakarta, the mysterious Penataran temple complex in East Java and the
ethereal temples of the Dieng Plateau are all that remain of this glorious
period in Indonesia’s history.The first recorded attempt at armed invasion of
Indonesia is credited to the notorious Mongol Emperor Kubilai Khan, who was
driven back in 1293. Arab traders and merchants laid the foundations for the
gradual spread of Islam to the region, which did not replace Hinduism and Buddhism
as the dominant religion until the end of the 16th century.
A series of small Moslem kingdoms sprouted up and spread their roots, but
none anticipated the strength and persistence of European invasions which
followed. In 1292, Marco Polo became one of the first Europeans to set foot on
the Islands, but it wasn’t until much later that the Portuguese arrived in
pursuit of spices. By 1509, the Portuguese had established trading posts in the
strategic commercial center of Malacca on the Malay Peninsula. Their fortified
bases and the inability of their enemies to unify against them allowed the
Portuguese to control strategic trade routes from Malacca to Macau, Goa,
Mozambique and Angola.
Inspired by the success of the Portuguese, the Dutch followed at the turn
of the 16th century. They ousted the Portuguese from some of the easternmost
islands, coming into conflict with another major European power, Spain, which
had focused its colonial interests in Manila. The Dutch expanded their control
of the entire area throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Dutch East Indies, as it was known at this time, fell under British
rule for a short period during the Napoleonic Wars of 1811-1816, when Holland
was occupied by France, and Dutch power overseas was limited. While under
British control, the Lt. Governor for Java and its dependencies was Sir Thomas
Stamford Raffles, known for his liberal attitude towards the people under
colonial rule and his research on the history of Java. With the return of the
Dutch in 1816, a period of relative peace was interrupted by a series of long
and bloody wars launched by the local people against the Dutch colonial
The Indonesian nationalist and independence movements of the 20th century
have their roots in this period. Upper and middle class Indonesians, whose
education and contact with Western culture had made them more aware of colonial
injustice, began mass movements which eventually drew support from the peasants
and urban working classes. The Japanese replaced the Dutch as rulers of
Indonesia for a brief period during World War II. The surrender of the Japanese
in 1945 signaled the end of the Second World War in Asia and the start of true
independence for Indonesia. With major changes in global consciousness about
the concepts of freedom and democracy, Indonesia proclaimed its independence on
the 17th of August of that same year.
The returning Dutch bitterly resisted Indonesian nationalist movements and
intermittent fighting followed. Although two agreements had been reached
between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 1947 (Linggarjati Agreement) and 1948
(Renville Agreement), a precarious truce remained ongoing throughout this
critical period. It was Ambassador McNaughton's incredible ability to
maneuver through diplomatic deadlocks, along with his brilliant leadership that
would bring resolutions 40 and 41 of February 1948 to the forefront,
resolutions that would call for a ceasefire to the armed conflict in Indonesian
territory. On his second and third term as President of the UN (United Nations)
Security Council, and with the outbreak of serious, renewed conflict,
McNaughton’s persistence and determination was behind the issuance of Security
Council resolutions 63, 64, 65/1948 and 67/1949, which recognized the urgent
need to bring both sides back to the negotiating table and called upon the
Netherlands to cease its attacks on Indonesian territories.
In fact, the Canadian Proposal became the basis of the resolution of the
Indonesia-Netherlands conflict. And its architect, General Andrew McNaughton
began to map out the road to peace. The Soviets vetoed the move, however, but
McNaughton argued that the veto bore no merit since the Council had earlier
approved the basic elements of a peace plan. The UN Security Council then went
on to adopt his proposal in resolution no. 67/January 1949, which endorsed the
establishment of a Tripartite Commission to hold negotiations with Indonesia
and the Netherlands. These negotiations would lead to the international
recognition of Indonesia’s sovereignty in December of the same year.
Under the auspices of the United Nations at the Hague, an agreement was
finally reached on December 9, 1949, officially recognizing Indonesia’s
sovereignty over the former Dutch East Indies.
The staple food of most of Indonesia is rice. On some of the islands in
eastern Indonesia, staple foods traditionally range from corn, sago, cassava to
sweet potatoes, though this is changing as rice becomes more popular. Fish
features prominently in the diet: fresh, salted, dried, smoked or paste.
Seafood is abundant and of great variety: lobster, oyster, prawns, shrimp,
squid, crab, etc.
Coconut is found everywhere and besides being processed for cooking oil,
its milk and meat is an ingredient for many dishes. Spices and hot chili
peppers are the essence of most cooking, and in some areas they are used
generously, such as in West Sumatra and North Sulawesi. Each province or area
has its own cuisine. West Sumatra is known for its Padang restaurants, found
nationwide. Besides the hot and spicy food, these restaurants are known for
their unique style of service.
Further to the east, seafood is a staple of the daily diet, either grilled
or made into curries. In Bali, Papua and the highlands of North Sumatra and
North Sulawesi pork dishes are specialties.
As the population of Indonesia is predominantly Moslem, pork is usually not served except
in non-halal restaurants. There is a wide variety of tropical and sub-tropical
vegetables all year round. Fruit is available throughout the year. Some fruits
such as mangoes and water melons are seasonal, but most of the other fruits can
be bought throughout the year, such as bananas, apples, papayas, pineapples and
oranges. Coffee and tea are served everywhere from fine restaurants to small
village stalls. There are several breweries which produce local beer. Bali
produces brem which is a rice wine,
whereas Toraja has tuak.
For most people, a meal consists of steamed white rice with side dishes of
meat, chicken, fish and vegetables along with a glass of tea. There is such a
rich variety in the Indonesian cuisine that one should sample specialties in
each area. However, most common nationwide are sate (skewered grilled meat), gado-gado (vegetable salad with
peanut sauce), nasi goreng (fried rice served
anytime) and bakmi goreng (fried noodles).
Indonesia is blessed with a rich and diverse mix of traditional cultures
and art forms. The basic principles which guide life across this colorful
tapestry of life-styles include the concepts of mutual assistance or “gotong
royong†and communal meetings and gatherings or
musyawarah to arrive at a consensus or mufakat.
Derived from the traditions of agriculturally based rural life, this system is
still very much in use in community life throughout the country.
Social life, as well as rites of passage, is steeped in ancient traditions
and customs, or adat laws, which differ
from area to area. Adat laws have a binding
impact on Indonesian life and have been instrumental in maintaining equal
rights for women in the community.
Religious influences on communal life vary from Island to island and
village to village, depending on local history. Art forms in Indonesia are not
only derived from folklore, as in many other parts of the world. Many were
developed in the courts of former kingdoms, as in Bali, where they are integral
elements of religious ceremonies. The famous dance dramas of Java and Bali are
derived from Hindu mythology and often feature fragments from the Ramayana and
Mahabharata Hindu epics.
Wayang Golek
From graceful court and temple dances to charming folk dances and
boisterous play, the performing arts of Indonesia offer an astounding range of
types and styles for the visitor to study or enjoy, reflecting, as they do, the
soul and traditions of the various ethnic groups who perform them. Music, dance
and drama are very often intertwined, as in the ludruk transvestite theatre of
East Java and the lenong folk theatre of Jakarta, both known for their
slapstick humour and early Shakespearean simplicity in their stage settings.
An important form of indigenous theatre is puppetry, of which the most
celebrated is the wayang kulit shadow play of Java. These plays are magical and
mysterious, and have often been seen as roads to the true heart and soul of
Javanese culture. They are performed with leather puppets held by the puppeteer
(dalang), who narrates the story of one of the famous episodes of the
Mahabharata or the Ramayana. The play is performed against a white screen,
while a lantern in the background casts the shadows of the characters on the
Most of the audience sits in front to watch the shadow figures, but it is
also possible to sit behind the screen and watch the dalang at work. A
traditional performance can last from dusk till dawn, but shorter versions
catering to a western sensibility are available in many cities.
The puppet theatre has many forms and employs a variety of media. In West
Java, for example, the most popular form is the Wayang Golek, using carved and
painted three dimensional wooden puppets. Both the Wayang Kulit and Wayang
Golek take their repertoire from the classical Indian epics but in Central
Java, the wooden puppet theatre traditionally revolves around stories derived
from popular folk legends and the spread of Islam.
The oldest form of shadow play is probably the
Wayang Beber, in which the dalang or puppeteer simply unrolls a scroll bearing
the scenes and figures of the story while he delivers his narration,
accompanied by a gamelan orchestra. A popular contemporary form of wayang
theatre is the Wayang Wong, in which actors or dancers represent the characters
in the story, presented on a conventional stage.
Ramayana Dance
Like most of the performing arts of the Orient, dance in Indonesia is
believed to have had its roots in religious worship. Even today, many dances
are considered sacred or can be traced back to their early spiritual
Among these are not only the temple dances of Bali, but also such seemingly
profane dances, such as the Bedoyo Ketawang of Solo, performed only on such
rare occasions that they are in peril of becoming lost due to the lack of young
dancers able to perform them. Dance traditions today are as widely diverse as
the various ethnic cultures of which they are part. Nurtured to refined
perfection in the royal Javanese courts, the classical dances of Central Java
are highly stylized expressions which had probably already attained their basic
movements during the height of the Hindu-Javanese culture, from the 8th to the
13th century.
Those dances eventually reached the common people, who gave them a more
spontaneous form of expression. In the hands of the people, these dances
provided a rich source not only for popular dance dramas, but also for social
dances, which often display clear erotic overtones, such as Tayuban or Ngibing.
The bumbung dance of Bali evolved into the beautiful Bumblebee Dance and Tamulilingan, a creation of
Bali's late maestro, I Mario. Other popular folk dances still display strong
magic associations, as in the Kuda Lumping Horse Dance.
Whereas rigid discipline and artistry mark the dance of Java and Bali,
those of Sumatra, Maluku and most of the other islands are characterized by
their gracefulness and charm, a distinction which is further accentuated by
non-gamelan musical accompaniment. The old traditions of dance and drama are
being preserved in the many dance schools which flourish not only in the
courts, but also in the modern, government-run or supervised art academies.
For comparative study and enjoyment, the introduction of serious western
art forms is also being encouraged through performances sponsored by private
organizations or foreign missions, as well as by government supervised
institutions such as Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) Art Center in Jakarta.
Musical traditions are as diverse as the population, but the one musical
expression best known and most widely associated with the country is probably
the Gamelan. A complete gamelan orchestra may consist of as many as eighty instruments,
the largest part comprising of various types and sizes of metal percussion
Drums, a zither (celempung), a rebab two-stringed upright lute, a flute and
often a few other instruments complete the ensemble. Although there are
variations known within each, the gamelan orchestra is basically tuned to two
systems, the old pentatonic slendro and the younger seventone pelog, each
producing its own mood and having its own uses in the musical or theatrical
repertoire. The creation of moods or colour is further archieved by the use of three principal modes (pathet) within
each tuning system.
The most elaborate form of Gamelan is that of Central Java (Yogyakarta and
Surakarta). West Java has its own gamelan ensemble, usually simpler than the
Javanese, with more stress on flute, drums and the bonang family of
horizontally placed kettle gongs. But the most brilliant is that of Bali, where
sets of male and female megalophones produce a beautiful timbre associated with the Balinese Gamelan.
In much more simple forms, the gamelan is also known in other islands of Indonesia, from southern Sumatra to
Sulawesi and Kalimantan.
Bamboo xylophones are used in North Sulawesi and the bamboo Angklung instruments of West Java are well-known for their unique tinkling notes
which can be adapted to any melody. Angklung has been acknowledged by UNESCO as
an Intangible Cultural Heritage on November 16, 2010, for its principles of
cooperation, mutual respect, and social harmony, which are the main values of
Indonesian culture identity, especially in West Java and Banten.
The Bataks of North Sumatra are famous for their popular singing groups who
today entertain visitors in many International hotels.
Performances of Javanese Gamelan can be heard every Sunday in the Keraton
of Yogyakarta. The Central Museum, in Jakarta has performances of Sundanese
(West Javanese) Gamelan every Sunday morning. Javanese Gamelan also accompanies
the shortened wayang kulit performances given at the Wayang Museum in Jakarta
every Sunday morning.
The crafts of Indonesia vary in both medium and style. As a whole, the
people are artistic by nature and express themselves with canvas and paint,
wood, metal, clay and stone. Indonesian artists create some of the finest
wood-carvings to be found anywhere in the world. Paintings of an infinite
variety, both traditional and contemporary, are to be found all over the
The silverwork and engravings of Yogyakarta and Sumatra, and filigree of
South Sulawesi are famous throughout Indonesia. The batik process of waxing and
dyeing originated in Java centuries ago and classic designs have been modified
with modern trends in both pattern and technology.
Artists in West Sumatra and Kalimantan produce hand-woven cloths with gold
and silver threads, silk, and cotton of fantastically intricate design. On the
islands of Sumba and Flores you can find the traditional ikat, a
type of weaving with hand-dyed threads.
Indonesia is an art-collector’s and handicrafts shopper’s paradise, and
you will probably end up buying an extra suitcase just to bring all your
treasures home with you.
Batik is a cloth that traditionally uses a manual wax-resist dyeing
technique. There are several batik centers in Java, the major ones being
Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Pekalongan and Cirebon. Batik is also being produced in
other regions in Indonesia such as Jambi, Palembang, Aceh, Riau, and Bali,
where local designs are incorporated.
Other regions of Indonesia have their own unique patterns that normally
take themes from everyday lives, incorporating patterns such as flowers,
nature, animals, folklore or people. The colours of pesisir batik, from the
coastal cities of northern Java, are especially vibrant, and they absorb
influences from the Javanese, Arab, Chinese and Dutch culture.
In one form or another, batik has worldwide popularity. Now, not only is
batik used as a material to clothe the human body, its uses also include
furnishing fabrics, heavy canvas wall hangings, tablecloths and household
accessories. Batik techniques are used by famous artists to create batik
paintings, which grace many homes and offices.
UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible
Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009. As part of the acknowledgment, UNESCO
insisted that Indonesia preserve their heritage.
Source : KBRI Tokyo, Jepang