There are the
identified actions for the eleven key supporting elements in order to foster a
functional multi-sectoral collaboration.
1. Political will and high-level
Country representatives
recommended formation of national multi-sectoral committee and creation of
National Strategic Plans supported by legislation or regulation while partners
suggested the establishment of regional support units and creation of regional
framework for epidemiology that can serve as basis for the countries to follow.
Other suggestions from country representatives included the need to demonstrate
the economic impact of zoonoses and to seek support and intervention from
international organisations.
2. Trust
Country representatives
recommended establishing a multi-sector steering committee that meet regularly
involving concerned fields like agriculture, human health, fisheries, forestry,
environment and the military. It was suggested to foster transparency between
sectors and establish clear Terms of Reference (TOR). Creation of an integrated
zoonosis as well as risk communication program on disease control was also
suggested taking into account both the animal component and the human health
component. Further, mechanism for cross-sector must be enhanced especially in
terms of sharing of information, surveillance and response, and laboratory and
risk communication. Partners, on the other hand, suggested strengthening networks
through the SEAOHUN as well as the epidemiological and laboratory networks and
conduct several joint trainings to build trust.
3. Common objectives
and priorities
Under this element, it
was suggested to form a functional multi-sectoral One Health committee and
develop an integrated strategic plan and strengthen surveillance data sharing.
For partners, it was recommended to identify priority diseases, both at the
regional and country levels. It was also suggested to build a common objective
and consider the focused areas under APSED and employ a participatory approach
in planning and decision-making for a common objective.
4. Recognition of
shared benefits
Development of a
monitoring mechanism and sharing of success stories were identified as key
actions under this element. There should also be co-ownership in prevention and
control of diseases. Partners suggested having donor coordination to maximise
result and outcomes and minimise cost of the activities. They likewise
recommended applying the APSED approach for sharing in risk management.
5. Strong governance
structures, aligned legal frameworks and recognition of existing international
Country representatives
suggested increasing advocacy of One Health to leaders at the central, regional,
and township and formation of national One Health committee with shared vision
and mission and a clear term of reference with identified secretariat from each
sector. They also suggested reviewing the list of existing legislation
including the list of notifiable diseases and involve the three sectors of
animal health, public health, and environmental health in the review process.
Meanwhile, partners suggested adoption of OIE standards and management of human
resources and application of APSED approach.
6. Adequate and
equitably distributed resources
Under this element,
country representatives recommended harmonising zoonoses priority and conduct
advocacy especially to decision makers. They also suggested enhancing human
resources and strengthening of institutional mechanisms and employ budgeting
for integrated planning. Partners on the other hand suggested coordination
among donors such as USAID and AusAID to determine how to distribute resources.
7. Identification and
involvement of all relevant partners
Country representatives
recommended the development of database of relevant partners through the
appropriate authorities for 35 |The 3rd Regional Workshop on Multi-Sectoral
Collaboration on Zoonoses Prevention and Control information sharing and
establishment of animal vaccine bank. They also suggested online information
sharing and consultative collaboration between relevant partners. Partners
suggested the conduct of partner forum and consortium meetings. Each partner
should implement its core business and respect others parners’ core business.
8. Coordinated planning
of activities
Key actions identified
under this element included identification of priority diseases relevant to
partners and stakeholders and development of a plan of action; constitution of
core committee for coordinated implementation of various activities, timelines,
individual responsibilities including resources and monitoring; and conduct of
regular multi-sector meetings. Partners recognised the need for regional
support units and to have an effective common strategic framework and
integrated plan to improve coordinated planning including surveillance among
sectors and for selected diseases such as rabies and zoonotic EID.
9. Guidance on
implementation of cross-sectoral collaborations
Several key actions
were identified under this element by country representatives. These included
suggestions to arrange orientation meetings for parliament members and policy
makers to increase awareness and convince them of the importance and economic
significance of a One Health approach; introduction of the One Health concept
at the undergraduate level for all students of animal health, human health, and
environmental sciences by inclusion of one- to two-hour credit course on One
Health; development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for outbreaks
handling, data sharing, and response mechanisms; conduct of workshops for field
veterinarians and human health professionals on joint epidemiological
investigations and control strategies for zoonotic diseases; conduct of
advocacy campaign; and involvement of the communities and private sectors.
Partners meanwhile suggested developing One Health core competencies for each
profession to be guided by SEAOHUN and to develop country strategic framework
including guidelines for value chain analysis and implementing guidelines.
10. Capacity
Conduct of needs
assessment was suggested by country representatives including involvement of
stakeholders in the development of curriculum. They recognised the need for a
detailed plan and timeline as well the certification of laboratories. Partners
suggested the use of PVS as guideline and development of training materials to
focus on specific diseases and specific purpose such as research, programming
management, and implementation.
11. Strong and
effective health systems within the individual sectors
Country representatives
recognised the need to utilize APSED as a tool to strengthen health systems in
individual sectors and have adequate resources, to develop the human resources
in individual sectors. Partners recognised the need to strengthen coordination
and develop other technical support systems like epidemiology and laboratory,
and strengthen public private partnership.
Resource :
The Third Regional Workshop on Multi-Sectoral Collaboration on Zoonoses
Prevention and Control: Leading the Way on One Health. 26-28 November 2012. The
Patra Bali Resort, Bali, Indonesia.
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