Monday, 11 February 2008

Alamat Kedubes dan Konjen di Luar Negeri

Alamat Kedutaan Besar dan Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia di Luar Negeri

1. Indonesian Consulate General - Hongkong Address : 127-129eighton Road, Couseway Bay, Hongkong

2. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Australia Address : 8, Darwin Avenue, Yarralumia, Canberra A.C.T 2600

3. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Austria Address : Gustav Tshermak-Gasse 5-7, A-1180, Vienna

4. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Bangladesh Address : Road No. 53, Plot No. 14, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212

5. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Belgium Address : 294 Avenue de Tervueren, Bruxelles 1150

6. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Beograd Address : Bulevar Mira-18, Beograd Serbia Montenegro E-mail : kombeojo@eunet.yu

7. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Brunei Darussalam Address : Kampung Sungai Hanching Baru, Simpang 528, Lot 4498, Jalan Muara, Bandar Seri Begawan X 1930

8. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Buenos Aires Addess : Mariscal Ramon Castilla 2901, 1425 - Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

9. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Bulgary Address : 53, Simenovsko Shosse, Residence No. 4, Sofia 1126

10. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Cambodia Address : No. 90 Norodom Boulevard, Phnom Penh

11. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Canada Address : 5 Park Dale Avenue, Ottawa K1Y E5 Canada.

12. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Colombia Address : Transversal 19 A No. 114 A-36, Santafe de Bogota

13. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Czech Republic Address : Nad Budankami II/7, 150 00, Smichov, Praha 5

14. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Denmark Address : Orehoy Alle 1, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen

15. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Ethiopia Address : Mekanissa Road, Higher 23, Kebele 13, House No. 1816, Addis Ababa

16. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Finland Address : Kuusisaarentie 3, Helsinki 00340

17. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - France Address : 47-49 Rue Cortambert, Paris 75116

18. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Germany Address : Bernkasteler Strasse 2, Bonn 53175

19. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Havana Address : 5ta Avenida # 1607 Miramar, La Habana Cuba E-mail :

20. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Hungary Address : 1068, Varosligeti Fasor, Budapest

21. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - India Address : 50 A, Canakyapuri, New Delhi 110021

22. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Japan Address : 5-2-9 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-002

23. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Lima Address : Av. Javier Prado Oeste 1890 esq. Los Castanos 181, San Isdiro, Lima - Peru Telp. : 0051-1-222-4088/89/90 Fax : 0051-1-421-1671 E-mail :

24. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Madrid Address : Calle Agastia, 65 28043 Madrid Telefonos: (43.91)413.02.94, 413.03.94, 413.05.94 Fax.: (34.91)413.89.94 E-mail:

25. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Malaysia Address : 233, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur 50400

26. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Mexico Address : Julio Verne No. 27, Col Polanco, Mexico D.F, 11560

27. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Netherlands Address : Tobias Asseriaan 8, Den Haag 2517 KC

28. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - New Zealand Address : 70 Glen Road Kelburn, Wellington

29. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Norway Address : Gange-Rolvsgata No. 5, Oslo 0273

30. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Pakistan Address : Diplomatic Enclave 1, Street 5, Ramna G 5/4, Islamabad

31. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Poland Address : UI Wachocka No. 9, Saska Kepa, 03-934, Warsawa 00-950

32. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Romania Address : Strade Orlando, nr 10, sector 1, Bucharest

33. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Slovak Republic Address : Murdronova No. 51, Bratislava 81103

34. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - South Africa Address : 949 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0028

35. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Suriname dan Guyana (123 hits)Address : 3, Van Brussellaan, Uitvlugt, Paramaribo

36. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Sweden (108 hits)Address : Singelbacken No. 12, Stockholm S-11521

37. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Switzerland Address : Elfenauweg 51, 3006 Bern

38. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Tehran Address: Ghaemmagham Farahani Ave., No. 210. PO Box: 11365/456, Tehran, Iran Tel. : (98-21) 8717251; Fax: (98-21) 8718822

39. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Turkey Address : Abdullah Cevdet Sokak No. 10, Cankaya, Ankara 06880

40. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Ukraine Address : Vul Dmitrievska 18/24, IIth Floor, Kyiv 252135

41. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - United Kingdom Address : 38, Grosvenor Square, London W1X 9AD

42. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - United State of America Address : 2020 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W, Washington, D.C 20036

43. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Windhoek Address: 103 Nelson Mandela Avenue, WINDHOEK Tel; 264-61-2851000 Fax: 264-61-2851231 e-mail: ;

44. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia - Zimbabwe Address : 3, Duthie Avenue, Belgravia, Harare


  1. bagaimana syarat-syarat atau prosedur pernikahan antara lelaki berwarganegara indonesia dengan wanita warga negara malaysia?

    saya berharap dapat memberi informasi tentang itu..

    terima kasih:)


  2. bagaimana syarat-syarat dan prosedur untuk pernikahan wanita berkewarganegaraan indonesia yang akan menikah dengan lelaki berkewarganegaraan iran
