Sunday, 8 March 2015

Influenza Virus Monitoring Online System in Indonesia

What is IVM Online?

A web-based animal health laboratory network system in Indonesia that manages antigenic and genetic data of the circulating HPAI viruses in Indonesia. The system represents the first coordinated effort of its kind for monitoring of influenza in animals at a national level and underpinned by OFFLU recommendations. 

The implementation of IVM Online aims to:
1) Identify potential virus variants;
2) Identify and determine the strain for challenge virus, and
3) Monitor the efficacy of the vaccines used. 

Using the IVM Online system several benefits can be achieved rapidly such as faster antigenic and genetic characterization results to allow decision making for production of the challenge and a vaccine strain that matches the type of HPAI in circulation and update the molecular diagnostic method (PCR) for Type A and H5N1. 

To ensure the sustainability and continuation of IVM Online, an Influenza Virus Monitoring (IVM) Team determined by the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Services has been issued in May 2014 with the reference No: 268 /Kpts/OT.160/F/05/2014. 

There is much scope for building on the achievement of establishing the IVM network and expanding the functionality of the IVM Online application. For example, the network might be expanded to cover more influenza viruses than avian H5N1 such as H7N9, H7N7 and the network might enlarge to encompass more laboratories, including university and public health laboratories. 

An important incentive for all these laboratories being willing to share their data is gaining access to the advanced bioinformatics tools and analyses that IVM Online provides. 

Main features of IVM Online

Within the IVM Online, there are many features that are useful to map out the HPAI virus situation in Indonesia. The main features are
  1. Isolate Module
    • Isolate list
    • Register isolate
  2. Antigenic Module
    • Run list
    • Run set up
    • Run data entry
    • Quality control
    • Antigenic mapping (displaying an antigenic map of a run)
    • Antigenic and genetic comparison
  3. Genetic Module
    • Sequence list
    • Upload sequence
  4. Phylogenetic Module
    • Collection list
    • Add new sequence
    • Collection, alignment, and Tree creation
  5. Project Manager Module
    • Reference kit
    • Reference Antigen
    • Reference Antisera
    • Summary report
Members of IVM Online

The members of the IVM Online network are 8 diagnostic laboratories (DIC), BBPMSOH, PUSVETMA and BBLITVET. DIC Wates has been chosen as the focal point to control the activities of IVM Online. Approximately 40 technical staff is engaged long term under the influenza virus monitoring network. These staffs attend regular network meetings and receive refresher training and reagents.

Activity Phase
  1. Members of IVM Online routinely accept and process all AI samples from the field and only H5 that have been through virus isolation process will go into the next phase.
  2. Those allantoic H5 HPAI Virus is identified by using hyper-immune sera like NDV and H5.
  3. Positive H5 HPAI viruses are then PRE-SCREENED using the PRE-SCREEN KIT containing 3 antigens, 3-4 prime sera and H5 hyper-immune antiserum. The data of the HI titres along with epidemiological data of every isolate are then uploaded to IVM Online.
  4. This pre-screen data is then analyzed by the FOCAL POINT (DIC WATES) by using an analysis module in IVM Online to evaluate the selected isolate. All members have been requested to submit their selected isolates to DIC WATES to be propagated, and antigenically characterised using a pre-screen and a FULL PANEL KIT containing 7-8 antigens and antisera (prime and hyper-immune). The HI titres from the full panel antigenic characterization are uploaded to IVM Online and re-analyzed.
  5. Identified variant strains are then sequenced by sequencing partners (DIC BUKITTINGGI, PUSVETMA, BBLITVET, and BBPMSOH). The results of the HA gene sequencing in the form of a fasta file is uploaded to IVM Online.
  6. Bioinformatics analysis of the sequencing and antigenic characterization results is conducted and mapped by the FOCAL POINT, and reported to the Management Team.
  7. If the management team finds the presence of ANTIGENIC SHIFT in variant strains, then the management team reviews the data completely, including epidemiological and phylogenetic tree data of the variant strain; if necessary, the management team will immediately recommend changing the challenge strain seed to the Director of Animal Health.
All of the activity flow above can be monitored by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services online.

Quality assurance and sustainability of IVM Online
  1. IVM Online activities conducted by competent officers/staff.
  2. IVM Online staff/officers’ competence is developed through Competency Based Training.
  3. Training is determined and performed both internally by focal points and externally.
  5. Meetings between IVM Online members are held every year to ensure the continuation of the IVM Online system.
Sources:Directorate of Animal Health and FAO-ECTAD Indonesia

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