1. Any importation of plant products is subject to the following conditions:
a. Importation must be made through designated points of entry;
b. Accompanied by Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the Plant Quarantine Service of the Country of Origin and Country/countries where the consignments are transit;
c. Notified and submitted to Plant Quarantine Inspectors upon arrival of the consignment for quarantine actions
2. Notwithstanding to general condition mentioned above, the importation of the particular plant products are subjected to specific condition based on the Pest Risk Analyzes (PRA).
3. The result of the PRA will determine the status of the introduction and technical requirements which will be needed to the importation of plant products.
4. The plant quarantine inspections in the country of origin (pre-shipment inspection system) will be held based on the technical difficulties of implementation of quarantine action in the entry points and/or the result of PRA shows that the country origin is determined as distribution area of harmful plant pests.
5. The plant quarantine inspections in the country of origin will be performed by the Indonesian Plant Quarantine Inspectors.
6. If needed, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia could make a bilateral cooperation with the exportation country through classified program (pre clearance program).
7. The importation of plant products which are not fullfiled the requirement of the standard procedure should be refused entry into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
1.Setiap hasil tumbuhan yang dimasukan ke dalam wilayah negara Asal Republik Indonesia wajib :
a.Dilengkapi sertifikat kesehatan tumbuhan dari negara asal dan negara transit;
b.Melalui tempat-tempat pemasukan yang telah ditetapkan;
c.Dilaporkan dan diserahkan kepada petugas karantina tumbuhan setibanya di tempat pemasukan untuk keperluan tindakan karantina tumbuhan.
2.Dalam hal tertentu, terhadap pemasukan hasil tumbuhan ke dalam wilayah negara Republik Indonesia dapat dikenakan kewajiban tambahan berdasarkan analisis resiko organisme pengganggu tumbuhan.
3.Hasil analisis resiko organisme pengganggu tumbuhan akan menentukan status pemasukan dan persyaratan teknis yang diperlukan terhadap pemasukan hasil tumbuhan.
4.Pemeriksaan karantina di negara asal di lakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan kesulitan teknis dilakukannya tindakan karantina di tempat pemasukan dan/atau analisis resiko organisme pengganggu tumbuhan negara asal merupakan daerah sebar organisme pengganggu tumbuhan karantina (OPTK) yang beresiko tinggi.
5.Pemeriksaan di negara asal dilakukan oleh Petugas Karantina Tumbuhan.
6.Apabila diperlukan pemerintah Republik Indonesia dapat melakukan kerjasama bilateral dengan negara pengirim hasil tumbuhan, melalui program klarifikasi (pre clearance program)
7.Pemasukan hasil tumbuhan yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan dalam prosedur tetap ini ditolak pemasukannya ke dalam wilayah negara Republik Indonesia.
Sumber : Keputusan Kepala badan Karantina Pertanian Nomor : 152/Kpts/PD.540/L/8/03 tanggal 8 Agustus 2003.
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