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Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Tiga Pelajar Indonesia Raih Juara International Olimpiade Internasional ke 20 di Tsukuba, Jepang

Indonesia raih 1 emas 1 perak dan 1 perunggu dalam kejuaraan Olimpiade Biologi Internasional ke 20 ( the 20th INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD) di Tsukuba Jepang – July 12-19, 2009IBO ke 20 tahun 2009 telah diselenggarakan di Tsukuba, Jepang. Acara Olimpiade Biologi ini bertepatan dengan perayaan 200 tahun Charles Darwin serta 150 tahun publikasi “The Origin of Spesies”.

Acara IBO tahun ini diikuti oleh delegasi dari 56 negara dengan jumlah siswa 221 orang, ditambah 4 negara sebagai observer. Acara pembukaan hari Senin, 13 Juli 2009 dihadiri oleh Prince & Princess Akishimo sebagai Honorary President IBO ke 20. Chairperson Organizing Committee IBO ke 20, Dr. Hirro Imura dari Universitas Tsukuba mengawali acara pembukaan, dilanjutkan oleh sambutan dari Chairman IBO, Dr. Poonpipoe Kasemsap (Koordinator Tim IBO Thailand). Kemudian Menteri Pendidikan, Kultur, Sains & Teknologi Jepang, Mr. Ryu Shinoya; Chairman Japan Science Foundation, Dr. Akito Arima dan President University of Tsukuba, Dr. Nobuhiro Tamada. Prince & Princess Akishimo yang menghadiri acara pembukaan sejak 30 menit sebelum dimulainya acara juga memberikan sambutan sekaligus membuka acara IBO ke 20.

Prince & Princess Jepang terus mengikuti acara hingga melakukan ramah tamah dan bersantap siang bersama dengan para peserta. Empat (4) siswa IBO ke 20 yang mewakili Indonesia adalah: Anugerah Erlaut, siswa kelas XII, SMA Kharisma Bangsa, Tangerang. Pada OSN 2007 di Surabaya meraih Medali Emas dan mendapatkan The Best Teori. Pada IBO ke 19 tahun 2008 di India, Anugerah memperoleh Medali Perak.

Irfan Haris, siswa kelas X, SMAN 1 Pringsewu, Lampung. Pada OSN 2008 di Makasar meraih Medali Perak. Tahun 2007, Irfan mengikuti IJSO di Taiwan dan memperoleh Medali Perak.
Danang Crysnanto, siswa kelas XI, SMAN 1 Wonogiri. Pada OSN 2008 di Makasar meraih Medali Perunggu.

Elbert Wijaya, siswa kelas XII, SMANK 1 Penabur Jakarta, Pada OSN 2008 di Makasar meraih Medali Perak.Ke empat siswa di dampingi Pembina Tim IBO Indonesia, yaitu: Dr. Agus Dana Permana; Dr. Maelita R. Moeis; Dr. Devi Nandita Choesin; dan Dr. Iriawati dari SITH – ITB, Dr. Sucipto Hariyanto dari Biologi UNAIR, serta Ir. Gunardi Sihhatmanahadi dari DEPDIKNAS.
Setelah pembukaan, sekitar pukul 14.00 waktu setempat para pembina yang bertindak sebagai Juri mulai melakukan diskusi dan penterjemahan 4 set soal Test Praktikum, yaitu : 1) Anatomi Hewan dan Tumbuhan : Anatomi ulat sutera (Bombix mori), bunga dan buah Vigna angularis (sejenis tanaman kacang); 2) Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler : Penetuan aktifitas enzim asam fosfatase yang dilihat berdasarkan reaksi fosfatase dari perubahan absorbansi karena perubahan konsentrasi yang diukur dengan spektrofotometer; 3) Genetika : Karakter berbagai lalat buah yang sangat sering digunakan sebagai studi Genetika, serta pigmen matanya yang dilihat dengan cara kromatografi dan analisis proteinnya dengan elktroforesis; 4) Fisiologi Sel : Bentuk dan jumlah sel ragi yang berproliferasi, serta mekanisme pergerakan regenerasi alga uniseluler. Seluruh Test Praktikum dilakukan di Department of Biological Sciences, Universitas Tsukuba.
Para juri dari Indonesia selesai dengan menterjemahkan soal pada pukl 03.00. Selasa, 14-7-2009 Test Praktikum dimulai pukul 09.00 dan selesai pukul 17.00. Setiap bidang test harus diselesaikan oleh para siswa selama 90 menit.Para siswa diberi kesempatan istirahat dengan melakukan tour ke Pusat Penelitian Roket Jepang, Science Center, serta salah satu Kuil yang menjadi World Heritage, yaitu Nikko Toshugu. Selama para siswa melakukan tour, para Juri menterjemahkan 2 set soal Test Teori.
Diskusi dan penterjemahan soal berlangsung hari Rabu, 15-7-2009 dan diselesaikan selama sekitar 14 jam, walaupun ada beberapa delegasi yang bekerja hingga 18 jam.Kamis, 16-7-2009, seluruh siswa melakukan Test Teori di Universitas Tsukuba selama 4,5 jam dengan diselingi istirahat 1 jam untuk makan siang.Setelah melakukan koreksi hasil pemeriksaan Panitia setempat, para Juri melakukan moderasi dan berdiskusi mengenai penilaian serta jumlah medali yang akan diberikan.

Acara Penutupan IBO ke 20 dilakukan pada hari Sabtu, 18-7-2009, diawali dengan spesial seminar yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Makoto Asashima, salah satu ahli Biologi Perkembangan di dunia. Pada pukul 16.00 mulai diumumkan para pemenang yang meraih medali perunggu, perak dan emas. Dengan bangga, Tim IBO Indonesia 2009 berhasil mempersembahkan 1 Medali Emas yang diperoleh Anugerah Erlaut, 1 Medali Perak dari Irfan Haris dan 1 Medali Perunggu dari Elbert Wijaya. Hasil tersebut merupakan kerja keras para putra terbaik Indonesia, walaupun tidak lepas dari bantuan para pembina, pengajar, asisten, tutor, dan guru mereka, serta Departemen Pendidikan Nasional yang senantiasa membuat Program Olimpiade Internasional di bidang Biologi, Kimia, Fisika, Matematika, Komputer dan Astronomi berjalan dengan lancar.

Untuk mempersiapkan peserta IBO ke 21 tahun 2010 yang akan dilaksanakan di Korea Selatan, pada awal Agustus 2009, Depdiknas akan melakukan seleksi melakui ajang Olimpiade Sains Nasional yang akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta dari tanggal 3 – 9 Agustus 2009.

Tim IBO Indonesia
Dr. Agus Dana Permana

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Kabar dari Pengurus IKAMAJA Jawa Timur

Tulisan di bawah ini surat dari Ikamaja Jawa Timur:

Assalamu'alaikum War. Wab.
Salam kangen pada Bapak, semoga Bapak dalam lindungan Allah SWT, kami atas nama pengurus Ikamaja Jawa Timur mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga pada Bapak, perlu Bapak ketahui bahwa anggota IKAMAJA di Jawa Timur telah melakukan aktivitas dibidang masing-masing apa yang telah dipelajari selama di Induk Semang, kami ingin selalu berkomunikasi dengan Bapak dengan e-mail apabila bapak berkenan agar bapak bisa mengetahui kegiatan teman-teman Ikamaja di Jawa Timur, dan tidak putus tali silaturahmi, kami nantinya juga ingin mengetahui alamat e-mail atau facebook dari Induk semang kami dan salam buat semuanya, terutama kepada Bapak. Dan ini program yang telah di laksanakan atas nama organisasi Ikamaja di Jawa Timur yaitu setiap 3 bulan sekali kita koordinasi semua anggota, untuk pendanaan kita telah melaksanakan penghijauan yang bekerja sama dengan Perhutani Kanwil Jawa Timur dengan program sejuta pohon, semoga ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua. dan banyak lagi program yang lain. Demikian, atas diterimanya dari kami semoga bermanfaat.
Wassalamu’alaikum War. Wab.
Pengurus Ikamaja Jatim

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD)

Chair’s Summary

Sixth Dialogue on Environmental Education
“Education on Biodiversity~ mainly measures for conservation of ecosystems in farming mountains and villages~”

On 10th and 11th June, the Sixth Dialogue on Environmental Education, Japan’s prime mover project within the framework of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), was held in Nagano City under the theme of “Education on Biodiversity -measures for conservation of ecosystems in farming and mountain villages- .” Co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Nagano Prefecture, and United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), the dialogue was composed of two parts. On the first day, site visits to the relevant facilities and institutions in Nagano area, Green Hills School and Afan Woodland, were organized; on the second day, the workshop was held which attracted some 50 participants and observers from 14 ACD countries, Nagano Prefecture, Nagano City, UNU-IAS, other relevant governmental and local institutes, and NGOs .

On 10th June, participants visited the following biodiversity related facilities and institutions in Nagano Prefecture: Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute, Green Hills Elementary School and C.W. Nicole Afan Woodland.

On 11th June, a workshop was conducted at Hotel Metropolitan Nagano. At the opening session, the participants were welcomed by H.E. Kuniko Ozaki, Ambassador for COP10 of the Convention on Biodiversity, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, followed by an opening speech by Mr. Yoshimasa Koshihara, Vice Governor of Nagano Prefecture.
Session 1, entitled “Introducing Each Country’s Measures and Activities on Conservation of Biodiversity in industry and/or Agriculture,” started with a presentation by a representative from Nagano City on the efforts and initiatives undertaken at municipal level. The Director of UNU-IAS Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa made a presentation on “Satoyama” and their engagement in preserving SATOYAMA. Participants from China and India then presented their countries’ efforts.

Session 2, entitled “Introducing Each Country’s Measures and Activities in preserving Biodiversity at community level,” began with a presentation on the efforts and initiatives undertaken by a representative of Nagano Nature Conservation Office, Ministry of the Environment, on its efforts in conserving the biodiversity through management of National Parks. A representative of Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute made a presentation on the challenges for the conservation of biodiversity in rural areas. A representative of UNU-IAS introduced its projects on biodiversity at Regional Canters of Expertise (RCE). Following these presentations, participants from Indonesia and Mongolia then presented their countries’ undertakings. Having shared information on the efforts and initiatives they had undertaken in the field of biodiversity as well as environmental education on biodiversity, participants engaged in a discussion of ways and means of promoting effective preservation of biodiversity, which was moderated by Ms. Suneetha Subramanian, Research Associate of UNU-IAS.

At the conclusion of the workshop, the Chair, Ms. Kikuko Kato, Principal Deputy Director of the Global Environment Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, summarized the discussion as follows:

Having heard presentations with concrete examples where human activities harmoniously contribute to the conservation of nature, while bringing good ecological services to humans in turn, the Participants acknowledged the importance of co-existence of humans and nature as exemplified in Satoyama and similar initiatives.

The Participants discussed, in particular:

l Issues related to biological diversity such as:
Ø Urbanization and its impact on biodiversity;
Ø Economic problems and its impact on biodiversity;
Ø What measures can be taken to address those problems;

l Issues related to education on biological diversity such as:
Ø Education for whom;
Ø What kind of tools and methodologies can be used for an effective education on biological diversity;

l Suggestions for good entry points on education on biological diversity included
Ø Flagship species, and endemic and threatened species;
Ø Biocultural landscape such as Satoyama as learning ground;
Ø Issue wise approach such as
² Business of biodiversity or products from biodiversity
² Certification (e.g. a certificate of harvest in an environmentally sound manner)
² Links between climate change and biodiversity
² Scientific research, property rights, ABS

As for way forward, it was proposed to create a loose network among the ACD Member Countries to continue to share information and expertise related to measures to preserve biodiversity as well as education on biodiversity. This proposal was welcomed by the Participants.

Next step towards making it effective would be done through follow-up correspondence among the Participants under the lead of the Chair. This would pave a small but practical step towards achieving 2010 Biodiversity Target and adopting post 2010 Biodiversity Target at COP 10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity to be held in Japan in 2010.

The Chair also announced that it was her intention to follow up this year’s dialogue by sending participants questionnaires in several months’ time, as had been done in the past, with a view to conducting the second round of dialogue on education on biological diversity within the framework of ACD sometime in the next year.

The Chair concluded this year’s dialogue by thanking all participants, co-organizers, and host city for their cooperation and announcing that the successful outcome would be reported to ACD Foreign Ministers this year.

Source: Asia Cooperation dialogue (ACD)

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Some Reflections on Aborted Summit in Pattaya

Delegate for Japan to AALCO
Former Professor of Tokai University

Last April, the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit and the East Asian Summit (EAS) and other ASEAN related summit meetings were all cancelled in spite of the arrival of all the leaders of participating countries at a conference venue in Pattaya, Thailand, after repeated postponements since they were first deferred in December 2008. The cancellation was forced after the anti-government protesters stormed the venue: a happening unprecedented in the whole history of ASEAN. Nevertheless, Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting alone was held at a different location, which was felt as a sole source of consolation over the events. Certainly, the turmoil in Pattaya was of a nature of force majeure caused by the domestic political developments of Thailand. However, they took place against the background of prior events: the ASEAN Charter's coming into effect which the ASEAN originally planned to celebrate at its Summit to be held in Thailand in December 2008 was instead celebrated at a Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in Jakarta that month. The ASEAN Summit itself was held at the end of February and issued on 1 March "the Cha Am-Hua Hin Declaration on the Roadmap for the ASEAN Community (2009-2015)."

The Thai government spared no effort to work on rescheduling and relocation of APT Summit, EAS and other meetings, but has not been very successful in her attempts. It must be admitted that the momentum of East Asian community building within APT and ASEAN Plus Six framework has unfortunately been stalled to some extent. Moreover, pursuant to the provision of ASEAN Charter, starting this year, ASEAN Chair's term-in-office hasbeen changed to run on a calendar year basis. Therefore, the Thai government is to keep the Chair position, handed over from Singapore last year, for an 18-month long term through December 2009. This means that the timing or the prospect of holding successfully the ASEAN Summit, ASEAN +3 Summit and the East Asia Summit are very closely linked to the domestic political developments of Thailand.

Under those circumstances, it was quite natural that there arose from among key members of ASEAN, such as Indonesia, the seat of ASEAN Secretariat, which has a particular interest and feels responsible for the fate of ASEAN organization, some concern that the holding of ASEAN related summit meetings should not be at the mercy of political turmoil of the current Chair Thailand, and some flexibility might be required to change the venue, as necessary, to Jakarta, for example, where the ASEAN Secretariat is located. However, the ASEAN, as of now, rules out that option.

In the region, a consensus view has been formed that ASEAN should sit in the "driver's seat" in community building efforts. But the recent developments might warrant a review of such a view. In the meantime, the First Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit was successfully held in Fukuoka in December 2008, outside of ASEANsummit framework. as a notable instance of a dialogue towards regional cooperation pursued independently of ASEAN.

On April 27, Nakasone Hirofumi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, invited all the ambassadors of the participating states of EAS to a reception in Tokyo, where he explained Prime Minister Aso Taro's policy speech, originally prepared for Pattaya Summit, on the subject of "Japan's contribution to Asia affected by current global economic and financial crisis". At the annual meeting of the Trilateral Commission recently held in Tokyo, a Chinese delegate is said to have indicated a new trend of thought by referring to the importance of strengthening regional cooperation among ASEAN Plus Six countries. In the U.S., Kurt M. Campbell was nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, signaling a new U.S. diplomatic lineup and fresh consideration for East Asian initiatives. In this way, a variety of moves are in progress while regional cooperation among ASEAN countries seems to be somewhat at a standstill. It is very much hoped all the more in a situation like this that government officials, intellectuals and business leaders of ASEAN Pus Six countries, U.S. and other interested states, in their respective capacity, explore new initiatives for regional cooperation, and come up withfresh ideas through frank exchange of views.

Source : "CEAC Commentary", June 26, 2009.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Dokter Hewan Praktek dan Klinik Hewan di Jabotabek


Animal Clinic My Vets
Jl. Kemang Selatan 8 no. 7A
Bukit Kemang, Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 0816 187729/ 0815 1809746

Praktek Dokter Hewan Bersama Drh Ina Purborini
Jl Kemang Utara 47, Jakarta Selatan
Tel. (021)7198049, 7198046
Fax. (021)7182038

Veterinary Surgeon
Jl Buncit Raya 11 A,Jakarta 12740


Drh Gunawan Raharja, Drh Alpharia, Drh Vinsesia
Jl. Moti No.1
Cideng Jakarta Pusat
Tel. (021) 634 4170

Drh Margaretha DH
Jl. Wahid Hasyim 196
Tel.(021) 316 1323

Drh Sutarman, Drh Dwi Wahyuni P, Drh Sukirno, Drh Wahyuni
Jl. Kebon Sirih Barat Dalam No.35
Tel. (021) 315 1989


drh. Boedhy Angkasa
Jl. Gorda No.60 Lubang Buaya

drh. Irene Damar W
Jl. Pondasi 73, Kampung Ambon
Tel: (021) 489 1524

drh. Amri Machmud
Jl. Radar AURI No.4 Cibubur
Tel: (021) 912 8790

drh. Bambang Ariadji,
drh. Endang Setyowati
Jl. Kayu Jati Gg. I No.14
Tel: (021) 470-0975

drh. Cholilah K. Sari
Jl. Kayu Manis X No.23
Tel: (021) 856-5762

drh. Erdwin Satya Darma,
drh. Arya Kusuma Nata
Jl. Kaya Putih Tengah I/27 Rawamangun
Tel: (021) 475 1330

drh. Ezie Catri
Jl. Kakap No.32 Rawamangun

drh. Ida Sunar Indarti,
drh. Yolina Regina Sus
Jl. Anyelir G33 Cijantung II
Tel: (021) 840-0553

drh Ikke Yuniherlina
Jl. Pendidikan III No.69 Duren Sawit

drh Lausianingsih
Eramas 2000 Blok A 9/24 Pulo Gebang

drh Maria Ther Widiastuti
drh Erly Nurijah E
Jl. Dermaga Raya No. 3
Tel: (021) 585 3419

drh. Ni Wayan Sri Puji A
Jl. Flamboyan IV Blok F5 No.9
Taman Modern Cakung
Tel: (021) 461-2311

drh Ramzy
Bulak Rantai No. 1 Rt 001/08

drh Sri Ismiyati,
drh Hadi Wardoko
Jl. Cawang Baru No.38

drh Tri Widharetna Msc
Jl. Ciping Jaya I No.39
Tel(021) 5830 -2918, 850 3294

drh Wiana Teravani
drh Porinda Herrata Arief
Jl. Cipinang Elaong Blok Bl BJ/6 Cipinang Muara
Tel: (021)8501143

drh. Dewi Suryani Kurniasih
Komp. Bumi Makmur Jl. Beo No. 4 Jatimakmur,
Pondok Gede - Jakarta Timur 17413
Tel: (021) 847-3851


Drh. S. Wiradja
Jl. Gading Elok Timur No. 4
Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta Utara
Tel: (021) 452-0175

Yayasan Bina Dharma
Jl. Sunter Permai Raya, Ruko Nirwana Sunter Asri Tahap 3 Blok J 1 No 2, Jakarta Utara 14350
Tel: (021) 651-5261, 651-5262
Fax: (021) 651-5324


Klinik Hewan Drh. Cucu Kartini Sajuthi, dkk.
Jalan Panjang, Ruko Green garden
Blok I-9 No.35 Jakarta Barat
Tel: (021) 583-02918 / 583-02919
Fax: 021-5812274

Drh. Rini H. Dharsono MSc.PhD
Jl Tanjung Duren Barat II / 60
Jakarta Barat 11470
Tel: (021) 568-4683
Email: -

Klinik Laras Satwa
Jl. Raya Bintaro Utama IX Blok HB/ 7, Bintaro
Tel. (021) 745 2413

Medica Satwa.
Jl. Bambu Larangan 199, Sumur Bor, Cengkareng Barat, Jakarta Barat.
Telp. (021)921 7978

Drh. Suryani Handaja
Jl. Kartika Utama Blok BG No. 1 Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310
Tel: (021) 751-4508
E-mail: -

Jadwal Praktek
Senin s/d Jumat Jam 17:00

Drh Dewita Nurza
Jl Ciledug Raya 14 A Jakarta 15156
Tel. (021)925-9958

Drh Iwan T Budiarso
Jl Tmn Wijaya Kusuma Bl D/10 Jakarta 12430

Klinik Hewan Kembang Kerep
Jl Kembang Kerep 1 A Jakarta 11620
Tel. (021)587-1822

Pondok Pengayom Satwa
Jl Harsono RM 10 Jakarta 12550
Phone : 021-7804993, 021-7819617
Fax : 021-7804993

Drh Willy Rumawas DR MSc
Jl Muara Karang Bl Z-2 U/12 Jakarta 14450
Phone : 021-6628702

Drh Amir Mahmud
Jl Jambore Raya 1 Jakarta
Tel: (021)87754704


Klinik Hewan Jakasampurna
Jl. Mataram Raya 19, Jakasampurna Bekasi.
Telp. 021- 889 533 19

Klinik Hewan Jungle
Ruko Mega Kali Malang No.10,
Jl. KH. Noor Alie, Kali Malang, Bekasi
Tel: (021)8896-4293
Email: -


drh. Yuliani Putri Dewi
Perumahan Bumi Serpong Damai Puspita Loka,
Jl. Gardenia I Blok K4 No. 2 Serpong, Tangerang
Telp: (021) 537-6843
Jadwal Praktek
Setiap Hari dengan Perjanjian

drh. Ida Rosmaida
Perumahan Bumi Serpong Damai Giri Loka Blok S3 No. 12 Serpong, Tangerang
Tel: (021) 537-3501

Jadwal Praktek
Senin s/d Jumat Jam 09:00 - 18:00

drh. Gustav S. Mueller
Jl. Cidodol Raya Ruko No. 1D Ciputat, Tangerang
Tel: (021) 725-58-410
Jadwal Praktek
Senin s/d Jumat Jam 10:00


Abdurahim Glenarto drh.
Jl. Pabaton 14 I

Adi Sudono Dr MSc drh
Jl. Pangrango 10/12

Adnin Adnan drh MSc
Jl. Lodaya 4

Adriana L MSc drh
Jl. Duta Pakuan C-VI/10

Agustono Koesnadi drh
Jl. Pahlawan Puri Mas BI A/7

Akhmad Prabowo MSc PhD drh
Jl. Raya Pajajaran Kompl. BPT BI D-30/61

Anwar Syarif Phd
Jl. Ciwaringin 27

Asep Setiawan drh
Jl. Sriwijaya 8/D-III

Asrul Makmur drh
Jl. Haur Jaya II/9

Axis Mountiawan
Jl. Singosari C-1/4

Boediman Poerwodhiredjo drh
Jl. Malabar 12

Bolly A Prabanto A drh
Jl. Arzimar III/12 A-B

Chusnul Choliq drh
Jl. Palayu V/7

Darmansyah drh
Jl. Jure 9

Didi Soesetiadi drh
Jl. Cikurai 40

Djoko Waluyo drh
Jl. Kalibata 4/3

Dudung Abdullah drh
Jl. Veteran 60 B

Eddy Susanto drh
Jl. Mataram Blok A-IV/16

Endhie Setiawan Dr MSc drh
Kompl. Balivet 37

Endiridwan drh
Kompl. Gizi 14

Harsono drh
Jl. Intan 29

Hastomo S MSc drh
Jl. Nusa Indah 8

Hendardi drh
Jl. Duta Pakuan 2 Blok C-4

Hendarman W drh
Jl. Dumilah 18

Hendrawan W drh
Jl. Suryakencana 180 C

Koesma Gilang P drh
Jl. Semplak Raya 348

Kotie Wardanadana drh
Jl. Kedung Halang 10

Lily Natalia A Darman drh
Jl. Ciwaringin I blok 18-I/14 B

Linda HB drh
Jl. Baranang Siang Blok VB-4/13

Luciana Suhendra drh
Jl. Wijaya Kusumah Blok C-VI/3 Kompl. Baranangsiang

Lukman Hidayat drh
Jl. Panaragan Kidul 30

Maryono drh
Jl. Taruma Negara11/A-IV

Moch. Untung S drh
Jl. Permata 51

Muchidin N drh
Jl. Wanajaya 10

Pudji Utami drh
Jl. Tarumanegara Blok A-II/24

Pursani Paridjo drh
Jl. Bantarjati Atas 7

Reni Sri Windari Gondo drh
Jl. Jend. A.Yani 58/28

Retno D. Soejoedono drh
Jl. Taman Kencana I/3

Roso Soejoedono drh
Jl. Padi 14Kompl. IPB

Rosy Roselina drh
Jl. Cendana I/13 A

Rudy Bawol JE drh
Jl. Siliwangi 57

Rumawas Willy drh Ny
Jl. Cibalok I/10

Safri Syikar drh
Jl. Taman Kencana 1

Selamet Ma'oen drh
Jl. Semboja 9/17

Setiadjit Santoso drh
Jl. Abiyasa Raya 18

Setyo Widodo Dr drh
Jl. Subadra 3/12 Bumi Indraprasta

Siswadi drh Ny
Jl. Gn. Gede

Sitorus P. drh
Jl. Raya Pajajaran C-1

Sjahri Sikar drh
Jl. Suryakencana 220/188

Soebiyono drh
Jl. Bima V/11

Soetrisno drh
Jl. Pasir Mulya Blok E/2

Sopyan Sudradjat drh
Jl. Cimanggu Perikanan 32

Suharto Djoyo Sudarmo drh
Jl. Sindang Barang 163

Sukardi H MS drh
Jl. Tajur 36

Supandi drh
Jl. Siliwangi 123

Suraji drh
Jl. Jend. A. Yani 5

Susilo Wirosuhardjo drh
Jl. Pemuda 27 A

Sutiono MSc drh
Jl. Raya Tajur 42
Tel: 320090

Sutrisno drh
Jl. Tumapel 5/4 D

Teguh Sunaryo drh
Jl. Pulo Armen 71

Tutuk Astya Wati S. drh
Jl. Tajur Blok B-3/5 Komp. Lipi

Tuty Laswardy drh
Jl. Taman Riau 3

Yana Teja Sunjaya
Jl. Taruma Negara 29